Building Blocks > Solution-Specific Building Blocks > Operation KPI Building Block > Additional Automation Information (Operation KPI Building Block)
Additional Automation Information (Operation KPI Building Block)
Keep in mind the following information while working with data automation and the operation KPI building block.
Batch Processing of Automation Events
Every 5 minutes, a timer event for the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationEventProcessor_TI timer entity is run, and each pacemaker's subscription on the event executes the main automation event processing service: ProcessPTCAutomationEvents. Multi-batch processing is then exercised until there are no more events to process for that pacemaker.
The batch processing happens for each pacemaker. The main operations that occur, in order, are:
1. Querying the value stream for event data that is not yet processed. The query returns entries for all events which have a timestamp that occurs after the current PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property value.
2. Processing the queried events for each timestamp, in the order of event type: job order (PTCJobOrderID), material master (PTCMaterialMasterID), target quantity (PTCTargetQuantity), availability (PTCAvailabilityEventFaultCode), and finally, production count (PTCProductionCount) and scrap count (PTCScrapCount).
3. Buffering of production count and scrap count events to consolidate the written database entries.
4. Insertion of the buffered production counts and scrap counts into DPM database.
The PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property is updated after each event is successfully processed. For production counts and scrap counts, the PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property is not updated until all of the grouped counts have been inserted into the database. The latest timestamp from all of the buffered groups is set as the PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property value.
Buffering of Production Count and Scrap Count Events
During the batch processing, production count and scrap count events are buffered and organized in memory. Each entry is organized into a specific group, built as described below. Each value processed will increment a count value in the entry for that specific group.
Scrap count events are grouped by machine code, job order ID, shift, and production block ID. When the shift is unknown, the value UNKNOWNSHIFT is used instead of the shift number.
Production count events are grouped by job order ID, shift, and production block. When the production block is unknown, the value UNKNOWNPB is used instead of the production block number.
The counts are buffered until a non-count event is processed or the end of the query results is reached. At that point, the counts are inserted into the DPM database. The PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property is set to the latest event timestamp from among all of the buffered count groups.
Data Quality
Only incoming automated property values for a pacemaker with a quality of GOOD are written to the value stream. This is done by using a subscription to the data change event for each of the automated properties. This subscription calls the AddPTCValueStreamEntry service and verifies that the quality is GOOD before adding the property value to the value stream.
Scheduled Property Data Purge
The PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationPurgeScheduler scheduler entity controls the purging of value stream data for each pacemaker. The dataAgeInHours property on the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationPurgeScheduler entity determines the time range of the data that is purged.
The end time of this time range is the current time minus the dataAgeInHours value, or minus the timestamp of the PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property for the pacemaker, whichever is most recent. The start time of the time range is the end time of the time range minus the dataAgeInHours value.
For example, if the dataAgeInHours value is 24 (the default), and the PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property value on Pacemaker A is not more recent than 24 hours before the current time, the end time of the time range is 24 hours before the current time. The start time of the time range is then 48 hours before the current time, or 24 hours before the end time. This means that when the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationPurgeScheduler entity purges data for Pacemaker A, all value stream data entries with timestamps between 24 hours and 48 hours before the current time are purged.
If, however, the PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp property value for Pacemaker A is 3 hours before the current time, more recent than 24 hour dataAgeInHours value, then all value stream data entries with timestamps between 3 hours and 27 hours before the current time are purged.
Pacemaker Disconnectivity
When the pacemaker is disconnected from DPM longer than the value of the PTCMaxTimeAllowedDisconnected property, data older than that time in minutes is ignored.
If the PTCEnableAutoSetMachineStatusToRunning property is set to true, and the entity has been disconnected longer than that maximum time specified by the PTCMaxTimeAllowedDisconnected property, the batch processing attempts to set the pacemaker to an availability status of Running if it was previously down before the disconnect. This happens as the final action of the batch processing, by calling the SetPTCMachineStatusToRunningIfDisconnectedMoreThanAllowed service, after all events have been processed.
Setting a pacemaker to Running state means that an availability event with the corresponding running reason information is inserted into the DPM database.
The PTCLastTimeConnected property is used to represent the timestamp when a disconnectivity event last occurred, that is, when the isConnected property was set to false. This property is only updated when a disconnect event occurs.
PTC.MfgModel.WorkunitModelLogic_TS Thing Shape
The PTC.MfgModel.WorkunitModelLogic_TS Thing Shape in the manufacturing model building block also contains services and properties that are used by data automation.
The IsPTCAutomationWorkUnit service validates whether the work unit supports data automation.
The PTCDisconnectivitySupported property is a Boolean property used to indicate if remote devices are establishing a connection with ThingWorx, and if the pacemaker should be set back to a Running availability state using the SetPTCMachineStatusToRunningIfDisconnectedMoreThanAllowed service.
The IsPTCDisconnectivitySupported property is a Boolean property that is checked by the Production Dashboard. If the property value is true, then the system evaluates the device's connected status to determine when to pop-ups and messages similar to the following are displayed: Your system has disconnected from the data source. If the system is still disconnected after fifteen minutes, enter all production and loss events manually.
Automation Messages
Messages are automatically generated during normal data automation processing and are added to the PTCAutomationMessage infotable property for future reference. These messages are displayed by the Production Dashboard when a new message is added.
The PTCMaxNumberOfAutomationMessages property governs how many messages are stored in the PTCAutomationMessage property. The number of messages stored by default is 10.
All services are written in JavaScript code with the intent that they can be customized to fit the specific needs of any given application.
There are a variety of configuration properties available that will fine tune the application. For more information, see Key Properties (Operation KPI Building Block).
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