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Dialog Generator

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Examples

  3. Overview

  4. Description

  5. Appendixes

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1. Introduction

This document is aimed for dialog developers that want to add new commands to the UI of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. This document contains several example dialogs and a complete reference manual.

Dialogs can be created by means of a dialog generator. The input to the dialog generator is a specification of the intended dialog behavior. The output of the dialog generator is code that defines the user interface and enables the execution of the dialog.

The resulting dialogs will always have have the 'look and feel' of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling dialogs. The dialogs can be inserted into a Creo Elements/Direct Modeling or application-specific ribbon tab for easy activation via mouse click. The dialog will be inserted into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling toolbox if this is explicitly specified.

The task of designing a dialog can essentially be defined as follows:

Input to the dialog generator:

Output of the dialog generator:

The collection of the input data can be either in a parallel or sequential mode. In a truely parallel input mode, the input data can be entered in any arbitrary order. Sometimes dependencies between different pieces of data force a partial ordering of the input sequence of an otherwise parallel dialog. In these cases, it is possible to temporarily disable input to a certain data field or to check the feasibility of an input to a data field. Furthermore, dependent data can be calculated as soon as a new proposal can be determined.

It is important to emphasize an important Creo Elements/Direct Modeling 'look and feel' issue at this stage: All feasibility checks of input data should occur immediately and as far as possible while the data is being entered. This technique avoids the generation of error messages at later stages of the user interaction and enhances the users confidence and understanding of the purpose of the dialog. The dialog generator supports a rich set of functions that enable immediate checking of input data and updating of dependent data.

A dialog action can consist of an individual LISP function, a sequence of function calls and calls to other dialogs.

Since many checks occur immediately while data is being entered by the user, the action function does not need to repeat these checks. Note that the action function should not generate interactive dialogs (except for error messages).

A dialog that is called within another one must be supplied with a sufficient number of inputs so that it can execute without becoming interactive.

The dialog generator produces dialogs that can be activated simultaneously with other dialogs in the standard Creo Elements/Direct Modeling manner. The resulting dialogs are managed by a common underlying dialog execution model, called action routines.

All the complete dialog examples of this manual can be activated by loading the example file dg_examples_dialogs_lsp.html. Loading the file dg_examples_ui_lsp.html creates a ribbon tab in the fluent ui containing all example dialogs.

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2. Examples

The following examples illustrate the programming of dialogs and aim to give a 'feeling' of the dialog generation scheme.

2.1 Quick Extrude

This dialog illustrates how existing Creo Elements/Direct Modeling dialogs can be customized to the needs of a user. The following dialog behaves exactly like extrude, but does not bother the user with a toggle for "Keep WP", "To Part" and "Reverse Dir":

(sd-defdialog 'quick_extrude
   :dialog-title "Q. Extrude"
   :toolbox-button t
          :value-type :part-incl-new
          :modifies :contents
          :title "Part"
          :prompt-text "Identify part to be modified")
          :value-type :wp-with-profile
          :title "Workplane"
          :prompt-text "Identify workplane to extrude")
          :value-type :length
          :prompt-text "Specify distance to extrude"))
         (extrude :part qe_part
                  :wp  qe_wp
                  :distance distance)))

The keyword :variables contains the description of all the input data that can be specified by the dialog user. As soon as this input data is defined, the dialog user can execute the code specified in :ok-action by activating the OK button. In the above example, the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling command extrude is called.


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2.2 Dependent Variables

The purpose of the following examples is to illustrate various techniques that control the consistency of data within a dialog before the dialog action is triggered. It is a good strategy to reject non-feasible user inputs at the earliest possible time.

Consider a simple dialog that contains two variables, color and valid_part. Let us assume that the value of valid_part depends on the value of color in some way. The following examples illustrate how to ensure that user inputs at all times satisfy such a dependency.

2.2.1 Disabling Variables

One way to ensure the correct assignment of a value to a variable is to force a sequential input of the data by means of temporarily disabling the variable. For example, the valid_part variable could be kept disabled until the value color satisfies a certain condition.

Assume, that valid_part selections are not allowed when color is set to "red". That is,

    If: color has been set to "red", 
    Then: the valid_part variable must
           1. be set to nil, and
           2. be disabled
    Else: the valid_part variable must be enabled

This dependency can be included in the dialog description by inserting the above dependency into the :after-input form:

(sd-defdialog 'dependent_enable_demo
    :dialog-title "Valid Part"
     '((COLOR :value-type :string
                (if (string= color "red")
                   (setq valid_part nil)
                   (sd-set-variable-status 'valid_part :enable nil))
                  (sd-set-variable-status 'valid_part :enable t)))
             :value-type :part
             :modifies NIL
             :title "Part"
             :initial-value nil))
     '(pprint valid_part))

Initially, the variables color and valid_part both have the value nil. Note that :initial-value of valid_part has explicitly been set to nil, since it defaults to the current part.

The keyword :after-input contains code that will be executed whenever the value of color has been defined by the dialog user.

If a "red" color is entered, this code sets the valid_part variable to nil, using the standard LISP setq form, and then disables the valid_part variable by means of the function sd-set-variable-status. These two calls could also have been carried out in the opposite order.

Note that no user input is possible for a variable while it is disabled. The variable field is greyed out on the screen and input via the prompt area is rejected.

All values of color that do not coincide with "red" simply enable the input to valid_part.

The ok-action in the above examples simply prints out the value of the variable valid_part to the startup window.

2.2.2 Checking Inputs

In some cases it is not feasible to temporarily disable inputs, since the validity of a selection can also depend on the details of the object being selected itself. For example, there might be restrictions on certain properties of the valid_part that make it feasible for selection, in addition to the current choice of color.

In this section we consider a valid_part that cannot be selected if color is set to "red" AND the name of the part starts with the letter "p". Other part names, like "/b1", will be accepted.

The keyword :check-function supports the checking of a new value for a variable. A new value is considered to be feasible whenever the :check-function-function returns :ok and not feasible if it returns (values :error an-error-message), or (values :error t) or simply :error.

(sd-defdialog 'dependent_check_demo2
  :dialog-title "Valid Part2"
   '((COLOR :value-type :string
              (case (colored-part-satisfies-name valid_part color)
                (:error (setq valid_part nil))
                (:ok t)))  ;Do nothing
            :value-type :part
            :modifies NIL
            :title "Part"
                  :prompt-text "Identify part to be shown"
               #'(lambda (a-part)
                   (colored-part-satisfies-name a-part color))))
   '(pprint valid_part))

(defun colored-part-satisfies-name (new-part color)
;In: new-part {sel_item}
;    color    {string}
;Out: {:ok or (value :error a-message)}
  (let ((name (sd-inq-obj-basename new-part)))
    (if (and (string= color "red")
             (char-equal (elt name 0) #\p))
      (values :error "Sorry, a red part with name p... is NOT selectable")

Whenever color is assigned to a new value, the :after-input form will be executed, thereby possibly resetting the value of valid_part. In contrast to the previous example, no disabling takes place.

The decision on accepting or rejecting a value for the variable valid_part can be inserted into a :check-function. The above :check-function calls the function colored-part-satisfies-name which receives as argument a part that is to be checked and the current value of the color variable. The function accesses the name of the new-part and rejects the part if color is "red" and the name starts with the letter "p".

Note that a new value will be subjected to the :check-function before it is assigned to the dialog variable. A check function cannot be written as a LISP form (e.g. like :after-input) that directly accesses all dialog variables, since the assignment has not yet taken place. A wide range of syntactic possibilities exist for defining check functions, ranging from defining a function symbol (by means of defun) to defining a nameless Lambda-form as shown in the above example (see Check Functions). Note that a :check-function must specify a function that can be called with one argument (namely the new value that is to be checked for validity).

The value of the new-part-argument in the check function is a sel_item structure. The exact meaning of this structure is not relevant to the dialog designer. The sel_item structure is simply a handle that identifies an object and that can be used to extract all relevant information about that object.

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2.3 Extrude

This example is basically equivalent to the extrude command in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. The code can be developed by extending the Quick_Extrude implementation described above and by including the variables DIRECTION, TO_PART and KEEP_WP:

(sd-defdialog 'full_extrude
  :dialog-title "Full Extrude"
       :value-type :part-incl-new
       :title "Part"
       :prompt-text "Identify part to be extruded"
       :modifies :contents)
       :value-type :wp-with-profile
       :title "Workplane"
       :prompt-text "Identify workplane to extrude from"
       :modifies nil
         (if (sd-inq-obj-parent-contents-read-only-p fe_wp)
             (setq keep_wp t)
             (sd-set-variable-status 'keep_wp :enable nil))
           (sd-set-variable-status 'keep_wp :enable t)))
       :value-type :length
       :prompt-text "Specify distance to extrude")
       :value-type :part
       :initial-value nil
       :title "To Part"
         :prompt-text "Identify to part"
       :modifies nil)
       :value-type :wp-normal
       :title "Reverse")
       :value-type :boolean
       :title "Keep WP"
       :initial-value t
         (if fe_wp
           (not (sd-inq-obj-parent-contents-read-only-p fe_wp))
  :mutual-exclusion '(distance to_part)
       (extrude :part fe_part
                :wp fe_wp
                :distance distance
                :to_part (if to_part to_part "")
                (if (sd-vec-equal-p (sd-inq-wp-w-dir fe_wp) direction)
                :keep_wp (if keep_wp :yes :no))))


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3. Overview

This section offers an overview of all the functions and keywords for describing dialogs.

3.1 SD-DEFDIALOG  [macro]

(sd-defdialog dialog-name 
             :module module
             :dialog-title title
             :variables variable-definitions
             :after-initialization LISP-form
             :local-functions function-definitions
             :dialog-control dialog-control
             :without-show boolean
             :mutual-exclusion mutual-exclusion
             :toolbox-button toolbox-button
             :start-variable start-variable
             :initial-variable initial-variable
             :token-sequence list-of-tokens
             :prompt-variable prompt-variable
             :top-prompt-text top-prompt-text
             :precondition precondition-form
             :exception LISP-form
             :dialog-type dialog-type
             :disable-automatic-reload {t nil}
             :ok-action-precondition LISP-form
             :must-variables-scope keyword
             :ok-action LISP-form
             :ok-action-next-variable LISP-form
             :cancel-action LISP-form
             :cleanup-action LISP-form
             :help-action LISP-form
             :undo-modelling-steps-on-cancel boolean
             :after-initialization-ui LISP-form
             :display-token keyword
             :enter-ui LISP-form
             :exit-ui LISP-form
             :complete-focus-variable LISP-form
             :mutual-exclusion-persistent-data-storage boolean
             :persistent-data-storage-module application
             :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable dialog-variable
             :taskBarPage boolean
             :undocumented boolean

         ;;  Subaction Options
             :embedded-ui boolean
             :shrinkable boolean
             :close-behavior a-keyword-or-a-dialog-variable
             :x-offset number
             :y-offset number

        ;;  Connection to File Manager.
             :filing-variables variables 
             :file-type file-type
             :file-type-title file-type-title
             :patterns patterns
             :in-cmd-file-type-match string
             :out-cmd-file-type-match string
             :override-elements-text text
             :attempt-in-form-with-any-file boolean
             :exclude-from-universal-load boolean
             :universal-load-with-user-units boolean
             :display boolean
             :enable-form LISP-form

             :in-patterns patterns
             :out-patterns patterns
             :in-display boolean
             :out-display boolean
             :in-enable-form LISP-form
             :out-enable-form LISP-form
             :in-form String-with-LISP-expression
             :in-title in-title
             :out-title out-title
             :in-cmd-show-options boolean
             :out-cmd-show-options boolean
             :auto-complete-on-filename keyword
             :allow-old-revision boolean
             :allow-load-as-version boolean

       ;;  UICT Connection
             :uict-option-menu-name name-of-dialog-shell
             :uict-install-function ui-creation-function-name
             :uict-parameter-list list-of-LISP-forms

       ;;  Debugging Support
             :trace type
Defines a dialog.

dialog-name {SYMBOL}
A unique symbol. Symbols that denote existing LISP functions and Creo Elements/Direct Modeling dialogs will be rejected.
:module {STRING [nil] or (:and STRING ... STRING) or (:or STRING ... STRING)}
Specifies an application module that must be active in order to run the dialog. If the specified module is not active, then an error message is issued when attempting to execute the dialog. Examples of module names are "ANNOTATION", "SHEETADVISOR" and "EELINK".
If an entire set of modules needs to be active, then the required modules can be specified in a list that starts with the keyword :and. If only one of a set of modules needs to be active, then the list of the modules should start with the keyword :or.
If no module is specified, then no module limitations exist.
     :module "SHEETADVISOR"


     :module '(:and "SHEETADVISOR" "ANNOTATION")
:dialog-title {STRING [dialog-name]}
Specifies a title that will appear in the top border of the dialog window. If not specified, the title is derived from dialog-name
:variables {PROPERTY-LIST [nil]}
Specifies the variables of the dialog. Each property of a variable is specified by a keyword and its value.
The following list schematically summarizes the keywords of a variable definitions. More explanations are provided in Variable Specifications.

       ;;-- see 4.1 Value Types --

        :value-type                            ;default=nil

          ;;-- see Selection of Objects --
              :part :part-with-body :part-incl-new :assembly :part-assembly
              :container :wp :wp-with-profile :wpset
              :edge :face :feature :edge-2d :geom-2d
              :layout :view :docuplane :docuplane-set

          ;;-- see Numbers, Strings, Booleans --

              :length :positive-length :raw-length
              :angle :raw-angle :number :positive-number :scale :dynamic-scale
              :integer :positive-integer 
              :boolean :grouped-boolean
              :string  :viewport :rgb-color :list :keyword

          ;;-- see Points and Vectors --

              :point-2d :point-3d :measure-point :measure-vector :measure-vector-list 
              :measure-direction :measure-axis 
              :wp-normal :wp-reverse-normal :raw-vport-pick

          ;;-- see File Selection --


          ;;-- see Display Only --


          ;;-- see Image --


          ;;-- see Directory Selection --



       ;;-- Multiple Value Types --

        :secondary-value-type a-value-type-or-list-of-value-types
        :gui-value            a-lisp-form
        :editable-primary-value-type {t nil}  ;default=nil
        :check-secondary-value-type  {t nil}  ;default=nil

       ;;-- see Options for Selection of Objects --
             (when :value-type = {:part :part-with-body :part-incl-new :assembly :part-assembly
                                  :container :wp :wp-with-profile :wpset
                                  :edge :face :feature :edge-2d :geom-2d 
                                  :layout :view :docuplane :docuplane-set})

        :multiple-items {t nil}               ;default=nil
        :wire-part-allowed {t nil}            ;default=nil
        :face-part-allowed {t nil}            ;default=nil
        :allow-graphics-only a-list-of-keywords ;default=nil
        :with-container {t nil}               ;default=t  
        :with-stock-container {t nil}         ;default=nil  
        :color          rgb integer           ;default=nil
        :persistent-highlight {t nil}         ;default=nil for :value-type parts, workplanes...
                                                       t for :selection or :value-type edges, faces...
        :no-highlight {t nil}                 ;default=nil
        :incremental-selection {nil :on-non-empty-list t}
        :on-empty-selection {:exit :exit-with-error 
                             :repeat :repeat-with-error 
                             :reset-variable} ;default=:exit
        :empty-space-pick-exit-keyword dialog-variable-keyword ;default=nil
        :no-geometry-modified {t nil}                                              
        :curr-wp-only         {t nil}         ;default=t

       ;;-- see Read-Only Objects

        :modifies {:position :instance :contents :parent-instance 
                   :parent-contents :contents+instance 
                   :instance+parent-contents nil
                                              ;default=nil or :contents

       ;;-- see Combined Object/Position Selection

        :incl-position {nil :2d :3d}          ;default=nil
        :ignore-position-if-in-focus  list-of-focus-types        ;default=nil

        :store-pick-point {t nil}             ;default=nil

       ;;-- see UI Support for Selection of Objects

        :show-select-menu {nil t}             ;default=nil or
                                              ;       =t   if :incremental-selection=t

