Overview of working with blocks (SysML)
After adding the SysML Profile to a model, you can create Blocks and the SysML items and diagrams that support them.
The SysML Profile creates the
Blocks, and
Ports and Flows panes, so that can easily work with the SysML items and diagrams you create, and explore their relationships with other items in the model
The SysML Profile allows you to model the relationship between Blocks through Block Definition Diagrams, and model the internal structure of Blocks through Internal Block Diagrams. The SysML Profile allows you to create SysML item types to support the definitions of Blocks, such as Block Properties, Flow Ports, Flow Properties, Flow Specifications, Item Flows, Quantity Kinds, Units and Value Types.
The SysML Profile creates context menu commands for creating and working with the SysML items - these commands appear on the context menu of the Model, Packages and many of the SysML item types.
To use the SysML Profile, you require a good working knowledge of SysML.
SysML panes
The SysML Profile creates the following panes in Modeler, which are useful when working with Blocks and their associated items and diagrams. In each case, expand a folder on the pane to view all items of that type in the Model.
Note that you can show or hide the full names of items shown in profile panes through the Show Full Names in Profile Browsers command on the View menu.
Blocks pane lists SysML items and diagrams of the following types:
Actor Connector.
Block - expand a Block to view the items it is allocated to and from, its Block Properties (of type Part, Reference and Value), its Flow Ports and its Standard Ports.
Block Definition Diagram.
Block Property.
Internal Block Diagram.
Participant Property.
Quantity Kind.
Value Types.
Ports and Flows pane lists SysML items of the following types:
Flow Port.
Flow Specification - expand a Flow Specification to view its Flow Properties.
Item Flow.
Interface Property.
Block Definition Diagrams
Block Definition Diagrams allow you to model relationships between Blocks and features of Blocks.
Through a Block Definition Diagram, you can create Blocks and then define the relationships between those Blocks through Aggregation, Composition, Association, Dependency and Generalization links.
In addition, a Block Definition Diagram allows you to create and show relationships between Actors, Blocks, Data Types, Flow Specifications, Quantity Kinds, Units and Value Types.
You can drag supported items from a pane to a Block Definition Diagram. The Block Definition Diagram also has populate commands that populate the diagram with items that reside in the same Package as the diagram.
Create a Block Definition Diagram from the Model or a Package: right-click the Model or Package, point to New, point to Diagram, point to SysML, and then click Block Definition Diagram.
For more information about working with Block Definition Diagrams, see the following topics:
Internal Block Diagrams
Internal Block Diagrams allow you to model the internal structure of a Block.
Through the Internal Block Diagram, you can create Block Properties within the owning Block.
For each Block Property, you can create Block Properties, Flow Ports and Standard Ports (including Provided Interfaces and Required Interfaces). You can then add Actor Connectors, Connectors, Binding Connectors and Item Flows.
Create an Internal Block Diagram from a Block: right-click the Block, point to New, point to SysML, and then click Internal Block Diagram.
| When working with Internal Block Diagrams, do not roll up features using the Roll Up, Roll Up Features and Roll Up Contextual Features commands. |
For more information about working with Internal Block Diagram, see the following topics:
Blocks and Block Properties
A Block is a modular unit that describes the structure of a system or other element of interest. You create Blocks through an appropriate pane and through Block Definition Diagrams.
A Block Property applies additional properties to a Block. There are three types of Block Properties: Part, Reference and Value. You create Block Properties through an appropriate pane and through Internal Block Diagrams. Block Properties of type Part can be nested.
For more information about working with Blocks and Block Properties, see the following topics:
Units, Quantity Kinds, Value Types and Data Types
You can create Units, Quantity Kinds, Value Types and Data Types.
A Value Type can use a Quantity Kind and Unit. A Unit can use a Quantity Kind. A Value Type can be used as a type for a Block Property of type Value, a Flow Property or a Flow Port.
The SysML Profile includes SI Definition Units, Quantity Kinds and Value Types.
For more information about working with Units, Quantity Kinds, Value Types and Data Types, see the following topics:
Ports , Flow Specifications and Interface Blocks
You can create Flow Specifications, Flow Properties, Flow Ports, Full Ports, Proxy Ports and Interface Blocks.
A Flow Specification can use Flow Properties to define it. Blocks and Block Properties can connect with each other through Flow Ports, Full Ports and Proxy Ports.
For more information about working with Flow Ports and Flows, see the following topics:
You can allocate any model item or diagram to any other model item or diagram: right-click the item you want to allocate, point to Links, point to Traceability, and then click Allocate To or Allocate From.
You can analyze the allocation of items and diagrams in a specific Package by creating an Allocation Table or Allocation Matrix from that Package: right-click the Package, point to New, point to Matrix/Table, point to SysML, and the click Allocation Table or Allocation Matrix. The Allocation Table or Allocation Matrix shows items in the selected Packages that are allocated.
For more information about working with allocations, see the following topics:
Modeler features not to use
There are some features of Modeler that you should not use when working with SysML diagrams and items.
Feature | Work Around |
On an Internal Block Diagram, do not use the Roll Up, Roll Up Features and Roll Up Contextual Features commands. | Not applicable. |