Create a new mapping dialog (Integration for PTC RV&S)
The Create a New Mapping dialog is opened when you click the Create New button on the Mapping Selection page.
Set the Mapping Type to Requirement Mapping or Surrogate Mapping:
• Create a Requirement Mapping to synchronize Requirements and their traceability relationships between Modeler and PTC RV&S.
• Create a Surrogate Mapping to represent Modeler items, diagrams, non-traceability relationships and traceability relationships in PTC RV&S Documents.
Set the
Document Type to the type of the Document that you want to synchronize. The Document Types available are those that have been configured to work with Integration for Lifecycle Manager. For information about configuring Document Types to work with Integration for Lifecycle Manager, see
Configuring document types to work with Integration for Lifecycle Manager.
Set the Heading Item Category to the Windchill RV&S category that is used as the structural category in the Windchill RV&S Document:
• Modeler Packages and their extensions (Model, Model Library, Profile and View) will map to the selected category by default, which typically will be the Heading category.
• When you select a root item for the Document, the items initially shown in the Select a Root Object dialog are items that are of the category selected as the Heading Item Category. You can show all items in the Document by selecting the Show All check box.
Set the Default Item Category to the Windchill RV&S category that you want to be mapped to Modeler item types by default on the Type Mappings page:
• The Default Item Category is not used by default for Package, Package extension, Requirement and Requirement extension mappings:
◦ SysML extensions of Packages include Model, Model Library, Profile and View.
◦ SysML extensions of Requirements include Design Constraint, Extended Requirement, Functional Requirement, Interface Requirement, Performance Requirement and Physical Requirement.
• You may want to create Requirements extensions in Modeler to match the names of your Requirements in PTC RV&S. You can do this by creating lightweight extensions of the SysML Requirement.
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The following controls appear on this dialog:
• Mapping Type list - lists the types of Mappings available for the Synchronization:
◦ Select Requirement Mapping to create a Mapping that synchronizes SysML Requirements and their supporting items and traceability relationships with items in a PTC RV&S Document.
This option is available only when the SysML Profile (Full Profile or Requirements Only) has been added to the Modeler Model.
◦ Select Surrogate Mapping to create a Mapping for representing Model items and diagrams in a PTC RV&S Document.
For more information about Requirement Mappings and Surrogate Mappings, click here
• Document Type list - lists Windchill RV&S Document Types that have been configured to work with Integration for Lifecycle Manager. Select the Document type of the PTC RV&S Document with which you want to synchronize.
• Heading Item Category list - lists the PTC RV&S categories that are available in the selected Document Type. Select the category that is used as the structural category in the PTC RV&S Document.
Modeler Packages and their extensions (Model, Model Library, Profile and View) will map to the selected category, which typically will be the Heading category.
When you select a root item for the Document, the items initially shown in the Select a Root Object dialog are items that are of the category selected as the Heading Item Category. You can show all items in the Document by selecting the Show All check box.
• Default Item Category list - lists the PTC RV&S categories that are available in the selected Document Type. Select the category that you want to be mapped to Modeler item types by default on the Type Mappings page.
The Default Item Category is not used by default for Package, Package extension, Requirement and Requirement extension mappings:
• SysML extensions of Packages include Model, Model Library, Profile and View.
• SysML extensions of Requirements include Design Constraint, Extended Requirement, Functional Requirement, Interface Requirement, Performance Requirement and Physical Requirement.
You may want to create Requirements extensions in Modeler to match the names of your Requirements in PTC RV&S. You can do this by creating lightweight extensions of the SysML Requirement.
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After clicking OK, the Model and Document Selection page is opened for you to define the new Mapping. After defining the Mapping, you can optionally save the Mapping and optionally start a synchronization.
Note that the Mapping options for a Requirement Mapping are different to those of a Surrogate Mapping.