       ;;-- Preselection

        :preselection-definition-time {:suppress :loadtime :runtime}
                                              ;default=:loadtime or :runtime

       ;;-- Keep Workplane and Profile Options

        :keep-wp-profile                   {nil t}       ;default=nil
        :keep-wp-profile-embedded-location a-variable    ;default=nil
        :keep-wp-profile-pre-separator     {nil t}       ;default=t
        :keep-wp-profile-post-separator    {nil t}       ;default=nil
        :keep-wp-before-input              LISP-form     ;default=nil
        :keep-wp-after-input               LISP-form     ;default=nil
        :keep-profile-before-input         LISP-form     ;default=nil
        :keep-profile-after-input          LISP-form     ;default=nil

       ;;-- Options for RGB Color

        :include-none-item                 {nil t}       ;default=nil or
                                                         ;         t if :toggle-type = :indicator-toggle-data
        :pre-color-range                   choices       ;default=nil
        :post-color-range                  choices       ;default=nil

       ;;-- see Options for Scale --
        :minimum                  a-number    ;default=0
        :maximum                  a-number    ;default=100
        :increment                a-number    ;default=1

        :suppress-title           a-boolean   ;default=nil
        :title-alignment    {:right :left :center} ;default=:center
        :suppress-scale-value     a-boolean   ;default=nil
        :decimal-points           an-integer  ;default=0
        :drag-callback            a-LISP-form ;default=nil

        :maximum-label            a-string    ;default="maximum scale value"
        :minimum-label            a-string    ;default="minimum scale value"
        :suppress-min/max-labels a-boolean    ;default=nil

       ;;-- see Options for Dynamic Scale --
        :toggle-push-function     a-LISP-function
        :toggle-release-function  a-LISP-function
        :drag-callback            a-LISP-form ;default=nil
        :value-change-callback    a-LISP-form ;default=nil

       ;;-- see Options for Points and Vectors --

        :reference-wp a_variable_name         ;default= a_wp_if_unique  
                                              ; when :value-type = :wp-normal or :wp-reverse-normal
        :built-in-feedback a-boolean          ;default=t
        :catch-flyby a-boolean                ;default=t   

       ;;-- see Options for File Selection --
             (when :value-type = :filename)

        :direction {:input :output :io}       ;default=:io
        :if-exists {:overwrite :append :confirm-overwrite 
                                        ;default = :confirm-overwrite
                                        ;  if :direction={:output, :io}
        :initialDirectory a-string            ;default = shell dependent
        :fileType         a-keyword           ;default = see environment
        :initialPattern   a-string            ;default = nil
        :relative-position list-of-x-y-coordinate-offsets
                                              ;default = (-450 -250 
                                              ;           :bottomleft)
        :add-suffix  {t nil}            ;default=t   if :direction={:output, 
                                        ;                                :io}
                                        ;default=nil if :direction=:input
        :filename-incl-path {t nil}           ;default=t

       ;;-- see Options for Display Only --

        :display-units {:length :angle :length-2d :length-3d} ;default=nil

       ;;-- see Options for Image --

        :image-file a-string       ;default=nil
        :image-name a-string       ;default=nil
        :image-height a-number     ;default=derived from image
        :image-alignment (:left :center :right ;default=:center
        :image-Valignment (:bottom, :center, :top) ;default=:center

       ;;-- see 4.1.2 Range Selection --

        :range choices                        ;default=nil
        :display-units {:length :angle}       ;default=nil
        :alignment {:left :center :right}     ;default=:left

       ;;-- see 4.1.3 Object Selection --

        :selection list-of-focus-types        ;default=nil

       ;;-- Input Feedback --

        :before-input          LISP-form      ;default=nil
        :start-input-feedback  LISP-form      ;default=nil
        :end-input-feedback    LISP-form      ;default=nil

       ;;-- Input Tools --

        :show-input-tool LISP-form            ;default=nil
        :hide-input-tool LISP-form            ;default=nil

       ;;-- Proposals --

        :proposals list-of-strings-or-numbers ;default=no proposals UI
        :max-visible-proposals integer        ;default=15, min=1 max=15
        :max-proposals integer                ;default=20, min=1
        :auto-add-proposals {t nil}            ;default=nil
        :proposals-order   {:new-input-at-top :sorted :last-input-at-top nil}
                                           ;if :auto-add-proposals=t
                                           ;  default=:new-input-at-top, else
                                           ;  default=nil

       ;;-- Additional Token String

        :additional-token-string a-string     ;default=nil or
                                              ;       =":start" if :incremental-selection=t

       ;;-- see 4.1.5 Setting Values of Variables --

        :initial-value LISP-form              ;default=nil

        :check-function LISP-function-definition ;default=nil
                         ;input value -> {:ok, :error}

        :filter-function LISP-function-definition ;default=nil
                         ;input value -> {:ok, :error}

                     :dialog {:question :warning :triple-choice}
                     :prompt advisor-text-in-window
                     :prompt-text text-in-prompt-line
                     :ok-cleanup LISP-form
                     :cancel-cleanup LISP-form
                     :severity {:low :medium  :high :none}
                     :top-label warning-title
                     :push-1 title-of-ok-button
                     :push-2 title-of-cancel-button
                     :push-3 title-of-custom-help-button
                     :push-info LISP-form-for-custom-help-button
                     :info-image Image-displayed-in-warning-decoder
                     :push-other title-of-other-button
                     :yes-cleanup LISP-form-for-yes-triple-choice
                     :other-cleanup LISP-form-for-other-triple-choice
                     :other-allowed boolean
                     :display-dont-show-again boolean

        :after-input LISP-form                ;default=nil

        :mutual-exclusion-cleanup LISP-form   ;default=nil

        :repeat-input-until-defined {t nil}   ;default=t

        :no-focus-change {t nil}              ;default=nil
        :input-focus-variable LISP-form       ;default=nil

       ;;-- see 4.1.6 Activating Side Effects --

        :push-action LISP-form                ;default=nil

        :position-part a_variable_with_:part_or_:assembly_or_:part-assembly ;default=nil
        :position-wp  a_variable_with_:wp_or_:wpset   ;default=nil
        :reference-wp a_workplane sel_item            ;default=nil

        :after-input-ui LISP-form             ;default=nil
        :push-action-ui LISP-form             ;default=nil

       ;;-- see 4.1.7 Screen Representation --
       ;;-- Variable Representation --

        :initial-optional  Boolean-LISP-Form  ;default=nil
        :initial-visible  Boolean-LISP-Form   :default=t
        :initial-enable  Boolean-LISP-Form    ;default=t
        :size {:half :third}                  ;default=:half
        :digits integer                       ;default=6 for lengths
                                              ;       =10 for angles
        :value-visibility-alignment           ;default=:left for numbers
               {:left :right}                 ;       =:right for non-numbers
        :title title-string                   ;default="variable_name"
        :title-alignment    {:right :left :center} ;default=depends on type of variable
        :toggle-type                          ;default=depends on :value-type
                {:left-toggle :wide-toggle :right-toggle
                 :grouped-toggle :invisible :indicator-toggle-data}
        :default-value LISP-form              ;default=nil, only applicable for
                                                      :toggle-type = :indicator-toggle-data
        :indicator-type {:square :diamond :none}
                       ;default=:diamond if variable mutually excluded
                       ;        :square  if variable boolean
                       ;        :none    otherwise
        :prompt-text a-text or LISP-form

        :title-pixmap-name name-string                    ;default=nil
        :title-insensitive-pixmap-name name-string        ;default=nil
        :title-select-pixmap-name name-string             ;default=nil
        :title-select-insensitive-pixmap-name name-string ;default=nil
        :title-pixmap-file file-string                    ;default=nil

        :ui-toggle-behavior {t nil}         ;default=nil, valid for :push-action variables
        :expand-shrink-behavior {t nil}     ;default=nil, valid for :push-action variables

        :minimal-ui         {t nil form} ;default=nil
        :minimal-ui-title   string       ;default=variable title
        :minimal-ui-width   integer      ;default=7  (* 11 pixel = grid size in X-direction)
        :minimal-ui-value   lisp-form    ;default=variable value
        :minimal-ui-type    {:generic :length :angle :mass :string :pathname :pathnames}
                                     ;default depends on :value-type
        :minimal-ui-close-action lisp-form ;list form
        :minimal-ui-auto-close   {t nil}   ;default=t

        ;;-- Expand Shrink --

        :expand-shrink list_or_lists_of_variables     ;default=nil
              {:push-action :boolean :toggle-pair}    ;default=:push-action
        :expand-shrink-range choices                  ;default=nil
        :expand-token keyword                         ;default=:variable_name_expand
        :shrink-token keyword                         ;default=:variable_name_shrink

       ;; -- Additions for :expand-shrink-toggle-type = :toggle-pair

        :expand-title title-string  ;default="Expand"
        :shrink-title title-string  ;default="Shrink"

        ;;-- External Expand Shrink --

        :external-expand-shrink list_of_variables     ;default=nil
              {:push-action :boolean}                 ;default=:push-action
        :external-dialog-title a-string               ;default same as :title
        :ref-variable a-variable                      ;default=current variable
        :x-offset     a-number                        ;default=-160
        :y-offset     a-number                        ;default=0

        ;;-- Non-Standard User Interface Layouts --

        :uict-tx             name-of-text-field
        :uict-tb             name-of-togglebutton
        :uict-indicator-tb   name-of-indicator-togglebutton
        :uict-cr             name-of-color-range-field
        :uict-cb             name-of-color-field
        :uict-ra             name-of-range-field
        :uict-lb             name-of-labelbutton

        :embedded-area-definition LISP-expression          ;default=nil
        :title      string                                 ;default=nil
        :frame      boolean                                ;default=nil
        :margin     integer                                ;default=0
        :spacing    integer                                ;default=0
        :height     integer                                ;default=80
        :cellSize   2d-vector                              ;default=1,1
        :cellSizeX  integer                                ;default=first coordinate of :cellSize
        :cellSizeY  integer                                ;default=second coordinate of :cellSize
        :bitmap     bitmap-name                            ;default=nil

        :ui-update-condition LISP-expression               ;default=t

       ;;-- 4.1.8 Sequentialization in Parallel Dialogs

        :next-variable  LISP-form                         ;default=nil

       ;; -- Boolean Tokens, see 4.4 Command Syntax --

        :on-token  a-keyword                              ;default=:on
        :off-token a-keyword                              ;default=:off

       ;;-- 4.1.9 Application Extensions

       ;;== 4.1.10 Online Reference

        :undocumented      boolean                        ;default=nil

       ;;-- 4.6 Subactions

        :subaction-name    subaction-symbol               ;default=nil
        :default           LISP-expression                ;default=nil
        :embedded-location a-variable                     ;default=nil
        :ref-variable      a-variable                     ;default=current variable
        :x-offset          a-number                       ;default=-10
        :y-offset          a-number                       ;default=+10
        :subaction-close-behavior a-keyword               ;default=nil
        :collapsed         boolean                        ;default=nil

       ;;-- 4.8 Persistent Data Storage (PDS)

        :persistent-data-storage {t nil :session :simple :session-simple} ;default=nil
        :persistent-proposals {t nil :session}            ;default=:session

       ;;-- 3D Copilot

       ;;-- Drag Options

        :drag-from-polestar    a-polestar          ;default=nil
                                or :picked-polestar
        :drag-mode             {:linear :circular :planar}
                                                   ;default=derived from

        :drag-line-dir         3d-vector              "
        :drag-plane-nor        3d-vector              "
        :drag-circle-cen       3d-vector              "
        :drag-circle-axis      3d-vector              "
        :drag-zero-pos         3d-vector              "

        :drag-max-value        number              ;default=nil
        :drag-min-value        number              ;default=nil
        :drag-scale            number              ;default=1
        :offset                number              ;default=0

        :result-type           {:distance :angle :vector-transform}
                                                   ;default=derived from :value-type
        :polestar-passenger    {t nil}             ;default=nil
        :jump                  {t nil}             ;default=nil
        :initial-prompt-text   a-string            ;default="Drag or enter value"
        :eat-pick              {t nil}             ;default=t
        :drag-plus-minus-range {t nil}             ;default=t
        :drag-fast-complete    {t nil}             ;default=t

       ;;-- Quickview Options

        ;-- Profile-based Quickview ------

        :quickview-type  {:extrude-profile :mill-profile :turn-profile :bore-profile}
        :quickview-wp        workplane-variable or workplane-sel_item
        :quickview-shaded    t/nil            ;default=t
        :quickview-dir       3d-vector ;default normal to :quickview-wp
        :quickview-use-both-sides t/nil       ;default=nil

        ;-- Parcel-based Quickview ------

        :quickview-type      :qv-parcel
        :quickview-parcels   sel_items
        :transfer-to-model   {t nil}          ;default=t

        ;-- Lisp-based Quickview ------

        :quickview-type             :lisp-feedback
        :feedback-init-function     function-name
        :feedback-update-function   function-name
        :feedback-destroy-function  function-name
        :feedback-apply-function    function-name
        :offset                     number

  (variable_name_2 ....)    ..... ;;more variables
The keywords can be specified in any order and in practically any combination or be left out if the default values are sufficient or if they are not required.

By contrast, the ordering of the variable names, e.g. variable_name_1 and variable_name_2, in the :variables list is very important (see Dialog Behavior).

