Manufacturing Model Building Block
The manufacturing model building block extends the core model management building block for a manufacturing setting. This building block supplies the equipment hierarchy, which is a set of templates that turn generic models into factory models (enterprise, region, site, area, work center, work unit). It also provides the rules and functions that can assemble the factory models into the proper network.
The manufacturing model building block is comprised of an abstract building block (PTC.MfgModel) and an implementation building block (PTC.MfgModelImpl). You can view the contents of these building blocks by viewing the PTC.MfgModel and PTC.MfgModelImpl projects in ThingWorx Composer.
The PTC.MfgModel project has the following dependencies:
• PTC.Base
• PTC.ModelManagement
The PTC.MfgModelImpl project has the following dependencies:
• PTC.MfgModel
• PTC.DBConnection
• PTC.DefaultConfiguration