UML Modeling Techniques > Activity modeling > Activities > Creating an activity
Creating an activity
You can create an Activity through a Class Diagram or a Modeler pane.
When you create an Activity from a Class or Interface, Modeler also creates an Activity Diagram as a child of the new Activity.
To create an activity through a class diagram:
1. On the Class Diagram toolbar, click the Activity button, and then click on the diagram in free space.
2. Type the name of the Activity, and then press the Enter key.
On a Class Diagram you can show an Activity call tree through composite aggregation symbols. See Showing an activity call tree on a class diagram.
To create an activity through a Modeler pane:
1. Locate the item that is to own the Activity, that is, an Activity, Actor, Basic Type, Class, Interface, Model, Package, Operation, Type Definition and Use Case.
2. Right-click the owning item.
3. Point to New, and then click Activity.
Point to New, point to UML, point to Behavior, and then click Activity.
4. Type the name of the Activity, and then press the Enter key.