:after-initialization {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed as soon as all the dialog variables have been initialized (possibly employing the :initial-value specifications). The :after-initialization form is a good place to finalize the state of the dialog before it becomes interactive (see 4.1.5 - Initial Value).
:local-functions {LIST [nil]}
See Local Functions for more information. The default value is NIL.
:dialog-control {KEYWORD [:parallel]}
Specifies the sequence in which the dialog variables can be specified (see Dialog Behavior):
The variables are displayed on the screen.
The variables are prompted one after the other in the prompt area. The variables are not displayed on the screen.
The variables are prompted one after the other in the prompt area. After the last variable has been specified, the dialog repeats the input sequence. The variables are not displayed on the screen.
:without-show {t nil [nil]}
If set to t, this option suppresses the display of the UI of a :parallel dialog when it is activated. The default is nil, causing the UI of the dialog to appear
:mutual-exclusion {LIST, or LIST of LISTs [nil]}
Specifies sets of variables in which only one variable can posses a value at one particular time (see Mutual Exclusion). The variables can be specified either in the form of one or several lists:
      '(variable_1 ... variable_n) or
      '((variable_1 ... variable_n) ...
        (var_1 ... var_m))
:toolbox-button {SYMBOL [nil]}
Controls the insertion of the dialog into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling toolbox:
t - the dialog is inserted into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling toobox.
nil - the dialog is not inserted into the toolbox.
:force - the dialog is always inserted into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling toolbox.
Dialogs that are triggered from the file manager cannot be inserted into the toolbox.
:start-variable {SYMBOL [nil]}
Specifies a variable that will be activated in the initial state of the dialog, provided it is in the TOOLBOX. The value of the :start-variable can be entered immediately by a user.
:initial-variable {LISP-form [nil]}
Specifies a variable that will be activated in the initial state of the dialog. The form can access the initial values of the dialog variables and must return either a dialog variable symbol or NIL. If NIL is returned, the dialog will initially enter the top prompt state.
:token-sequence {LIST-of-tokens [dialog-variable-tokens]}
Specifies the sequence in which the user will be guided from one must variable to another must variable. By default, the user is guided in the order as given in the :variables list.
:prompt-variable {SYMBOL or LISP-form [nil]}
Specifies a variable for which a value will be requested from the user after each input interaction (see Looping Dialogs).
:top-prompt-text {STRING or LISP-form ["Specify an option, or click OK."]}
Specifies a text that appears in the prompt area when no dialog variable is accepting user input data. The default text is "Specify an option, or click OK.".
:precondition {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed before the dialog appears on the screen. If the form is supplied and does not return :OK, the dialog will be cancelled (see Preconditions).
:exception {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed in the event of an exception (see Exceptions)
:dialog-type {KEYWORD [:terminate]}
Specifies the interaction between dialogs that are simultaneously active (see Interaction between Dialogs):
:terminate - The activation of the dialog terminates other dialogs.
:interrupt - The activation of the dialog interrupts other dialogs.
:subaction - The activation of the dialog expands the current dialog.
:disable-automatic-reload {t [nil]}
Disable automatic reload for all dialog variables and for all interrupt and subaction while the current dialog is running.
:ok-action-precondition {LISP-form [nil]}
This form determines whether the :ok-action can be executed or not. Note that this option is only applicable when the :ok-action option is specified. This form must return a either a keyword {:ok :default} or a values form containing the keyword :error and an error message:
:ok - The :ok-action will be executed.
:default - The built-in must variable check will be activated and used to determine whether the :ok-action can be triggered.
(values :error "an error text") - The error message will be displayed. The :ok-action will not be triggered.
The :ok-action-precondition form is executed in the following situations:
  1. when the OK button of the dialog is pressed (see 4.2.4 Dialog Actions), and
  2. after the initialization of the dialog and each time after user input has been entered. This call is required in order to determine whether the enter key can be enabled (see also :complete-focus-variable). In this case it is essential that the :ok-action-precondition code executes swiftly and without user interaction.
The local function sd-entering-ok-action-p returns T in case 1 and NIL in case 2.
It is highly recommended not to display errors within the :ok-action-precondition form but to rathermore return the error message as described above. If that cannot be avoided, then the function sd-entering-ok-action-p can be used to avoid calling error messages in case 2.
:must-variables-scope {KEYWORD [:visible-variables]}
Specifies the scope of the built-in must variable check. Each variable within the scope must possess a value in order to enable the execution of the :ok-action.
:visible-variables - All visible variables must have values
:all-variables - All variables must have values
:ok-action {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed when the OK Button of the dialog is pressed (see 4.2.4 Dialog Actions).
:ok-action-next-variable {LISP-form [nil]}
This form should return the name of a dialog variable that is to receive input when the dialog termination is deferred, that is, when a call to sd-return-from-ok-action. occured on the :ok-action. If the form returns nil, then the dialog enters either a non-empty non-optional variable (a so-called 'must' variable) or the top prompt state. (see Next Variable After Deferred Dialog Termination)
:cancel-action {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed when the CANCEL Button of the dialog is pressed (see 4.2.4 Dialog Actions).
:cleanup-action {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed immediately after the execution of an :ok-action , :cancel-action or :exception. (see 4.2.4 Dialog Actions).
:help-action {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed when the HELP button is pressed (see 4.2.4 Dialog Actions / Help-Action).
:undo-modelling-steps-on-cancel {Boolean [nil]}
When this option is set to t, all modelling steps are undone when the dialog is cancelled. The modelling state that existed before the dialog activation is restored. It is recommended to use this option if modelling steps are created outside the scope of the :ok-action.
The function sd-set-cancel-recover-state can be used to specify a cancel state that differs from the entry modelling state.
:after-initialization-ui {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed much like :after-initialization but is delayed until the UI of the dialog has appeared on the screen (see UI Side Effects).
:display-token {keyword[nil]}
This option delays the appearance of the dialog UI until the specified keyword token is entered into the input buffer (see example).
:enter-ui {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed as soon a the UI of the dialog has been displayed on the screen, before the execution of :after-initialization-ui (see also UI Side Effects).
:exit-ui {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed immediately after the UI of the dialog is removed from the screen. (see also UI Side Effects).
:complete-focus-variable {LISP-form [nil]}
This option is no longer applicable. The 'Enter' key is no longer coupled with the must variable checks.
The specified :complete-focus-variable variable will be activated when the enabled 'Enter' key (on the keyboard) is pressed. The 'Enter' key is enabled as soon as the must variable check is satisfied and no dialog variable is active.
By default, :complete-focus-variable is set to nil. In this case the OK button is activated when the enabled 'Enter' key is pressed. Thus there is no need to press the left or middle mouse buttons to excute the command. This is particularily convenient, when the last input was a keyboard data entry since it reduces the hand movement between the keyboard and the mouse. This functionality is available when the UI setting Control setting 'Set input focus to complete button' is activated.
The purpose of this option is influence the action to be taken when pressing the enabled 'Enter' key on the keyboard.
The return value of the supplied LISP form must return either a visible variable or nil.
For example, the specification :complete-focus-variable 'next associates the 'Enter' key with the value of a dialog variable called next. By contrast, :complete-focus-variable ''next associates the 'Enter' key with the variable called next.
The above functinality and option remain active when the must variable check is switchted off (see 3.2.3 sd-disable-must-variable-check and 3.2.4 sd-enable-must-variable-check and 4.2.4 Dialog Actions). The 'Enter' key is then enabled when no dialog variable is active.
:mutual-exclusion-persistent-data-storage {BOOLEAN or LIST-of-BOOLEANS [nil]}
This option controls the initialization of the indicator that is associated with a mutually excluded dialog variable.
If a boolean is suppled, then all mutual exclusion variable groups are subjected to persistent data storage. If a list of booleans is supplied, than each variable group contained in :mutual-exclusion can individually be subjected to persistent data storage.
      :mutual-exclusion '(variable_1 ... variable_n)
      :mutual-exclusion-persistent-data-storage 't

      :mutual-exclusion '((variable_1 ... variable_n) ...
                          (var_1 ... var_m))       ;several variable groups
      :mutual-exclusion-persistent-data-storage '(t ... nil)
      :mutual-exclusion-persistent-data-storage 't ;store all variable groups
:persistent-data-storage-module {STRING ["ALL"]}
Controls the user customization directory into which persistent dialog data is stored. The default module is "ALL", causing the data to be stored in the top level user customization directory. Other storage locations can be obtained by specifying a PDS application name in this option. Each application has its specific customization subdirectory (see more).
:persistent-data-storage-variant-variable {dialog-variable [nil]}
This option supports multiple sets of persistently stored values. The value assigned to dialog-variable must be a keyword and must be defined at initialization time before the dialog becomes interactive (that is, before the persistent values are inserted into the dialog variables). See example.
:taskBarPage {boolean [t or nil depending on type of dialog]}
This option places the dialog UI into the taskbar page.
By default, terminate dialogs and subdialogs set this flag to t, thus placing the dialog options on the taskbar page.
Interrupt dialogs and filing dialogs are, on the other hand, by default displayed in a separate 'classic UI' window, as was done in previous versions of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
A subaction should additionally set the option :embedded-ui to nil to achieve a separate window.
:undocumented {boolean [nil]}
This option prevents the dialog from being included in the 4.1.10 Online Reference.
By default, a dialog that has been loaded into Creo Elements/Direct Modeling is described in the online reference.

;; Subaction Options (see also 4.6 Subactions)
:embedded-ui {BOOLEAN [t]}
If the dialog is a :subaction and has a user interface, i.e. if it is :parallel, then this option can be used to specify how the subaction UI will appear.
If the option is set to t, which is the default, the subaction UI will expand the window of the calling dialog. By default, the subaction UI will be appended to the end of the UI of the calling dialog. Alternatively it can be inserted into the UI of the calling dialog by means of the option :embedded-location.
If this option is set to nil, then the subaction will appear in a separate window, provided the option :taskBarPage is set to nil.
:shrinkable {BOOLEAN [nil]}
This option supports UI-less subactions, that is, the UI of the subaction can be expanded or shrinked via a control in the subaction title.
The initial state of the UI can be controlled by means of the variable option :collapsed.
This option is applicable for non-embedded subactions.
:close-behavior {KEYWORD or SYMBOL [:no-cancel]}
This option controls the behavior of a subaction that appears in a separate window, when clicking on the X-control in the upper right hand corner of the subaction window. The possible values are :no-cancel, :cancel or a dialog variable.
A separate window for a subaction can be achieved by means of the options :embedded-ui and :taskBarPage.
:x-offset {NUMBER [-10]}
This parameter specifies an x-offset (in pixels) for the placement of a non-embedded subaction relative to the reference variable of the calling dialog.
:y-offset {NUMBER [10]}
This parameter specifies a y-offset (in pixels) for the placement of a non-embedded subaction relative to the reference variable of the calling dialog.

;; Connection to the File Manager. (see also 4.7 File Manager)
:filing-variables {LIST [nil]}
If this option is specified, then the dialog can be triggered from the file manager.
The dialog variables listed in this option are displayed in the file manager. All other dialog variables will appear when the Options button is selected in the file manager.
A save dialog will be generated if
  • one of the variables in :filing-variables involves the selection of objects, or if
  • the option :override-elements-text was specified.
A load dialog will be generated in all other cases.
:file-type {KEYWORD [nil]}
Specifies the key for triggering the dialog from the file manager.
:file-type-title {STRING [file-type]}
Specifies the title of the file type entry in the file manager.
:patterns {LIST [(*.file-type)]}
Controls which files will be displayed in the file manager when the :file-type has been selected.
:in-cmd-file-type-match {LISP-form [nil]}
Applicable if a load dialog supports more than one file type or if a load dialog posseses an :in-cmd specification that differs from the default. The LISP-form must return a string. The returned string will be matched with the :in-cmd specification while initializing the file type when the dialog is triggered from the input area
:out-cmd-file-type-match {LISP-form [nil]}
Applicable if a save dialog supports more than one file type or if a save dialog possesses an :out-cmd specification that differs from the default. The LISP-form must return a string. The returned string will be matched with the :out-cmd specification while initializing the file type when the dialog is triggered from the input area.
:override-elements-text {STRING [nil]}
Applicable for save dialogs that do not require the selection and display of objects to be saved. The provided text will be inserted into the list of selected objects. In addition, the 'Select' button will be disabled if this option is supplied.
:attempt-in-form-with-any-file {t nil [nil]}
Controls the universal load command. Specifies whether the dialog should be considered for loading even if the pattern of the loaded file does not match the patterns of the file type.
By default, the univeral load command attempts to load files as sd, package and mi files. This option allows further commands to be included for consideration.
:exclude-from-universal-load {t nil [nil]}
All file types that appear in the load file manager are automatically used as candidates when loading a file via the universal load command. If this flag is set to t, the dialog will not be included for consideration in the universal load command.
:universal-load-with-user-units {t nil [nil]}
Inhibits the conversion of user units (i.e. external units) to internal units during a universal load operation. This option should be set to T for file types that load environment files.
:display {t nil [t]}
This flag is checked immediately before the file manager is displayed and it controls whether the dialog will be included in the file type list. This option is typically not used in combination with :enable-form.
:enable-form {LISP-form [nil]}
This form will be executed immediately before the file manager is displayed. If the form exists and returns NIL then the dialog will not be included in the file type list.
:in-patterns {LIST of STRINGS}
Overrides the patterns specified in :patterns for the load file manager.
:out-patterns {LIST of STRINGS}
Overrides the patterns specified in :patterns for the save file manager.
:in-display {t nil}
Overrides the :display option for the load file manager.
:out-display {t nil}
Overrides the :display option for the save file manager.
:in-enable-form {LISP-form}
Overrides the :enable-form option for the load file manager.
:out-enable-form {LISP-form}
Overrides the :enable-form option for the save file manager.
:in-form {String-with-LISP-expression}
Specifies a form to be evaluated within the universal load command. The default for this form is supplied by the dialog generator.
:in-title in-title
Overrides the :file-type-title option.
:out-title out-title
Overrides the :file-type-title option.
:in-cmd-show-options {t nil [nil]}
Causes the 'Options' button to be pressed when entering the file type. By default, the 'Options' button is not pressed.
:out-cmd-show-options {t nil [nil]}
Causes the 'Options' button to be pressed when entering the file type. By default, the 'Options' button is not pressed.
:auto-complete-on-filename {KEYWORD [:action-routine]}
Once the file name of a filing dialog has been assigned, the dialog immediately enters the :ok-action.
:action-routine - the auto complete functionality is implemented within the action routine code.
:personality - the auto complete functionality is implemented within the personality code.
:none - switches the auto complete functionality off.
:allow-old-revision {t nil [nil]}
Enables an option in the file manager that switches the revision of a save operation to an older revision of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
:allow-load-as-version {t nil [nil]}
Enables an option in the file manager that allows parts and assemblies to be loaded as versions.

;; UICT Connection (see also Non-Standard User Interface Layouts)
:uict-option-menu-name {STRING}
Name of dialog shell that overrides the default user interface.
:uict-install-function {SYMBOL or FUNCTION}
Name of the creation function that will create the dialog shell that is specified in :uict-option-menu-name
:uict-parameter-list {LIST of LISP-expressions}
Specifies a list of values that will be passed to the install function in :uict-install-function. The LISP-expressions are evaluated whenever the dialog is activated.

;; Debugging Support
:trace {SYMBOL or LIST OF SYMBOLS [nil]}
This option generates trace output to the log window. When switched on, output is generated whenever a procedural attachment form is executed.
The following values can be used to control the amount of generated trace output:
  • :flow generates trace output when a form is executed.
  • '(var_1 ... var_n) generates trace output as above, including the values of the specified variables when entering the form.
  • T generates trace output including the values of all the dialog variables.
  • NIL stops the generation of trace output.

Return Value (of sd-defdialog):
t - dialog could be created
nil - an error occured

(sd-defdialog 'my_dialog
  :dialog-title "My Dialog"
    '((MY_PART :value-type :part)
      (MY_NUMBER :value-type :number)
      (MY_SIZE :range (:big :small)))
  :ok-action '(my-action my_part my_number my_size))

In the above example, all top-level lists and symbols are supplied with a quote symbol '. Other top-level data types like strings and numbers evaluate to themselves, hence they do not need to be quoted.

The reason for quoting the top-level keyword values is that they are evaluated before they are used for generating the dialog code. The dialog input code can thus, itself, be the result of other LISP function calls.

Typically, applications that require standard objects (i.e. :parts, :wp) as arguments require only a small number of keywords to be specified, like :value-type and :prompt-text, while the other keywords can be ignored (see Example 1: Quick_Extrude)

Variables that depend on other variables can typically be implemented by means of the keywords :after-input and :check-function (see Example 2: Dependent Variables)

Function Index Top of Page

3.2 Basic Functions

3.2.1 SD-SET-VARIABLE-STATUS [local function]

(sd-set-variable-status variable 
                        :enable enable
                        :optional optional
                        :visible visible
                        :title title
                        :value value
                        :title-pixmap-name pixmap-name
                        :title-insensitive-pixmap-name pixmap-name
                        :title-select-pixmap-name pixmap-name
                        :title-select-insensitive-pixmap-name pixmap-name
                        :indicator keyword
                        :image-file string
                        :image-name string)
Modifies the screen status of a variable, such as input sensitivity, optional status, and variable title. The initial values of :enable, :optional, :title, and :value are given by the :initial-enable, :initial-optional, :initial-visible, :title, and :initial-value specifications of that variable.

The image keywords can be used to modify the properties of an image variable.

A call to sd-set-variable-status is only valid for dialogs with an options block containing input fields, or more precisely, for dialogs in which :dialog-control is set to :parallel (the default).

