Introduction > Welcome to PTC Mathcad Prime
Welcome to PTC Mathcad Prime
This Help Center provides information about the capabilities and features of PTC Mathcad Prime. Browse or search the Help topics to find the latest updates, practical examples, tutorials, and reference material.
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Whats New in Mathcad Prime
PlotsSolve BlocksSymbolicsAPI Guide
Technical Support
If you encounter technical problems using your PTC Mathcad Prime, click here to log a support case using the Mathcad Support Center.
You must have a PTC eSupport Account before you can receive technical support. For information on how to setup your account, please refer to your PTC Software Order Fulfillment Letter.
For complete details, refer to the Customer Support Guide shipped with your software and is also available here.
PTC Community
To connect with other users, and share ideas and tips, connect to the PTC Mathcad community.
We Want Your Feedback
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Last updated: March 2021
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