Key Properties (Operation KPI Building Block)
The following sections list key properties in the operation KPI building block.
PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationEventsModelLogic_TS Thing Shape Properties
The following properties on the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationEventsModelLogic_TS Thing Shape are remote properties which are configured on each pacemaker work unit that is configured for data automation. These properties receive data from the data source, such as Kepware:
• PTCAvailabilityEventFaultCode—Automation property sourced through a remote binding for the incoming availability event fault codes.
• PTCJobOrderID—Automation property sourced through a remote binding, for the job order ID value.
• PTCLastAutomationProcessedValues—Automation property that keeps track of the most recently processed scrap and production counter values. These values are internally calculated and used only for rollover counters. This property is an infotable that uses the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationLastProcessedValues_DS Data Shape.
• PTCMaterialMasterID—Automation property sourced through a remote binding, for the material master ID value to indicate a new job order material requirement should be created, or one should be stopped.
• PTCProductionCount—Automation property sourced through a remote binding, for the production count event.
• PTCScrapEventProperties—User defined info table rows for incoming scrap code automation properties.
• PTCTargetQuantity—Automation property sourced through a remote binding for the target quantity of a job order material requirement.
For more information on setting these data automation properties, including the
PTCScrapEventProperties property, see
Setting Up Data Automation.
The following properties on the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationEventsModelLogic_TS Thing Shape can be used to configure and fine tune data automation behaviors:
• PTCAutomationBatchMaxRowsLimit—Specifies how many rows should be queried from the value stream per property and per batch iteration.
• PTCAutomationLagToNow—Specifies the number of seconds that should lag from current time when processing events. The default is set to 5 seconds.
• PTCEnableAutoSetMachineStatusToRunning—Specifies the process to handle a specific edge case for when a machine is in a down reason category and connectivity is lost to Kepware for longer than 15 minutes. It is possible that the machine went back to running state after the 15 minutes and since data older than 15 minutes is ignored, the machine would be stuck in a down reason category until a new reason is received from automation. The default is set to true.
• PTCIsProductionCountRollover—Specifies whether the production counter is rollover or absolute.
• PTCIsScrapCountRollover—Specifies whether the scrap counters are rollover values or absolute.
• PTCJobOrderIDNullValue—Defines the value which, when received by the PTCJobOrderID property, stops the currently running job order and does not start a new job order. The default for this property is 0.
• PTCMaterialMasterIDNullValue—Defines the value which, when received by the PTCMaterialMasterID property, stops the currently running job order and does not start a new job order. The default for this property is 0.
• PTCMaxNumberOfAutomationMessages—Maximum number of messages to be kept in PTCAutomationMessage The default is set to 10.
• PTCMaxTimeAllowedDisconnected—Specifies a time for which a pacemaker is allowed to be disconnected before attempting to set it back to a running state. It also specifies the time starting which the property value events are no longer processed from the value stream.
• PTCProductionCountResetValue—Specifies the reset value for the automated production count property.
• PTCProductionRolloverCounter—Value the rollover should occur at for the production count.
• PTCScrapCountResetValue—Specifies the reset value for the automated scrap count property.
• PTCTargetQuantityResetValue—Specifies the reset value for the automated target quantity property.
PTC.OperationKPI.ExecutionModelLogic_TS Thing Shape Properties
The following key properties are found on the PTC.OperationKPI.ExecutionModelLogic_TS Thing Shape:
• PTCAutomationMessage—Adds a new message to the PTCAutomationMessage infotable property of messages. The number of messages in the property is governed by the PTCMaxNumberOfAutomationMessages property.
• PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp—The timestamp of the most recently processed event.
PTC.OperationKPIImpl.SQLThingUtility_TT Thing Template Properties
The following key property is found on the PTC.OperationKPIImpl.SQLThingUtility Thing:
• jobOrderLookBackRange—Specifies how many days the system looks back to find running job orders. When the value is negative, all running job orders are returned, regardless of days. The default value is -1.
• minEventAgeInDays—Specifies how many days the system looks back to find events. The default value is 14. PTC recommends that you do not reset the value after data is populated in DPM.