The function is a local function, hence it must be used within the lexical scope of the dialog (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments).

variable {SYMBOL} - any symbol representing a variable that is displayed on the screen.
:enable {Boolean-LISP-form [no-effect]}
Specifies the input sensitivity of the specified variable. If the LISP-form evaluates to NIL, the variable will be disabled. All other return values of the LISP-form cause the variable to be enabled.
The initial sensitivity state of a variable can be controlled by means of the keyword :initial-enable in the :variables specification (See see 4.1.7 Screen Representation).
If this keyword is not specified, then the sensitivity of the specified variable will remain unchanged.
:optional {Boolean-LISP-form [no-effect]}
Specifies whether the variable is optional or not. If the LISP-form evaluates to any NON-NIL value, the variable will be considered to be optional. Otherwise, i.e. if the return value of the LISP-form is NIL, it will be treated as a non-optional variable.
The initial optional status of a variable can be controlled by means of the keyword :initial-optional in the :variables specification (See see 4.1.7 Screen Representation).
If this keyword is not specified, then the status of the specified variable remains unchanged.
:visible {Boolean-LISP-form [no-effect]}
Specifies whether the variable is visible or not. If the LISP-form evaluates to any NON-NIL value, the variable will be be visible. Otherwise, i.e. if the return value of the LISP-form is NIL, the variable will become invisible and disappear from the screen.
The initial visibility status of a variable can be controlled by means of the keyword :initial-visible in the :variables specification (See see 4.1.7 Screen Representation).
If this keyword is not specified, then the status of the specified variable remains unchanged.
:title {STRING [no-effect]}
Redefines the title of the specified variable.
:value {LISP-DATA [no-effect]}
Assigns a value to the dialog variable.
It executes the :before-input code and tests the validity of the supplied value. The validity tests fail if
  • the variable is a selection variable and if the value does not match with the selection options of the variable. A selection variable may, however, be assigned the value NIL or -in the case of multiple items - a list containing feasible selection items and NILs.
  • a supplied :check-function fails to accept the value, or
  • a supplied :confirmation code branch is entered. The :confirmation code is designed for interactive usage only and will not be executed during a sd-set-variable-status call.
If the tests succeed, the supplied value is assigned to the variable and the :after-input code of that variable is executed.
Other input support code, such as :show-input-tool or :start-input-feedback, is not executed.
If a value is assigned to a variable that is in a :mutual-exclusion set, then the other mutually excluded variables are automatically reset to NIL.
Note that the LISP functions setq and setf can be used to assign a value to a variable without invoking the :check-function and the :after-input. The setq and setf calls will automatically update the UI and the highlighting in the graphics viewport, if applicable.
:title-pixmap-name {STRING [no-effect]}
Inserts the specified pixmap in the title region of the variable.
:title-insensitive-pixmap-name {STRING [no-effect]}
The specified pixmap will be displayed in the title region whenever the dialog variable has been disabled.
:title-select-pixmap-name {STRING [no-effect]}
The specified pixmap will be displayed in the title region whenever the dialog variable has been selected.
:title-select-insensitive-pixmap-name {STRING [no-effect]}
The specified pixmap will be displayed in the title region whenever the dialog variable has been disabled in a selected state.
:indicator {:ON | :OFF [no-effect]}
This option is applicable for a variable that has 3 UI components, namely an indicator, a push button and an edit field. It does not apply to a :boolean variable that consists of an indicator and a label. The specified :indicator value will switch the indicator on or off.
In most cases, the built-in default behavior of the indicator is sufficient. However, if the value of such a variable needs to be modified sofwarewise - by calls like (sd-set-variable-status ... :value ...) or (setq ...) - then some additional manipulation of the indicator may become necessary.

Return Value:
Value of specified variable

(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :enable t)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :enable nil)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :enable (my-enable-status ...))

(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :optional t)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :optional nil)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :optional (my-optional-status ...))

(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :enable t   :optional nil)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :enable nil :optional t)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :enable (my-enable-status ...)
                                     :optional (my-optional-status ...))

where my-enable-status and my-optional-status are assumed to be
lisp functions.

3.2.2 SD-SET-RANGE [local function]

(sd-set-range variable range)
Modifies the range choices of a variable that has a :range specification.

A call to sd-set-range is only valid for dialogs with an options block containing input fields, or more precisely, for dialogs in which :dialog-control is set to :parallel (the default).

The function is a local function, hence it must be used within the lexical scope of the dialog (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments).

Further information is provided in Range Selection

The function sd-set-range can also be used to modify the choices of an :expand-shrink-range variable (see end of section Accessing and Manipulating Expand Shrink Variables).

variable {SYMBOL}
The variable to which the range will be assigned.
The new range data.
Each item in the list can be replaced by a list containing the item and the keyword :label followed by a string (or a form that evaluates to a string at dialog runtime). Further keywords followed by strings are :pixmap-name and :pixmap-file.

Return Value:
The specified range

(sd-set-range 'my-part '(:big :medium :small))

(sd-set-range 'my-part '((:big :label "large") :medium :small))

3.2.3 SD-DISABLE-MUST-VARIABLE-CHECK [local function]

Switches the variable checking off, that takes place before the execution of the :ok-action code. Unspecified "must" variables, i.e. variables with an input field and the status :optional = nil, can prevent the execution of the :ok-action code on activation of the OK-button.

The function is a local function, hence it must be used within the lexical scope of the dialog (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments).

Further information is provided in 4.2.4 Dialog Actions


Return Value:


3.2.4 SD-ENABLE-MUST-VARIABLE-CHECK [local function]

Switches the variable checking on, that takes place before the execution of the :ok-action code. Unspecified "must" variables, i.e. variables with an input field and the status :optional = nil, can prevent the execution of the :ok-action code on activation of the OK-button.

The function is a local function, hence it must be used within the lexical scope of the dialog (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments).

Further information is provided in 4.2.4 Dialog Actions


Return Value:


3.2.5 SD-RETURN-FROM-OK-ACTION [local macro]

Forces the immediate termination of the :ok-action code and also prevents the termination of the dialog. The dialog returns to a non-empty non-optional variable or to the top prompt state, in which no variables are active. Alternatively, if applicable, the dialog will enter the :prompt-variable input state or the variable that is specified in the return value of the :ok-action-next-variable form.

A call to sd-return-from-ok-action should be preceeded by the display of an error message, by means of the function sd-display-error.

If the :ok-action executes modelling operations, then the state must be restored to the initial state before calling sd-return-from-ok-action.

A call to sd-return-from-ok-action is only valid for dialogs with an options block containing input fields, or more precisely, for dialogs in which :dialog-control is set to :parallel (the default).

The function is a local macro which can only be used within the lexical scope of the :ok-action (see 4.2.4 Dialog Actions).


Return Value:

        '(let ((initial-state (sd-set-model-checkpoint))
               (error nil))
            ...do some modelling operations...
            ...set error to t in case of a failure...
            (when error
              (sd-display-error "my error")
              (sd-return-to-model-check-point initial-state)

3.2.6 SD-SET-DIALOG-TITLE [local function]

(sd-set-dialog-title title-string) 
Sets the dialog title. The new dialog title overrides the initial dialog title that was specified by the dialog option :dialog-title.

title {String}
The dialog title

Return Value:


In the following example, a dialog named shared is called from two different available commands called from two different ribbon buttons. This difference controls the initial setting of an invisible dialog variable (named A) which in turn defines the dialog title.

(sd-defdialog 'my_shared
     '((A :value-type :boolean
          :toggle-type :invisible
              (format nil "Title ~A" (if a "ON" "OFF"))))
       (NUM :value-type :number)))

 "Ribbon UI Examples"
 "Title On"
 :action      "my_shared :a :on"
 :description "Changes Dialog title."

 "Ribbon UI Examples"
 "Title Off"
 :action      "my_shared :a :off"
 :description "Changes Dialog title."

  :parent '("DIALOG_GENERATOR_MANUAL" "Examples")
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Ribbon UI Examples" "Title On")
  :parent '("DIALOG_GENERATOR_MANUAL" "Examples")
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Ribbon UI Examples" "Title Off")

3.2.7 SD-ACCEPT-DIALOG [local macro]

Causes the immediate execution of the :ok-action and then terminates the dialog, or the subdialog. This macro can only be used within the scope of :push-action, :next-variable or :ok-cleanup code.


Return Value:
no value returned


The following dialog immediately terminates when a number has been assigned to the variable NUM while the boolean variable A has the value t.

(sd-defdialog 'accepted1
     '((A   :value-type :boolean)
       (NUM :value-type :number
             (when a
     '(pprint (list a num)))
The following dialog immediately terminates when the push action DO is pressed, while the boolean variable A has the value t.
(sd-defdialog 'accepted2
     '((A :value-type :boolean)
       (DO :push-action
             (when a
     '(pprint (list a)))

3.2.8 SD-ABORT-DIALOG [local macro]

Causes the immediate execution of the :cancel-action and then terminates the dialog or the subdialog.
This macro can only be be used within the scope of :push-action, :next-variable or :cancel-cleanup code.


Return Value:
no value returned

The following dialog immediately terminates when an illegal number has been assigned to the variable NUM:

(sd-defdialog 'canceled
     '((NUM :value-type :number
              :toggle-type :invisible
                (unless (number-is-legal num)
       (A_PART :value-type :part :modifies NIL))
     '(create-parts num a_part))

3.2.9 SD-SET-PROPOSALS [local function]

(sd-set-proposals variable proposals)
Modifies the proposals of a variable that has an edit field. Further information is provided in Proposals

A call to sd-set-proposals is only valid for dialogs with an options block containing input fields, or more precisely, for dialogs in which :dialog-control is set to :parallel (the default).

The function is a local function, hence it must be used within the lexical scope of the dialog (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments).

variable {SYMBOL}
The variable to which the proposals will be assigned.
proposals {LIST of STRING}
The new proposals.

Return Value:
The specified proposals

(sd-set-proposals 'my-part '("big" "medium" "small"))

(sd-set-proposals 'my-number '("1" "2" "3"))

3.2.10 SD-GET-VARIABLE-UI-PROPERTIES [global function]

(sd-get-variable-ui-properties dialog variable property)
This function is useful for inquiring the names of UI components that are related to a variable of a dialog. Most of the UI components returned by this function can be manipulated by means of User Interface Construction Toolkit (UICT) calls.

The function returns the value of the specified property. If no property is specified, a list containing all the properties and values is returned.

Some properties of general interest are:

           :tb   Name of the push button associated with the variable,
           :tx   Name of the edit field associated with the variable,
           :indicator-tb Name of the indicator of a variable
                 with :toggle-type set to :indicator-toggle-data,

           :tbs  List of push button names associated with a variable
                 that occurs in several external expand-shrink groups,
           :txs  List of edit file names associated with a variable
                 that occurs in several external expand-shrink groups,
           :indicator-tbs List of indicator names of a variable
                 with :toggle-type set to :indicator-toggle-data
                 that occurs in several external expand-shrink groups.
In general a variable only has one control for each UI component, even if the variable is used within different expand shrink groups.
A variable can have several UI controls, if that variable occurs in several external expand/shrink groups. In that case, the names of the UI components are stored in the properties :tbs, :txs and :indicator-tbs but not in the properties :tb, :tx and :indicator-tb, respectively. Thus, a variable can have either the property :tb or :tbs but not both.

Warning: The property names and UI component names returned by this function are closely related to the internal workings of the dialog generator and are therefore subject to change in future releases of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. It is therefore good practice to avoid using explicit comonent names and to use this function instead.

Warning: This function should only be called after the UI components have been generated. As a general rule, the UI components are created when the dialog is entered and becomes interactive. They can therefore be called e.g. in the :after-initialization-ui form or any of the personality forms designed for UI manipulations, see UI Side Effects.

The function is a global function.

dialog {SYMBOL}
A dialog name.
variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
A variable name, specified either as a symbol or a keyword.
property {KEYWORD}
A keyword representing a property.

Return Value:
The value of the specified property. If no property was specified, then a property list containing all the properties and values is returned.

(sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'my_dialog 'my_variable)
                              -> (... :tb "MY_DIALOG_OPT-CONT-MY_VARIABLE-TB" ...)
(sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'my_dialog :my_variable)
                              -> (... :tb "MY_DIALOG_OPT-CONT-MY_VARIABLE-TB" ...)

(sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'my_dialog :my_variable :tb)
                              -> "MY_DIALOG_OPT-CONT-MY_VARIABLE-TB"

3.2.11 SD-ONLINE-REFERENCE [global function]

This function inserts a dialog into the toolbox that provides an online reference for dialog developers, see 4.1.10 Online Reference.

The function is a global function.


Return Value:

3.2.12 SD-WITH-SUSPENDED-FEEDBACK  [local macro]

(sd-with-suspended-feedback form_1 ... form_n)
This macro removes all built-in feedback before executing the supplied forms. After the execution of the forms, the feedback is reinstalled. This kind of feedback protection is necessary whenever the executed code contains an undo step to a modelling check point that was set at a time before the feedback was created (i.e. using sd-return-to-model-checkpoint).

Built-in feedback includes things such as direction and axis feedback objects and the highlighting of selected objects. The macro sd-with-suspended-feedback makes sure that all feedback continues to be visible after the above mentioned kind of undo step within the protected code. Furthermore, it ensures that no dangling feedback objects can occur (see also description of Built-In Feedback).

This macro is also useful to encapsulate a modelling operation that possibly destroys an object assigned to a dialog variable. In this, case it is important to reset or redefine that variable within the scope of the sd-with-suspended-feedback macro in order to avoid a reference to a dangling sel item, while attempting to reestablish the highlighting or while subsequently executing some inquire or modelling function.

Any number of forms

Return Value:

Example 1:
   '((CHECKPOINT :initial-value (sd-set-model-checkpoint))
     (DIR :value-type :measure-direction)
     (DO_IT :push-action
                 (unless (execute-extrude)
                   (sd-return-to-model-checkpoint checkpoint))))
where establish-profile and execute-extrude are assumed to be two local functions that return T when successful. In the above example, the :push-action code may cause the model checkpoint to return to the checkpoint that was set on entering the dialog, that is, a checkpoint prior to the creation of the feedback associated with the DIR variable.

Example 2:
       :value-type :face
       :face-part-allowed t)
           (sd-call-cmds (remove_face_rep face1))
           (setq face1 nil)))

3.2.13 SD-SUSPEND-FEEDBACK  [local function]

This function removes all built-in feedback. This function is called internally within the macro sd-with-suspended-feedback and is supplied separately as an additional convenience.

Return Value:

Example: The example given in sd-with-suspended-feedback could alternatively be written as follows:
   '((CHECKPOINT :initial-value (sd-set-model-checkpoint))
     (DIR :value-type :measure-direction)
     (DO_IT :push-action
                 (unless (execute-extrude)
                   (sd-return-to-model-checkpoint checkpoint))

3.2.14 SD-RESUME-FEEDBACK  [local function]

This function installs all previously suspended built-in feedback. This function is called internally within the macro sd-with-suspended-feedback and is supplied separately as an additional convenience.

Return Value:

Example: See example in 3.2.13 sd-suspend-feedback.

3.2.15 SD-GET-EMBEDDED-AREA-NAME [global function]

(sd-get-embedded-area-name dialog embedded-area-variable)
This function returns the full name of the embedded area of a variable with a :embedded-area-definition specification. The :embedded-area-definition code can use the area name as parent to add UICT controls.
dialog {SYMBOL}
The dialog containing the embedded area.
variable-name {KEYWORD}
The name of the variable with an :embedded-area-definition specification.

Return Value:
Complete area name

Example: See example dialog my_area.

3.2.16 SD-GET-VARIABLE-STATUS [local function]

(sd-get-variable-status variable property)
This function returns the status of the specified property.
variable {SYMBOL}
The variable to be inquired.
property {KEYWORD}
The property to be inquired. The possible properties are
  • :enable
  • :optional
  • :visible
  • :indicator

Return Value:
t or nil

(sd-get-variable-status 'my_variable :enable)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :optional)
(sd-set-variable-status 'my_variable :visible)

3.2.17 SD-ENTERING-OK-ACTION-P [local function]

This function indicates whether the option :ok-action-precondition is called for internal purposes (adjusting the input focus) or whether the :ok-action is about to be executed.
This function can only be used within the lexical scope of the form :ok-action-precondition

Return Value:
t if the option :ok-action-precondition was called due to the termination of the dialog.
nil if the option :ok-action-precondition was called due to a redetermination of the input focus.

3.2.18 SD-GET-SLIDER-VALUE [global function]

(sd-get-slider-value dialog variable)
This function returns the value displayed in the UI of a :scale or :dynamic-scale variable.
dialog {SYMBOL}
The dialog containing the slider.
variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
The :scale or :dynamic-scale variable.

Return Value:
A number.

3.2.19 SD-SET-SLIDER-VALUE [global function]

(sd-set-slider-value dialg variable value)
This function sets the value in the UI of a :scale or :dynamic-scale variable.
dialog {SYMBOL}
The dialog containing the slider.
variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
The :scale or :dynamic-scale variable.
value {NUMBER}
The value of the slider.

Return Value:

3.2.20 SD-GET-DYNAMIC-SLIDER-CONTROL [global function]

(sd-get-dynamic-slider-control dialg variable index)
This function is applicable for a :dynamic-scale variable and it returns the name of the control associated with the specified index. This function returns a string that can be inserted into a UICT function, e.g. sd-disable-control or sd-set-togglebutton.
dialog {SYMBOL}
The dialog containing the slider.
variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
The :dynamic-scale variable.

