SysML, SysML 2.0, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > SysML profile > What's new in SysML support (SysML)
What's new in SysML support (SysML)
The SysML Profile provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in 8.4
The SysML Profile provided with Modeler 8.4 included the following enhancements.
Modeler now provides several User Roles that support system engineering with SysML. Tell me more...
Find Items button on the Links Editor and Select Type dialogs. The Find Items button opens the Add New Search Folder dialog for you to specify the Type and Name of the items you want to find. You can now specify one of these match criteria: Contains, Exact, Starts With, or Ends With.
Inconsistent traceability links can now be rectified. Tell me more...
What was new in 8.3
The SysML Profile provided with Modeler 8.3 includes the following enhancements.
New diagram populate commands for populating all missing links on a diagram. To populate all missing links on a diagram: right-click the background of the diagram, point to Populate, point to Links, and then click All.
Requirement Tables, Allocation Tables and Allocation Matrices are now opened in your internet browser by default. However, you can set up a model so that these tables and matrices are opened in Microsoft Excel, as was the case in previous releases of Modeler. To set how SysML tables and matrices are opened in a model: in the Packages pane, right-click the Model, and select Tools > Options > Matrix/Table Generation Format, and then select HyperTextMarkupLangaguage_HTML or Excel_XLS.
There are now two commands for setting the type of a redefinition:
The Set > Type (Redefinition Only) command sets the type of the redefinition in context.
The Set > Type (Top Level Definition) command sets the type of the top-level item.
New Find Items button on the Links Editor and Select Type dialogs.
The Find Items button opens the Add New Search Folder dialog for you to specify the Type and Name of the items you want to find. You can specify wildcard searches in the Name box. The results of the search are added to the browser as a new folder.
What was new in 8.2
The SysML Profile provided with Modeler 8.2 includes the following enhancements.
Modeler includes a Systems Engineer user role that is designed to be used with the SysML Profile.
A User Role removes unwanted parts of the Modeler user interface that are not required for a particular role, such as, Modeler panes, folders in panes, context menu commands and diagram tab buttons. See Overview of SysML support.Tell me more...
The following Stereotypes and Tag Definitions have been renamed (through aliases): the «DOORSItem» stereotype now appears as «SynchronizedItem», the isDeletedInDoors tag definition now appears as isDeletedInRequirementTool, and the isInDOORS tag definition now appears as isInRequirementTool.
You can now convert an IO Flow to an Item Flow, assuming that the Source item, Target item and IO Item are valid to do so: right-click the IO Flow, point to Convert To, and then click Item Flow.
What was new in 8.1
The SysML Profile provided with Studio 8.1 includes the following enhancements.
Item Flows can now link Blocks and Interface Blocks, and Item Flows can now be realized by Block, Interface Block, Event, Signal and Value Type items. Tell me more...
You can now set up default view options and compartments for new SysML diagrams. Tell me more...
You can now customize a SysML diagram by creating aliases for the SysML diagrams, items and links. In addition, through lightweight extensions you can create new items and links that are based on SysML items and links. Tell me more...
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