• In Studio 7.0 and earlier versions, General Flow Diagrams were named Activity Diagrams: If you created Activity Diagrams in Studio version 7.0 or earlier and have upgraded, your Activity Diagrams are now called General Flow Diagrams in Modeler
• Studio 7.1 included new Activity Diagrams, which you should use in preference to General Flow Diagrams. General Flow Diagrams are being deprecated and are included in Modeler only for backward compatibility.
A General Flow Diagram can be created as a standalone diagram or as a child diagram of an item.
To create a General Flow Diagram as a standalone diagram:
• Right-click the Model or Package that is going to own the General Flow Diagram, point to New, point to Diagram, point to Proprietary, and then click General Flow Diagram.
To create a General Flow Diagram as a child diagram:
1. Right-click the Model or Package that is going to own the General Flow Diagram, point to New, point to Diagram, point to Proprietary, and then click General Flow Diagram.
2. In the Packages pane, drag the General Flow Diagram to the parent item.
Items of the following types can be a parent to a General Flow Diagram; Activity, Actor, Class, Data Type, Event, Interface, Operation, Subsystem or Use Case.