Return Value:
A string indicating the name of the index control.

3.2.21 SD-SET-DYNAMIC-SCALE-BOUNDS [global function]

(sd-set-dynamic-scale-bounds dialg variable
          :minimum minimum   ;default=-1000
          :maximum maximum   ;default= 1000
          :increment index   ;default= 20
          :value value)      :default= minimum if supplied, else maximum.
This function can set the minimum, maxium, increment and value of a variable of type :dynamic-scale.
dialog {SYMBOL}
The dialog containing the dynamic slider.
variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
The :dynamic-scale variable.
Any of the following keywords and values:
The possible keywords are
  • :minimum
  • :maximum
  • :increment
  • :value
At least one of the first two keywords must be specified.

Return Value:

3.2.22 SD-START-DIALOG [global function]

(sd-start-dialog dialog
          :reference-dialog reference-dialog
          :reference-variable reference-variable
          :reference-control reference-widget
          :attachment attachment  ;default= :left-center
          :x-offset x-offset      ;default= 0
          :y-offset y-offset)     ;default= 0
This function initiates a dialog for interactive input out of another interactive dialog. The started dialog has to be an interrupt action in order not to terminate the calling dialog.

Warning: The function has a very limited usage and cannot be used to replace the standard approaches based on subactions and on external expand shrink.

The function sd-start-dialog should only be used

Failure to observe these restrictions can lead to erroneous behavior when the calling dialog is executed

The reference position of the dialog can be controlled either by a reference dialog and reference variable pair or by a reference control. The attachment, x-offset and y-offset arguments specify the offset relative to the reference position.

Note that a dialog can be called from a top-level UICT control by means of the function sd-call-dialog.

dialog {SYMBOL or STRING}
The name of the dialog to be initiated. The string notation can be used to include additional parameters for the dialog.
reference-dialog {SYMBOL}
A reference dialog.
reference-variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
A reference variable.
reference-control {STRING}
A reference control (as alternative to the above reference dialog and variable).
attachment {KEYWORD [:left-center]}
See description.
x-offset {NUMBER [0]}
Offset in the horizontal direction measured in pixels.
y-offset {NUMBER [0]}
Offset in the vertical direction measured in pixels.

Return Value:

3.2.23 SD-SET-CANCEL-RECOVER-STATE [local function]

(sd-set-cancel-recover-state state)
This function defines the modelling state to be entered when the dialog is cancelled. If no state is supplied, the current state will be used, i.e. the state obtained by sd-set-model-checkpoint at the time sd-set-cancel-recover-state is called.
Note: In order to use this function, the dialog option :undo-modelling-steps-on-cancel must be set to t.
An optional parameter that specifies the state to be reached when the dialog is cancelled.

Return Value:
The model checkpoint.

3.2.24 SD-GET-PDS-VARIABLE-VALUE [global function]

(sd-get-pds-variable-value dialog variant variable default)
This function returns the persistently stored value associated with a given dialog variable. A dialog variable can be made persistent by means of the variable option :persistent-data-storage.
dialog {SYMBOL}
The name of the dialog.
variant {KEYWORD or NIL}
The keyword value of the desired dialog variant. NIL should be specified if no variant exists for the dialog. A variant variable is defined by means of the dialog option :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable.
variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
The name of the desired variable.
default {LISP-form [NIL]}
Optional default that will be returned if no pds value exists for the specified variable. If omitted, this argument defaults to NIL.

Return Value:
The pds value of the dialog variable or the default.

(sd-get-pds-variable-value 'pds_dialog  nil 'bool)
(sd-get-pds-variable-value 'pds_dialog  nil :bool)

(sd-get-pds-variable-value 'pds_variant :on :bool)

3.2.25 SD-DISABLE-DIALOG-PDS [global function]

(sd-disable-dialog-pds :initialize boolean :store boolean)
This function disables the PDS based initialization and storage of all persistently stored dialog variables for the current invocation of the dialog. This function overwrites the variable option :persistent-data-storage, which makes the value of a dialog variable persistent.
initialize {Boolean-LISP-form [NIL]}
This argument can be used to suppress the PDS based initialization of persistently stored dialog variables. A function call with this option must be specified before the dialog becomes interactive, e.g. in an :after-initialization form.
store {Boolean-LISP-form [NIL]}
This argument can be used to suppress the storage of the persistently stored dialog variables during dialog termination.

Return Value:
t or nil

(sd-disable-dialog-pds :initialize t)
(sd-disable-dialog-pds :store t)

3.2.26 SD-RETRIEVE-PICK-POINT [global function]

(sd-retrieve-pick-point sel_item)
This function returns the pick point that was used during the selection of an element. The pick point of a selected element can only be retrieved if the variable option :store-pick-point is set to T.
sel_item {SEL_ITEM}
A selected element.

Return Value:
a 3D point or NIL

(MY_FACE :value-type :face
         :store-pick-point t
           (let ((point (sd-retrieve-pick-point my_face)))
              (when point

Function Index Top of Page

3.3 3D Copilot Functions

See also 3D Copilot Manual.

Function Index Top of Page

4. Description

4.1 Variable Specifications

The dialog :variables specify the names and behavior of the variables used within the dialog.

The name of a variable must be a symbol that is distinct within the :variables list.

If a variable is defined as a string, it will be interpreted to be a subtitle on the screen. (See see 4.1.7 Screen Representation for specifying language dependent titles.)

The special string "-" is reserved to indicate a separator.

Variables that are intended to be used for accepting user interaction must have one of the following keywords specifications:

  1. :value-type
  2. :range
  3. :selection
  4. :expand-shrink
  5. :external-expand-shrink
  6. :push-action
  7. :position-part
  8. :position-wp

The above list specifies the priority of the keywords in case of conflicting keyword usage. Basically, only one of the above keywords can be used simultaneously in a variable. An exception is the use of :expand-shrink and :external-expand-shrink together with :push-action.

Variables that have none of the above keyword specifications do not invoke user interaction (in general) and can be used for internal bookkeeping purposes within the dialog.

All dialog variables can be regarded as local variables that can be accessed and manipulated within the dialog LISP-forms according to the rules described in 4.3 Procedural Attachments.

4.1.1 Value Types

The keyword :value-type specifies a high-level variable type. Each :value-type implies a particular LISP data type of the dialog variable.

In many applications, it is sufficient to forward the value of the dialog variable to the :ok-action, since all dialog related issues are included with the :value-type definition.

At the latest, the code specified by :ok-action must extract the required information from the LISP data type. Some of the :value-types, like :part, :part-incl-new, :point-2d may require the use of special access functions for extracting the desired information from the LISP data type.

The LISP data type is also relevant for application-oriented dialog code that accesses and manipulates a variable. For example, the :check-function, that accepts or rejects user inputs, must be designed to cope with the specified LISP data type. Selection of Objects

The following :value-types deal with the selection of objects:

        :value-type               LISP Data Type          Dimension      Default Value
        -----------               --------------          ---------      -------------

        :part                      sel_item                              Current Part
        :part-with-body            sel_item                              Current Part
        :part-incl-new             sel_item      if part exists          Current Part
                                   string        if part does not exist
        :assembly                  sel_item                              Assembly containing
                                                                         Current Part
        :part-assembly             sel_item                              Current Part or
                                                                         Assembly containing
                                                                         Current Part
        :container                 sel_item

        :wp                        sel_item                              Current WP
        :wp-with-profile           sel_item                              Current WP
        :wpset                     sel_item                              WPset containing
                                                                         Current WP
        :coord-sys-object          sel_item
        :edge                      sel_item
        :face                      sel_item
        :feature                   sel_item
        :edge-2d                   sel_item
        :geom-2d                   sel_item

        :layout                    sel_item
        :view                      sel_item
        :docuplane                 sel_item
        :docuplane-set             sel_item

The objects of type :edge, :face, :edge-2d and :geom-2d are highlighted on the screen, whenever they are assigned to dialog variables. The object remains highlighted as long as it is assigned to a variable or until the dialog is terminated. The color of the highlighted object can be specified by means of the keyword :color.

Other objects, like parts and workplanes, are not highlighted and are rathermore displayed by name in the input field of the variable. The highlighting behavior can be enabled and disabled by means of the keyword :persistent-highlight.

Note, that the redefinition of an object selection variable by means of an assignment automatically updates both the corresponding display field in the dialog window and the highlighted color of the selected items. Thus, assuming that my_edge is an :edge variable, an assignment such as (setq my_edge nil) updates both the command UI area and the edge feedback in the graphics area.

The highlighting of objects is suppressed when a dialog is called within a sd-call-cmds form. This ensures that the highlighting of objects within the interactive calling dialog are not destroyed by the called dialog.

Other kinds of objects - not listed in the above mentioned :value-type list - or combinations of the above value types, can be specified by means of the keyword :selection, as described in 4.1.3 Object Selection. The additional keyword described in the next sections also apply to :selection. Options for Selection of Objects

Additional keywords can be provided to control the selection of an object:

        :multiple-items {t nil}        ;default=nil, must be nil for :part-incl-new
        :wire-part-allowed {t nil}     ;default=nil
        :face-part-allowed {t nil}     ;default=nil
        :allow-graphics-only a-list-of-keywords ;default=nil
        :with-container {t nil}        ;default=t  , usable for assembly selection
        :with-stock-container {t nil}  ;default=nil  , usable for assembly selection
        :color          rgb-integer    ;default=nil   
        :persistent-highlight {t nil}  ;default=nil for :value-type parts, workplanes...
                                                t for :selection or :value-type edges, faces...
        :no-highlight {t nil}          ;default=nil
        :incremental-selection {nil :on-non-empty-list t}
        :on-empty-selection {:exit :exit-with-error 
                             :repeat :repeat-with-error 
        :empty-space-pick-exit-keyword dialog-variable-keyword 
        :no-geometry-modified {t nil}
        :curr-wp-only         {t nil}  ;default=t
        :disable-assignment-selector-check {t nil}

Further options for object selections are described in the next chapters,

When :multiple-items is set to t, a list of sel_items is assigned to the variable. Note that the :check-function is applied to each individual item (and not to the entire list).

The :allow-graphics-only option specifies the selection of lightweight parts and assemblies. The following values are possible:

  nil                       ;default
  (list :part)
  (list :assembly)
  (list :part :assembly)

Lightweight parts have no loaded geometry and should be used with care, since only limited functionality is available.

The :color option specifies the color to be used for highlighting the selected object. The option :persistent-highlight enables/disables the highlighting of selected objects.

Setting :persistent-highlight set to nil does not suppress the temporary highlighting of the object while it is being selected. This temporary highlighting is removed with the next redraw of the graphical viewport.

The option :no-highlight suppresses the highlighting of the selected object. The option :no-highlight will completely suppress the highlighting, overriding the value of :persistent-highlight.

The option :incremental-selection allows the user to incrementally redefine the objects that have been assigned to a variable. The previously selected elements are used as initial selections when entering the selection process again.

This functionality is particulary useful for modifying variables that store a large number of objects.

When :incremental-selection is set to t, the Select Menu is automatically displayed on the screen and the list START button is initially pressed. This is achieved by automatically setting the following defaults

When :incremental-selection is set to :on-non-empty-list, the option has no effect as long as the variable has the value nil, which is equivalent to an empty list (). If the variable does have a value, then the activation of the variable displays the Select Menu with the START button initially pressed, thus allowing the user to add and remove objects for the variable.

By default, incremental selection is switched off and input selections for a variable need to be defined from scratch each time they are modified.

The option :on-empty-selection controls the behavior of the dialog when the select subaction is terminated without having selected any elements. This can, for example, be achieved by pressing the 'End' button in the Select Menu during a list selection. The following values are possible for :on-empty-selection

The option :empty-space-pick-exit-keyword specifies a variable that will be activated after a pick in empty space. The variable is specified as a keyword, e.g. in order to enter a variable called MY_VARIABLE the option is specified as follows

         :empty-space-pick-exit-keyword :my_variable

The option :no-geometry-modified indicates that the geometry of the object assigned to the variable will be modified in the course of the dialog execution. This information is used to speed up the update of views in the Annotation application, since only geometric modifications need to be updated. The option :no-geometry-modified can only be used in conjunction with a non-nil :modifies option (see next section Read-Only Objects).

Setting the option :curr-wp-only to nil allows 2D elements to be selected on non-active workplanes. The default value of the option :curr-wp-only is t, that is, 2D elements are only selected on the current workplane.

The option :disable-assignment-selector-check disables the checking of an :initial-value initialization and of an assignment via a call to (sd-set-variable-status ... :value ...) of a selection variable. By default this option is set to NIL, which ensures that the value to be assigned to the selection variable is subjected to the same selection options as during an interactive assignment. If this option is set to T, then the selection check is disabled, but the :check-function is still applied. Read-Only Objects

In database and concurrent engineering applications, very careful attention must be paid to the following two issues:

The :modifies keyword provides a means to ensure that

Creo Elements/Direct Modeling action routines always check the appropriate read-only flag before carrying out modification operations. If the wrong :modifies value is specified in sd-defdialog, then the action routines and low-level primitives called from sd-defdialog will catch read-only errors. But this is much too late for the end user. Such errors can and should be avoided from the very start by specifying the right :modifies option in sd-defdialog.

A wrong :modifies specification may lead to errors during a incremental saving operation. Some modified objects may fail to be marked as modified and will not be saved incrementally, thus leading to loss of data.

It is good practice not to rely on the default for :modifies, but to specify each variable explicitly.

The possible values for :modifies are:

        :modifies {:position :instance :contents :parent-instance :parent-contents
                   :contents+instance :instance+parent-contents

                   ;default=nil or :contents

The default value :contents is used for :part :part-with-body :part-incl-new :assembly :part-assembly value types, provided the :dialog-type has the default value :terminate. In all other cases, the default value is NIL, which causes the read-only status of the selected objects to be ignored.

A global or local function can be specified if the value of :modifies depends on the selected object. The function must accept one argument, the selected object, and return one of the keywords mentioned above or nil, e.g.

        :modifies my-get-modifies
        (defun my-get-modifies (item)
          (if (my-instance-attachement item)

Note that the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling action routine railroad specifications do not document the details of their modifications. Hence, some general rules need to be observed when specifying the :modifies option.

The :modifies option of a variable can be tested by viewing the current read-only status and then running the dialog.

Some of the properties of an object can be viewed in the Graphical Structure Browser. A more exhaustive description can be obtained by means of the dialog called OBJFLAGS, which can be used to inquire, set and change the read-only status of any filable object.

The dialog OBJFLAGS can be obtained by loading a file

(load "dbdialog")

which adds the dialog to the toolbox. A detailed description of this dialog can be found in the Goodies Documentation.

Parts, assemblies and workplanes are separated into two descriptions: instance and contents descriptions. The instance description stores the name, position, colors, density etc. of the part, while the contents description store the geometry and contents-id of the part. When a configuration is activated, the position will be stored to the owner of the configuration instead.

In order to understand the above terms better, consider 3 parts, Part1, Part2, Part3, in an assembly. Assume that Part2 and Part3 have shared contents. Then we get the following hierarchy of descriptions:

                      Instance  (name, position, color....)
         Assembly:      |
                      Contents  (geometry, contents-id)
       |                |                     |
       V                V                     V
    Instance        Instance              Instance
Part1  |          Part2 |               Part3 |
       V                |                     |
    Contents            |                     |
                        +----> Contents <-----+

One way to get a better feeling about the :contents and :instance distinction is to consider shared parts. Rule of Thumb: Everything that can be shared (e.g. geometry) is a :contents property, while individual part properties (e.g. name, color, position) are :instance properties.

The correct choice of the :modifies option does not depend on the file structure that is used for permanant storage.

For the sake of completeness, we mention that Creo Elements/Direct Modeling supports several types of mappings of the instance/contents hierarchy to permanent storage in files. By default, the permanent saving of the above objects generates 4 files:

        File 1: Assembly Instance
        File 2: Assembly Contents + Part1 Instance + Part2 Instance +
                Part3 Instance
        File 3: Part1 Contents
        File 4: Part2+3 Shared Contents

Another technique consists of creating a separate file for each instance and for each contents description, thus creating 7 files in the above example.

