Overview of copying text and graphics to rich text
You can copy text and graphics from applications, such as Microsoft Word, to rich text in Modeler.
If you copy graphics into rich text, it is better to copy vector based graphics rather than bitmaps, because they take up less space in the model.
If the text and graphics you paste in to Modeler is larger than 200,000 bytes, you may experience problems. To get around these problems, you can make the item's rich text property reference a rich text file.
To make an item's rich text property reference a rich text file:
1. From Microsoft Word, save the text and graphics you want to use as a rich text file.
2. In Modeler, open the item's Property Pages, and specify any value for the rich text property you want to set.
When you specify a value, Modeler creates a Custom Property Text Object (CPTO) to store the rich text.
3. Create a utility Script object: right-click a Package, point to New, point to UML, point to Profiles, and then click Script.
4. Open the Script's Property Pages, and then click the Items tab.
5. In the Show Associated list, select Model Item Types.
6. Click the Link button, and then select the check box associated with the item type for which you are specifying rich text, and then click OK.
7. Click the Script tab, and in the text box type (or copy from this topic) the following text:
Function RunUtilityUI()
RunUtilityUI = TRUE
End Function
Function CommitUtility()
Set oReq = <model object reference for item> Set oCPTO = oReq.ItemEx("Custom Property Text Object", "Description", "Custom Property Name")
oCPTO("RTF") = "\£<path of rich text file>\£" CommitUtility = TRUE
End Function
◦ <model object reference for item> is a model object reference for the item that owns the rich text. Create a model object reference by dragging the item to the script window.
◦ <path of rich text file> is the full path of the rich text file you created.