If the dialog is going to modify the geometry or contents-id of a part, then :modifies must be set to :contents.

If the dialog is going to modify the name or color of a part, then :modifies must be set to :instance.

If the dialog is going to modify the position of a part, then :modifies must be set to :position.

A part in an assembly is attached to the contents of the parent part. Thus, the removal of a part from an assembly, requires that :modifies is set to :parent-contents in the part variable.

If the dialog is going to modify both the geometry and the name of a part, :modifies must be set to :contents+instance.

Combined modifications such as :contents+instance should be avoided whenever possible. A concurrent engineering environment quickly leads to a situation in which many of the parts loaded into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling session are read-only parts while only a small number of parts can actually be modified by the designer. Dialogs should therefore possess a small and focussed modification scope, in order not to be blocked by the need of simultaneously modifying other parts that happen to be read-only. Whenever possible, it is better to replace a dialog that modifies :contents+instance by two dialogs, one that modifies :contents and another one that modifies :instance.

The use of combined modifications such as :contents+instance require special attention if the exact modification inpact cannot be determined in advance. Assume that, for example, :contents is always modified but :instance is only modified in very special and very rare cases that cannot be inquired in advance. Then, it is probably best to choose :contents to get maximum benefit of the dialog and to (rather hesitatingly) rely on the underlying action routines to detect and reject the rare error cases. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling action routines will set the modifies flags whenever necessary.

Here is another general rule: all 2D manipulations modify the contents of the workplane. Hence the contents of workplane must be modifiable. 2D dialogs that do not explicitly display the workplane in the options block, e.g. :sequential dialogs, should do this check in a :precondition form in sd-defdialog (see example in Preconditions). Combined Object/Position Selection

The selected object and the position of the selection can be returned in a list format by means of the following additional keyword:

        :incl-position {nil :2d :3d}   ;default=nil

The value that is returned by the object selection and assigned to the dialog variable at hand is defined as follows:

:multiple-items|:incl-position|    Variable Value    | Example of LISP Data Type
     nil       |     nil      | object               | sel_item  (default row)
     nil       |  :2d or :3d  | object and position  | (sel_item 2,3,4)
      t        |     nil      | objects              | (sel_item1 sel_item2)

An object, like a part, assembly, workplane, workplane, edge or face, is defined in terms of a sel_item structure.

The above mentioned object value types support the selection of one kind of object. If several kinds of objects are desired, then the variable needs to be specified by means of the keyword :selection, as described in 4.1.3 Object Selection.

The returned position is automatically derived from the pick ray when the selection is focussed on an edge, face, vertex or workplane. In all other cases, the user is explicitly requested to enter a position point. Explicit positions are, for example, requested when the selected element

It is possible to suppress the determination of a position, depending on the type of object that has been selected, by means of the following keyword:

        :ignore-position-if-in-focus  list-of-focus-types        ;default=nil

Thus, for example, a position can be requested for face selections but not for part selections, as follows:

        :selection                    (*sd-face-seltype* *sd-part-seltype*)
        :incl-position                :3d
        :ignore-position-if-in-focus  *sd-part-seltype*

The option

        :store-pick-point {t nil}             ;default=nil

stores the pick point during a selection and makes it available for access via the retrieval function sd-retrieve-pick-point

The pick point returned by sd-retrieve-pick-point only exists if the selected element was picked in the graphics viewport or via a 3d coordinate. A pick point is returned after the selection of an edge, face, vertex or feature component. A graphical pick on a part, assembly or workplane also yields a pick point.

In contrast to the option :incl-position, which ensures that a position on the selected element is defined, the access function sd-retrieve-pick-point may return NIL.

The retrieval function sd-retrieve-pick-point returns NIL if the selected element was selected via

Warning: The pick point obtained by sd-retrieve-pick-point should only be used for visualization and feedback purposes but not for modelling purposes. Pick points that influence modelling operations should be based on the option :incl-position in order to guarantee that the pick point is defined and that the dialog can be called in a reproducible and controlled way via sd-call-cmds calls and during the replay of recorder files. UI Support for Selection of Objects

The Select Menu controls the exact nature of the selection of an object. The Select Menu appears on the screen upon activating the SELECT button. The following keyword can be used to immediately pop up the Select Menu as soon as the variable has been selected for data entry:

        :show-select-menu {nil t}      ;default=nil or
                                       ;       =t   if :incremental-selection=t

The initial state of the Select Menu can be controlled by means of the keyword :additional-token-string (see section Addition Token String).

The Select Menu is also displayed when the option :incremental-selection is used. In this case, the list START button is initially pressed. Preselection

Variables with commonly used selection types can be specified before the dialog is initiated by means of the preselection facility. When a :parallel dialog is initiated, the preselected objects will automatically be inserted into the visible and invisible variables that have a matching value type. Preselected objects can also be inserted into a :sequential dialog, provided the first prompting dialog variable is a selection type variable. Preselection is currently supported for elementary selection types, such as parts, assemblies, workplanes, edges and faces.

Preselected objects are transferred to a dialog after the dialog has been called and as soon as the system reaches an interactive state. Thus, entering a command into the user input line will invoke the transfer of preselected objects to suitable selection variables in the dialog.

The assignment of preselected objects to a variable can be disabled by adding the following specification to that variable

    :preselection-definition-time :suppress

Disabling preselection for specific variables can be useful if several variables with the same selection focus exist within a dialog.

By default, the option :preselection-definition-time is set to :loadtime or :runtime which both enable the preselection capability of the variable at hand. The value :loadtime is used when the selection focus of the variable is defined as a global constant at load time, while :runtime is automatically employed, if the focus of the the object selection is not defined while loading (or compiling) the dialog.

Once an object has been preselected, a context sensitive popup menu can be activated that conveniently presents a set of possible matching commands. Further information on customizing dialogs with preselection support are described in Adding New Dialogs. Keep Workplane and Profile Options

A workplane variable, that is a variable with the value type :wp or :wp-with-profile, supports the generation of two additional dialog variables,

These two variables are automatically enabled and disabled depending on the read-only properties of the workplane. In addition, the variable KEEP_PROFILE depends on the value of KEEP_WP. The above option is, for example, used in several machining dialogs in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.

The additional variables can be generated and controlled as follows:

        :keep-wp-profile {nil t}                         ;default=nil
                         ; Enables creation of two auxilliary variables
                         ; called KEEP_WP and KEEP_PROFILE.

   Optional Parameters:

        :keep-wp-profile-embedded-location a-variable    ;default=nil
                         ; By default, the two variables are inserted at the
                         ; bottom of the UI block. This option inserts the
                         ; variables immediately before the specified variable.
        :keep-wp-profile-pre-separator {nil t}           ;default=t
                         ; Inserts a separator before the two variables
        :keep-wp-profile-post-separator {nil t}          ;default=nil
                         ; Inserts a separator after the two variables

        :keep-wp-before-input       LISP-form            ;default=nil
                         ; :before-input code for the KEEP_WP variable
        :keep-wp-after-input        LISP-form            ;default=nil
                         ; :after-input code for the KEEP_WP variable

        :keep-profile-before-input  LISP-form            ;default=nil
                         ; :before-input code for the KEEP_PROFILE variable
        :keep-profile-after-input   LISP-form            ;default=nil
                         ; :after-input code for the KEEP_PROFILE variable Numbers, Strings, Booleans

Numbers and integers correspond to standard LISP data types.

        :value-type               LISP Data Type          Dimension      Default Value
        -----------               --------------          ---------      -------------

        :length                    number                 [mm]
        :positive-length           number                 [mm]
        :raw-length                number                 [mm]
        :angle                     number                 [rad]
        :raw-angle                 number                 [rad]
        :number                    number
        :positive-number           number
        :scale                     integer
        :integer                   integer
        :positive-integer          integer
        :boolean                   boolean {t nil}
        :grouped-boolean           boolean {t nil}
        :string                    string

        :viewport                  string
        :rgb-color                 rgb integer                           Default Part Color
        :list                      list
        :keyword                   keyword

All :value-types that have a dimension entry in the above table store the variable value in the specified units, irregardless of the current units settings. The dialog user interface supports the input and display of variables using the current units settings. Internally, however, all variables are stored in internal Creo Elements/Direct Modeling units, i.e. [mm] for lengths and [rad] for angles.

The number types :length and :positive-length are checked for compatiblity with the worksphere size, while the :value-type = :raw-length does not include any value checking. Similarily, :angle includes a check, while :raw-angle is void of checks.

Positive numbers and integers do not include the number zero.

A boolean variable is defined by :boolean or :grouped-boolean and is used to represent binary data. The value of a boolean variable is either t or nil. The value of a boolean variable can be changed by clicking on the status indicator or by entering :on or :off into the prompt area. For example, the command :check :off will set the variable :check to nil and switch the indicator off.

The keyword :mutual-exclusion can be used with boolean variables to ensure that only one of the specified variables will have the value t. The first variable in the list will be set to t, unless an :initial-value has been specified for another variable in the :mutual-exclusion group.

The prefix :grouped-.. for indicator and push toggles causes the toggle to be spread out horizontally in the on the screen (see Screen Representation). Options for RGB Color

The value-type :rgb-color displays a color in the data field of the variable. The UI of a color variable gives immediate access to the range of colors that belong to the currently used palette. That range also gives access to the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Color Editor:

By default the selection of a color generates an integer. The option

  :include-none-item t   ;default=nil or t if :toggle-type = :indicator-toggle-data

adds an additional item named "None" to the color range thus allowing the user to set the value of a color variable to NIL.

Further range items can be added before and after the color range by means of the following options

   :pre-color-range  choices      ;default=nil
   :post-color-range choices      ;default=nil

The items in the choices must be keywords and can be specified in the same way as a :range variable, e.g.

    (COL :value-type :rgb-color
         :pre-color-range ((:pre-color :label "Pre color"))
         :post-color-range ((:post-color :label "Post color"))) Options for Scale

A :scale variable specifies an integer that must lie between a lower and an upper bound. This variable is represented as a scale with a shiftable slider in an elongated region on the screen (similar to a scrollbar).

Note that the enable check box enables and disables the slider.

(sd-defdialog 'my_scale
    '((NUM    :value-type    :number
              :initial-value  10
              :after-input   (setq scaled_num num))
      (ENABLE :value-type    :boolean
              :initial-value t
                (sd-set-variable-status 'scaled_num :enable enable))
              :value-type      :scale
              :minimum         1
              :maximum         20
              :initial-value   10
              :after-input     (setq num scaled_num)
              :initial-enable  t))
     '(pprint (list 'scaled_num scaled_num)))

The lower and upper bounds can be specified through the following keywords

        :minimum                  an-integer    ;default=0
        :maximum                  an-integer    ;default=100

By default, the displayed scale contains the variable title, the scale value and labels with the maximum and minimum values at the ends of the scale. These UI elements and other UI behavior can be modified or removed by means of the following keywords

        :suppress-title           a-boolean   ;default=nil
        :title-alignment    {:right :left :center} ;default=:center
        :suppress-scale-value     a-boolean   ;default=nil
        :decimal-points           an-integer  ;default=0

        :maximum-label            a-string    ;default="maximum scale value"
        :minimum-label            a-string    ;default="minimum scale value"
        :suppress-min/max-labels a-boolean    ;default=nil

        :increment                a-number    ;default=1

        :drag-callback            a-LISP-form ;default=nil

The option :increment specifies the amount to move the slider when a user takes an action that moves the slider by a multiple increment (e.g. by clicking next to the slider in the elongated rectangular region).

The option :decimal-point modifies the display of the slider value and of the minimum and maximum labels. For example, if the slider value is 234 and the :decimal-point is 2 then a value 2.34 will be displayed above the slider bar.

The option :drag-callback specifies code that is executed while the slider is being moved. When the sliding movement has come to a completion, the slider position is assigned to the dialog variable, thus triggering the :after-input code.

The function sd-get-slider-value can be used to inquire the slider position from the user interface during the slider movement

        (sd-get-slider-value dialog variable)

The variable symbol can also be replaced by its keyword or a string with the variable's name.

Thus, for the sake of illustration, the above dialog could provide some additional feedback during the dragging of the slider by including the following statements:

            (format t "~%Dragged to ~A."
                      (sd-get-slider-value 'scaled_extrude 'distance))

Warnings Options for Dynamic Scale

A :dynamic-scale variable displays a scale and a set of 9 indexed buttons that are spread out above the scale. One of the buttons is always pressed. The pressed button can control the kind of action that has to be taken when the slider is moved.

A :dynamic-scale variable simply generates UI controls and does not store the index and slider position as variable values for later reference (in contrast to a :scale variable). One consequence of this fact is that a :dynamic-scale variable does not support :after-input code attachments. Other consequences are that manipulations in the :dynamic-scale UI do not follow the standard railroad patterns and do not generate build-in entries into recorder files.

The following options are supported:

        :toggle-push-function     a-LISP-function ;default=nil
        :toggle-release-function  a-LISP-function ;default=nil
        :drag-callback            a-LISP-form     ;default=nil
        :value-change-callback    a-LISP-form     ;default=nil

Note that the display of titles and bound labels is not available, as opposed to a :scale variable.

A set of functions are provided to manipulate the UI of the dynamic scale to support the multiple usage of the slider:

  (sd-set-slider-value dialg variable value)

  (sd-set-dynamic-scale-bounds dialg variable
          :minimum minimum   ;default=-1000
          :maximum maximum   ;default= 1000
          :increment index   ;default= 20
          :value number)     ;default= minimum if specified, else maxium.

  (sd-get-dynamic-slider-control dialg variable index)

The use of the above options and functions is illustrated in the example dialog below.

Note that the 9th button is disabled and greyed out. Each time an index button is pressed, the slider position is set to the zero location. The slider bounds have been set to -10 and 10 for the first index button, and -100 and 100 for all other index buttons.

(defvar *scale-index* nil "Currently used dynamic scale index.")
(defvar *scale-values* nil "Property list containing values for each index.")

(sd-defdialog 'multiple_drags
  :dialog-title "Multiple Drags"
        :value-type :face)
        :value-type :dynamic-scale
        :toggle-push-function    #'my-toggle-push-function
        :drag-callback           (my-track-slider-value "drag callback")
        :value-change-callback   (my-track-slider-value "value change callback")))
  :after-initialization-ui '(my-initialize-multiple-drags-scale)
  :ok-action '(pprint (list 'scale-values *scale-values*)))

(defun my-toggle-push-function (index)
  (format t "~%Index ~A pushed." index)
  (my-set-drag-bounds index)
  (setq *scale-index* index))

(defun my-set-drag-bounds (index)
  (sd-set-dynamic-scale-bounds 'multiple_drags 'drag
          :minimum (case index
                     (1 -10)
                     (otherwise -100))
          :maximum (case index
                     (1 10)
                     (otherwise 100))
          :increment (case index
                       (1 1)
                       (otherwise 10))))

(defun my-track-slider-value (text)
  (let ((value (sd-get-slider-value 'multiple_drags 'drag)))
    (format t "~%~A ~A with index ~A." text value *scale-index*)
    (setf (getf *scale-values* *scale-index*) value)))

(defun my-initialize-multiple-drags-scale ()
     (sd-get-dynamic-slider-control 'multiple_drags 'drag 9))
     (sd-get-dynamic-slider-control 'multiple_drags 'drag 1)
     :callAction t)
  (my-set-drag-bounds 1)
  (setf *scale-values* nil))

Warning: The :drag-callback and :value-change-callback forms are not allowed to contain local dialog functions. Points and Vectors

The following :value-types have points and vectors as values:

        :value-type               LISP Data Type                Dimension
        -----------               --------------                ---------      

        :point-2d                  gpnt2d                       [mm,mm]
        :point-3d                  gpnt3d                       [mm,mm,mm]
        :measure-point             list with 3 items
                                     - point (gpnt3d)           [mm,mm,mm]
                                     - space handle {space-handle}
                                     - hit sel item
        :measure-direction         list with 3 items
                                     - direction (gpnt3d)       [mm,mm,mm]
                                     - reference point (gpnt3d) [mm,mm,mm]
                                     - up-dir
        :measure-vector            gpnt3d                       [mm,mm,mm]
        :measure-vector-list       list with 3 items
                                     - vector   (gpnt3d)        [mm,mm,mm]
                                     - position (gpnt3d)        [mm,mm,mm]
                                     - u-vector (gpnt3d)        [mm,mm,mm]
        :measure-axis              list with 2 items
                                     - point (gpnt3d)           [mm,mm,mm]
                                     - direction (gpnt3d)       [mm,mm,mm]
        :wp-normal                 gpnt3d                       [mm,mm,mm]
        :wp-reverse-normal         gpnt3d                       [mm,mm,mm]
        :raw-vport-pick            gpntwc
        :point-3d-pick             gpntwc or gpnt3d

The default 2d or 3d catch mode is used during the selection of a :point-2d and :point-3d, respectively.

The value types :measure-point, :measure-vector, :measure-vector-list, :measure-direction and :measure-axis activate Creo Elements/Direct Modeling's utility tools to provide flexible interactive input support using flyby feedback.

Points and vectors are defined as instances of the LISP structures gpnt3d and gpnt2d. A set of functions are provided to access the components of these structures:

   (gpnt3d-p any-object)  => returns a boolean
   (gpnt3d_x     3d-pnt)  => returns a number 
   (gpnt3d_y     3d-pnt)  => returns a number
   (gpnt3d_z     3d-pnt)  => returns a number

   (gpnt2d-p any object)  => returns a boolean
   (gpnt2d_x     2d-pnt)  => returns a number
   (gpnt2d_y     2d-pnt)  => returns a number

Points and vectors are always defined in term of mm units. The entry of points and vectors via the user input line are interpreted in current units.

A space handle is used in a :measure-point variable to specify a local coordinate system that accompanies the definition of the point. A space handle is a structure that contains the following fields

A set of functions are provided to create, access and manipulate a space handle

  (setq space-handle
       :origin 3d-pnt
       :normal 3d-pnt
       :udir   3d-pnt
       :state  state
  (space-handle-p any object)         => returns a boolean

  (space-handle-origin space-handle)  => returns a 3d vector
  (space-handle-normal space-handle)  => returns a 3d vector
  (space-handle-udir   space-handle)  => returns a 3d vector
  (space-handle-state  space-handle)  => returns :vu :vw :wu or :3d

  (setf (space-handle-origin space-handle) 3d-pnt)
  (setf (space-handle-normal space-handle) 3d-pnt)
  (setf (space-handle-udir   space-handle) 3d-pnt)
  (setf (space-handle-state  space-handle) state)
Measure Point Variable

A :measure-point variable supports the following additional options:

  :measure-feedback-function a-local-function          ;default=nil
  :space-handle              initial-space-handle      ;default=space handle with
                                                       ;          origin 0,0,0
                                                       ;          normal 0,0,1
                                                       ;          udir   1,0,0
                                                       ;          state  :3d


      :value-type :measure-point
      :measure-feedback-function my-point-feedback-func
      :space-handle (sd-make-space-handle
                      :origin 0,0,0
                      :normal 0,0,1
                      :udir   1,0,0
                      :state :3d)

   '((my-point-feedback-func (point-list) ; (point3d space-handle sel-item)
       ...draw feedback here...

The :measure-feedback-function is called together with the point flyby feedback when the mouse hovers over a selectable object or in space. This function can access and modify local dialog variables. The argument of this function is a list containing the current point, space handle and the caught sel item (if applicable).

The option :space-handle specifies the space handle that is to be used when the measure point variable is activated. This option can be used to implement a 'follow me' mode that displays a space handle at the position of the last specified point. The previously used space handle can be assessed from the value of the measure point variable.

Measure Direction Variable

A :measure-direction variable supports the following additional options:

  :measure-feedback-function  a-local-function         nil
  :initial-modify-value       list-containing-dir/origin/up-dir     nil
  :enable-u-rotate            boolean                  t
  :enable-v-rotate            boolean                  nil
  :enable-w-rotate            boolean                  t
  :enable-length-drag         boolean                  nil
  :allow-new-direction-on-modify boolean               t
  :initial-direction-negative boolean                  nil
  :initial-ignore-axis        boolean                  nil
  :clear-token                variable                 nil

The :measure-feedback-function is called together with the direction flyby feedback when the mouse hovers over a selectable object. This function can access and modify local dialog variables. The argument of this function is a list containing the current direction, reference point and up direction.

The option :initial-modify-value specifies an initial direction list containing a direction, origin and up vector. If this option is defined then a polestar is displayed that allows the user to modify the specified initial direction by clicking on appropriate polestar components and dragging. The options :enable-u-rotate, :enable-v-rotate, :enable-w-rotate and :enable-length-drag enable/disable the individual modification modes.

The context menu entry called 'New Dir' is by default disabled when modifications are restricted to rotations around either the u axis or v axis. The option :allow-new-direction-on-modify enables the 'New Dir' context menu, independent of the options :enable-u-rotate, :enable-v-rotate, and :enable-w-rotate.

The option :initial-direction-negative controls the initial direction that is used when the mouse hovers over a new element. For example, when the mouse hovers over a planar face, the default direction is normal to the face and points outwards, away from the part. If this option is set to t, then the initial direction will point inwards, into the part. The tab key or the right-click context menu can be used to flip that initial direction.

The option :initial-ignore-axis determines whether an axial direction will initially be determined or not. For example, when the mouse hovers over an axial face, the axis is used as the default direction. If this option is set to t, then the initial direction will not be derived from the face axis but rathermore from the face normal. The tab key or the right-click context menu can be used to switch the axis orientation on and off. The tab key can be used to switch between positive and negative axial and face normal directions.

The option :clear-token specifies a token that will be put into the input buffer if a user executes the 'Clear' option in the measure direction context menu.

Measure Vector List Variable

A :measure-vector-list variable supports the following additional options:

  :measure-feedback-function  a-local-function         nil
  :vector-drag-max-value      number                   nil
  :vector-drag-min-value      number                   nil
  :vector-drag-scale          number                   1
  :initial-modify-value       list-containing-vector/origin/up-dir     nil
  :enable-u-rotate            boolean                  t
  :enable-v-rotate            boolean                  nil
  :enable-w-rotate            boolean                  t
  :enable-length-drag         boolean                  nil
  :initial-direction-negative boolean                  nil
  :initial-ignore-axis        boolean                  nil
  :clear-token                variable                 nil

The :measure-feedback-function is called together with the vector flyby feedback when the mouse hovers over a selectable object. This function can access and modify local dialog variables. The argument of this function is a list containing the current vector, reference point and up direction.

By default, in particular when :initial-modify-value is nil, the user is requested to first define the direction of the vector and then second to determine its length. The options :vector-drag-max-value and :vector-drag-min-value constrain the drag behavior during the length determination.

The option :vector-drag-scale influences the size of the drag distance as the mouse moves.

The option :initial-modify-value specifies an initial vector list containing a vector, origin and up vector. This option and the options :enable-u-rotate, :enable-v-rotate, :enable-w-rotate and :enable-length-drag behave in the same way as the :measure-direction variable.

The options :initial-direction-negative, :initial-ignore-axis and :clear-token has the same effect as in the :measure-direction variable.

Measure Axis Variable

A :measure-axis variable supports the following additional options:

  :initial-direction-negative boolean                  nil
  :initial-ignore-axis        boolean                  nil

These options are described in the :measure-direction variable.

Calling Dialogs with Measure Point, Direction and Vector Variables

When measuring a result by means of a flyby or space handle click, the final result is passed to the variable and there is no trace of which method was used to determine that result. Additional railroad options are available in order to specify a method for deriving the measured result. These options are useful to specify measured data within a sd-call-cmds call.

The value types :measure-direction, :measure-axis :measure-vector and :measure-vector-list support the following options:

     :face_normal     planar_face
     :face_normal     non_planar_face  3d_point_on_face
     :neg_face_normal planar_face
     :neg_face_normal non_planar_face  3d_point_on_face

     :edge_tangent    straight_edge                      {:accept | :reverse}
     :edge_tangent    curved_edge      3d_point_on_edge  {:accept | :reverse} 

     :surface_axis    face_with_axis                     {:accept | :reverse}

The :face_normal and :edge_tangent options are illustrated in the following rudimentary dialog:

(sd-defdialog 'calling_measure_dialog
  '((PLANAR_FACE :value-type :face)
    (STRAIGHT_EDGE :value-type :edge)
    (CURVED_FACE :value-type :face
                  (setq face_point
                        (sd-get-pnt-on-face curved_face :dest-space :global)))
    (FACE_POINT  :value-type :point-3d)
    (CURVED_EDGE :value-type :edge
                  (setq edge_point
                        (getf (sd-inq-edge-pnt curved_edge 
                                 :s 2 
                                 :coordinates t
                                 :dest-space :global)
    (EDGE_POINT :value-type :point-3d)
            :my_direction :face_normal planar_face
            :my_vector :edge_tangent straight_edge :accept 34
            :my_vector_list :edge_tangent curved_edge edge_point :accept 45))
            :my_direction :neg_face_normal planar_face
            :my_vector :edge_tangent straight_edge :reverse 34
            :my_vector_list :neg_face_normal curved_face face_point 45))
     ) ;list
   ) ;pprint
) ;sd-defdialog

(sd-defdialog 'my_measure_dialog
    '((MY_DIRECTION :value-type :measure-direction)
      (MY_VECTOR :value-type :measure-vector)
      (MY_VECTOR_LIST :value-type :measure-vector-list)
   :ok-action '(list :dir my_direction :vec my_vector :vec-list my_vector_list))

The following measuring options are provided interactively via measure context menus (obtained by a right-mouse click) and can also be used programatically.

The value type :measure-direction supports the option

    :two_pt     first_point_3d   second_point_3d

The value type :measure-vector supports the options

    :two_pt     first_point_3d   second_point_3d
    :dir_len    any_measure-direction_option(s)  length 

The :measure-axis value type supports the options

    :two_pta    first_point_3d   second_point_3d
    :pt_dir     point_3d         any_measure-direction_option(s)

All measure variables support the extraction of information from

When applied to a :measure-vector variable, the length must follow after any if the above direction specifications.

Vectors Normal to Workplanes

The definitions :value-type = :wp-normal and :value-type = :wp-reverse-normal specify the direction of a vector that is normal and reverse normal, respectively, to a workplane.

These two value types require the specification of a reference workplane. By default, any variable that contains a workplane is used as the :reference-wp, provided only one such variable exists in the dialog. In the following example,

    '((MY_PART     :value-type :part)
      (MY_WP       :value-type :wp)
      (MY_DISTANCE :value-type :length)
      (NORMAL      :value-type :wp-normal)

the reference workplane for the NORMAL variable is defined by the variable MY_WP.

If more than one workplane occurs in the dialog, the desired workplane variable must be supplied explicitly by means of the keyword :reference-wp:


    '((MY_WP_1  :value-type :wp)
      (MY_WP_2  :value-type :wp)
      (NORMAL   :value-type :wp-normal
                :reference-wp my_wp_2)

Raw Viewport Pick and 3d Viewport Pick

The value type :raw-vport-pick specifies a 2-dimensional point of a viewport in terms of a structure called gpntwc. This structure can be passed on to Creo Elements/Direct Modeling commands that accept viewport picks.

The value type :point-3d-pick returns either a gpntwc or a 3d point (i.e. a gpnt3d). The first data type (gpntwc) is obtained when a user clicks within a viewport and the second data type (gpnt3d) is obtained when the user explicitly enters a 3d point (say 1,2,3) into the command input area. The value type :point-3d-pick should be used with care, since two non-interchangeable data types can be assigned to the same variable.

Built-In Feedback

The :value-types = {:measure-direction :measure-axis :wp-normal :wp-reverse-normal} automatically generate and manage feedback on the screen. This automatic scheme can be switched off by setting :built-in-feedback to nil.


Built-in Feedback objects are - on the one hand - automatically created, stored and destroyed internally within the dialog. On the other hand, they are under the control of the modelling undo system, e.g. they are destroyed when returning to a modelling state prior to the creation of the feedback objects.

Consequently, it is possible that the feedback objects that are held within the dialog can become obsolete due to changes in the modelling state. The macro sd-with-suspended-feedback can be used to protect critical model state changing code from creating problems due to obsolete feedback objects. Failure to protect such code can result in severe segmentation violation errors.

Catch Flyby

When picking a 2d or 3d point for a variable of the value type :point-3d, :point-2d or :point-3d-pick, a built-in flyby feedback marker is displayed while hovering over a pickable element.

A catch flyby marker is also displayed when a variable possesses a :secondary-value-type of the type :point-2d or :point-3d.

The catch flyby marker can be switched off by means of the option :catch-flyby, that is, by specifying

   :catch-flyby nil     ; default=t File Selection

File selection variables are specified by setting :value-type to :filename.

The value attached to a :filename variable is a list of two items:

        :value-type               LISP Data Type
        -----------               --------------

        :filename                 list: (filename mode)

                                  where filename = a string,
                                        mode = {:overwrite :append nil}

The remaining part of this section only deals with a :filename variable that triggers a file browser as an input tool for specifying a file name. The options described below do not apply to a :filename variable that is integrated with the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Load/Save filing system (see 4.7 File Manager). That is, to be more precise, in what follows the :filename variable does not occur in the :filing-variables specification of the dialog.

File selections sometimes cause a confirmation dialog to appear on the screen, requesting the user to choose one of the modes :overwrite or :append, or to abort the file selection. The chosen mode is stored as the second element of the variable's LISP data type.

Note that the :initial-value must be specified in the list format, e.g.

       (FILE :value-type :filename
             :initial-value '("MYFILE.TXT" :overwrite))
       (FILE :value-type :filename
             :initial-value '("MYFILE.TXT" nil))

(sd-defdialog 'filename_demo
   :dialog-title "Filename"
      '((PARTS :value-type :part
               :modifies NIL
               :multiple-items t)
        (FILE :value-type :filename
              :title "Save File"
              :initialdirectory "/tmp"
              :fileType :lisp))
   :ok-action (progn

The precise nature of the file browser can be controlled by means of the following keywords:

        :direction {:input :output :io} ;default=:io
        :if-exists {:overwrite :append :confirm-overwrite
              ;default = :confirm-overwrite if :direction={:output, :io}
        :initialDirectory a-string   
        :fileType         a-registered-keyword 
        :initialPattern   a-string 
        :relative-position list-of-x-y-coordinate-offsets 
                                    ;default=(-450 -250 :bottomleft)
        :add-suffix {t nil} ;default=t   if :direction={:output, :io}
                            ;default=nil if :direction=:input
        :filename-incl-path {t nil} ;default=t

The possible choices of registered keywords for :fileType can be obtained by analysing the environment file of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. Each file type specifies one or more associated file suffixes.

The specified :fileType can be customized at runtime, i.e. the associated file suffixes can be defined or redefined at runtime. File types can be registered or modified by means of the functions define-file-type and set_file_suffix as illustrated in any typical environment file.

Note that the :fileType specification can only be used for file browsers that are used as input tools, that is, for collecting a file name for a dialog variable. By contrast, load and save dialogs are based on a different :file-type concept that not only assigns corresponding file suffixes but furthermore controls the behavior of the File Manager

The :relative-position specifies the position of the file browser that pops up when an input is being specified for the variable. The position specification must contain at least two numbers: the horizontal and vertical offsets. Examples are

     :relative-position (-200 -300)
     :relative-position (-200 -300 :bottomright)

The general form is

     :relative-position (x-offset y-offset attachment)
      x-offset:     x-direction (positive axis rightwards)
      y-offset:     y-direction (positive axis downwards)
      attachment:   {:bottomleft :bottomcenter :bottomright 
                     :lefttop    :leftcenter   :leftbottom
                     :righttop   :rightcenter  :rightbottom
                     :topleft    :topcenter    :topright}

If :add-suffix is set to T, the :fileType keyword is given and if a default suffix is defined for the given file type, the file browser uses this default suffix to complete file names entered by the user. The default value is :add-suffix = T, when :direction = {:output, :io} and :add-suffix = NIL when :direction =:input. Display Only

The value type :display-only displays the value of a variable in a non-editable format. The value of the variable can be of any LISP value type.

The variable cannot be modified by a user and is not associated with a command input token (in contrast to most other :value-types). However, the value of the variable can be modified within the dialog code using setf or setq.

A typical example is to display important parameters that have been derived from some object to guide the user. The following dialog displays the length of a selected edge as a means to assist the user:

(sd-defdialog 'display_only
   :dialog-title "Stretch Edge"
     '((AN_EDGE   :value-type :edge
                    (setq old_length
                        (measure_dist :edge_length an_edge))))
       (OLD_LENGTH :value-type :display-only
                   :display-units :length)
       (NEW_LENGTH :value-type :length)))

A variable of the type :display-only is recommended whenever a variable is intended to be "disabled" permanently. Note that a :display-only variable need not (and cannot) be disabled.

A variable of the type :display-only cannot occur in a :mutual-exclusion list.

The keyword :display-units converts the value of the variable to the current units. The following choices are provided:

   :display-units   {:length :angle :length-2d :length-3d}

The keywords :length-2d and :length-3d can be used to display the value types :point-2d and :point-2d, respectively.

The keyword :alignment defines the horizontal alignment of the range items:

   :alignment {:left :center :right}     ;default=:left

A :display-only variable will be editable if the option :editable is set to T. An editable :display-only variable additionally supports the :display-units called :number. The option :label-text-push-action can be used to override the default input behavior of an editable :display-only variable. Image

The value type :image displays an image. A typical example is to display information in a 2-dimensional graphical format to provide additional support for the dialog user.

There are no limitations on the image size, other than that its height should be less than the screen height. A horizontal scrollbar will be inserted if the image is wider than the standard width of the dialog.

(sd-defdialog 'black_box
   :dialog-title "Black Box"
     '((PICTURE   :value-type :image
                  :image-file "c:/black-box.bmp")
       (N1 :value-type :number)
       (N2 :value-type :number))
   :ok-action '(create-black-box n1 n2))

The following options are available

        :image-file a-string       ;default=nil
        :image-name a-string       ;default=nil
        :image-height a-number     ;default=derived from image
        :image-alignment keyword   ;default=:center
        :image-Valignment keyword  ;default=:center

The options :image-file and :image-name can be used alternatively. If both are provided, then the :image-file specification will be ignored.

The possible values for the horizontal alignment, :image-alignment, are :left, :center and :right.

The possible values for the vertical alignment, :image-Valignment, are :bottom, :center and :top.

An :image variable cannot be modified by a user and is not associated with a command input token (in contrast to most other :value-types).

The image of the variable can be modified by using the local function 3.2.1 sd-set-variable-status with the options :image-file and :image-name.

An :image variable cannot be used within an :expand-shrink variable list. However, the desired behavior can be achieved by avoiding the :expand-shrink variable and by explicitly controlling the visibility of the involved variables (see also expand/shrink restrictions). Multiple Value Types

A variable can possess more than one :value-type specification. When activating such a variable, a user can choose to enter different kinds of data, say a 3D point or a length. Thus, for example, the resulting value of the variable can be either a 3D point or a length, depending on whether the user picked a point in the graphics viewport or entered a number into the user input line.

Multiple value types should be used with care, since the :after-input forms must cope with a dialog variable that can have different types of values.

Note that multiple kinds of selections can be implemented by means of the keyword :selection (see 4.1.3 Object Selection) without the need to use :secondary-value-type. Secondary value types can be used together with :selection.

Secondary value types can be specified as follows:

  :secondary-value-type        a-value-type-or-list-of-value-types

  :gui-value                   a-lisp-form
  :editable-primary-value-type {t nil}  ;default=nil
  :check-secondary-value-type  {t nil}  ;default=nil

Several restrictions exist for the choices of secondary value types:

Note that more than one secondary value type can be specified by specifying a list of value types.

The options :gui-value and :editable-primary-value-type control the data field associated with the variable, as described below.

In general, the :check-function of a variable is applied to an input that matches with the primary and the :secondary-value-type. Furthermore, if a :confirmation specification is supplied, then it also applies to inputs that match with the :secondary-value-type.

A selection variable is an exception to the above rule, that is, the :check-function is by default only applied to the primary value type but not to a :secondary-value-type. The option :check-secondary-value-type applies to selection variables and controls the application of the :check-function. If the option :check-secondary-value-type is set to t, then the :check-function will be applied to inputs that match with the :secondary-value-type.

By default, the input field corresponding the a variable with a secondary value type is non-editable, thus ensuring that different data types can be accomodated in the UI. By default, the value of the variable is displayed in internal units.

The option :gui-value can be used to control the text that is displayed in the data field of the variable. The value of the supplied form must return a string or NIL, e.g.

  (OFFSET1 :value-type :length
           :secondary-value-type :point-3d
           :gui-value (when offset1
                        (if (numberp offset1)
                          (format nil "~A" offset1)
             (if (numberp offset1)
               (handle-offset-number offset1)
               (handle-point-3d-offset offset1)))

  (defun handle-offset-number (a-number) ...)
  (defun handle-point-3d-offset (a-point-3d) ...)

Note that caution is needed in the :after-input code to ensure feasible usage of the variable offset1.

The option :editable-primary-value-type causes the input field to become editable. The resulting value is displayed in current units and new input can be entered in current units. When using this option, it is recommended to convert the secondary value type to to the primary value type within the :after-input code.

The example below illustrates the converson of a secondary value type to the primary value type in the :after-input form, in this case from a point-3d to a :length.

  (OFFSET2 :value-type :length
           :secondary-value-type :point-3d
           :editable-primary-value-type t
            (when (gpnt3d-p offset2)
              (setq offset2 (determine-offset-length offset2))))

  (defun determine-offset-length (a-point-3d) ...) Directory Selection

A directory selection variable is specified by setting :value-type to :directory.

On activating the variable, a modal folder browser is displayed. The browser displays the :prompt-text of the activated variable.

Alternatively, the user can directly enter the name of a valid directory into the data field.

The value attached to a :directory variable is a string.

By default, the folder browser starts with the directory value of the variable. If the variable has no initial value you can specify :initialDirectory to let the folder browser start in this specific directory.

4.1.2 Range Selection

A list of choices can be implemented by supplying a :range list. No values other than those in the currently valid range specification can be assigned to the variable.

A variable with a :range specification possesses a value at all times (unless it is included in a :mutual-exclusion list). The default value is the first item of the :range list.

Examples of variables with :range specifications are

   '((KEYWORDS :range (:v1 :v2 :v3))
     (NUMBERS  :range (1 2 3))
     (SYMBOLS  :range (v1 v2 v3))
     (STRINGS  :range ("V1" "V2" "V3"))
     (MIXED    :range (:v1 1 v2 "V3"))

The data types of range items can be mixed freely, as illustrated in the above dialog variable MIXED.

A separator can be inserted into the range by means of the special item "-", e.g.

    (MIXED :range (1 2 3 "-" :a :b :c)) Range Labels

Each range element can individually be replaced by a list that specifies the element and it's screen representation, e.g.

The first item of a pair is used as the value of the variable (that is passed on to the dialog function in the :ok-action), while the expression following :label specifies the screen representation. The screen representation can be determined by the return value of a LISP form, such as (get-print-name-1).

The following examples summarizes some uses of the :range keyword:

(sd-defdialog 'range_demo
    :dialog-title "Ranges"
     '((KEYWORDS1 :range (:val1 :val2 :val3))
       (KEYWORDS2 :range ((:val1 :label "Val 1")
                          (:val2 :label "Val 2")
                          (:val3 :label "Val 3")))
       (NUMBERS1  :range (1 2 3))
       (NUMBERS2  :range ((1 :label "one")
                          (2 :label "two")
                          (3 :label "three")))
       (SYMBOLS1  :range (val1 val2 val3))
       (SYMBOLS2  :range ((val1 :label "Val 1")
                          (val2 :label "Val 2")
                          (val3 :label "Val 3")))
       (STRINGS1  :range ("Val 1" "Val 2" "3"))
       (STRINGS2  :range (("Val 1" :label "1.st Val")
                          ("Val 2" :label "2.nd Val")
                          ("3"     :label "3.rd Val"))))) Range with Units

The keyword :display-units specifies the units of the range items, thus causing the range items to be displayed in the current units. The possible choices are:

        :display-units {:length :angle :density} Modifying a Range

The range choices can be modified during the execution of the dialog by means of the function sd-set-range (see 3.2.1 sd-set-range). This function changes the items in the range. The new items must be of the same type as the previous range; thus, the range (1 2 3) can be changed to (5 6), but not to ("5" "6").

Typically, the function sd-set-range will be employed in an :after-input code sequence, as illustrated below:

      '((NUMR  :value-type :number
                 (let ((new-range (get-variable-items numr)))
                   (sd-set-range 'choice new-range)
                   (setq choice (first (last new-range)))))
        (CHOICE :range ("none")))


(defun get-variable-items (num)
;;;In: a number
;;;Out: a list ("A1" "A2" ... "Anum")
  (if (numberp num)
    (let ((count 0))
      (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
                  (declare (ignore item))
                  (format nil "A~A" (incf count)))
              (make-list num)))))

After changing the range of a variable, the first range item will be assigned to the variable, unless it has been reset explicitly (as illustrated in the above example).

The function sd-set-range can be used to set the range of a variable that has to be determined while the dialog is being activated, as illustrated below:

(defparameter *range-selection-numr* 3)

(sd-defdialog ...
          :range ("none")
            (let ((new-range (get-variable-items *range-selection-numr*)))
              (sd-set-range 'choice new-range)
              (first (last new-range))))

where the function get-variable-items is defined above.

Note that the :initial-value returns an initial value for the variable, after having carried out the side effect of setting up a range.

The initial range item "none" will never be visible on the screen, since the range is redefined while the dialog is being initialized. Note that it is essential to specify a value for :range and that this range specification must have a type (i.e. a string or keyword or number) that is compatible with the range items defined by sd-set-range.

4.1.3 Object Selection

In many cases, one of the predefined :value-types will be appropriate for the selection of an object (see Selection of Objects)

More advanced kinds of objects or combinations of different kinds of objects can be defined by means of the :selection keyword:

        :selection list-of-focus-types        ;default=nil
         ((OBJECT :selection 
                     (*sd-circle-2d-seltype* *sd-arc-2d-seltype*))

The possible focus type choices are described in Select Interrupt Action.

The additional keywords for object selections, as described in Selection of Objects, can also be used together with :selection.

4.1.4 Input Support Input Feedback

The two keywords :start-input-feedback and :end-input-feedback can accomodate code that supports the user input activity. A typical application is to provide rubber bands and graphical objects that follow the movement of the mouse.

The keyword :start-input-feedback will be executed upon the activation of a variable and it should start the feedback activities associated with that variable. The keyword :end-input-feedback should clean up the feedback and will be called either

The above behavior leads to the requirement that the :end-input-feedback code must be executable one or more times, possibly without a prior execution of :start-input-feedback.

The keyword :before-input behaves in the same manner as :start-input-feedback and has been introduced for the sake of symmetry with :after-input. Input Tools

The two keywords :show-input-tool and :hide-input-tool can be used to support specialized user interface input tools that operate in parallel with the input prompt areas.

Examples are the selection of data from a dynamically created list or table. The following example illustrates the use of these keywords:

           :range (:st100 :st200))
           :value-type :length
           :show-input-tool (show-widths-list material :initial-value width)
           :hide-input-tool (hide-widths-list)))

In the above example, the functions show-widths-list and hide-widths-list are application-specific functions, designed by the dialog developer. The function show-widths-list has the responsability to bring up a tool on the screen that allows the user to select a width from a list of numbers that depend on the current values of material and width. The function hide-widths-list must cause the tool to disappear from the screen without producing any additional side effects.

When a value has been specified in that tool, e.g. by pressing on the OK or APPLY button or by doubling clicking an item, the selected value will be assigned to the dialog variable.

Warning: The LISP code within the :show-input-tool and :hide-input-tool forms can neither manipulate values of dialog variables nor access local functions (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments). The options :show-input-tool and :hide-input-tool are so-called personality options.

Input tools are called when the dialog is used interactively. Input tools are not called when the dialog is executed within a sd-call-cmds wrapper or are being replayed in a recorder file.

The execution of an input tool is delayed until the variable becomes current and the user interface becomes interactive. Note that values can also be assigned to variables without entering such an interactive state. For example, a value 3 can assigned to a variable :var1 by entering the expression :var1 3 into the user input line. In this case, the input tool will not be called. Proposals

Proposals can be used to assist the input of data to a variable with an freely editable input field by presenting a predefined list of commonly used values.

The list of predefined proposals can be displayed by activating a control located on the right of the edit field. The user can then simply select a proposed value, rather than entering that data manually.

(sd-defdialog 'attach_country
     '((REGION :value-type :string
               :proposals ("North America" "Europe" "Asia"))
       (A_PART :value-type :part :modifies NIL))
     '(pprint (list region a_part)))

Proposals do not constrain the input to the input field - in contrast to :range type variables - but rathermore allow other values, that are not present in the proposals list, to be assigned to the variable.

The following keywords are provided to control the behavior and the display of the proposals:

        :proposals list-of-strings-or-numbers ;default=no proposals UI

        :max-visible-proposals integer        ;default=15, min=1 max=15
        :max-proposals integer                ;default=20, min=1
        :auto-add-proposals {t nil}           ;default=nil
        :proposals-order   {:new-input-at-top :sorted :last-input-at-top nil}
                                              ;if :auto-add-proposals=t then
                                              ;  default=:new-input-at-top, else
                                              ;  default=nil

The specified :proposals should specify a list of items that match with the :value-type of the variable. When :auto-add-proposals = t is used, the initially specified :proposals list may be (), i.e. NIL.

Proposals for length and angle type variables are displayed in current units. The standard option :digits can be used to control the displayed accuracy of the proposals.

The keyword :auto-add-proposals can be used to automatically insert manual inputs into the proposals list. Added proposal values are persistently used throughout the user session. The option :persistent-proposals can be used to obtain persistency between sessions.

The local function sd-set-proposals redefines the list of proposals, e.g.

   (sd-set-proposals 'region '("USA" "Germany" "Frace" "Itay" "Sweden")) Additional Token String

Several :value-types - such as :measure-vector and :measure-direction and :measure-axis - collect user input by means of a standard Creo Elements/Direct Modeling utility tool. The keyword :additional-token-string aims to reduce the amount of clicking required by the user while manipulating the input utility tool.

The keyword :additional-token-string can be used to accomodate tokens, that are equivalent to interactive clicks in the fields of the utility tool:

        :additional-token-string a-string     ;default=nil

(sd-defdialog 'Token_String
       '((HEIGHT :value-type :measure-vector
                 :additional-token-string ":dir_len :edge_tangent")
         (OBJECT :value-type :face
                 :multiple-items t
                 :show-select-menu t
                 :additional-token-string ":start"))

A click on the variable HEIGHT activates the edge fly-by-highlighting as described for measure options.

The second variable, called OBJECT, makes use of the keyword :show-select-menu to pop up the select menu as soon as the variable has been selected. The keyword :additional-token-string causes one of the input fields of the select menu to become active. In this example the input field Add will become active immediately, thus simplifying the collection of the faces.

Thus, a click on the variable OBJECT causes the following input tool to appear on the screen

Note: The option :additional-token-string can only be applied to visible variables. Invisible variables do not issue tokens. If the variable that should receive the additional token is invisible, then the :additional-token-string specification can generally be shifted to the visible variable that causes the entry into the invisible variable (e.g. via a :next-variable option). Summary of Data Input Mechanisms

The following list summarizes the sequence in which the input support code is executed during a complete interaction cycle with a dialog variable:

     Keyword              |   Form called ...
 :proposals               | activated via a special UI control
 :additional-token-string | token string called while activating a 
                          | dialog variable
 :before-input            | after activating a dialog variable
 :start-input-feedback    | immediately after :before-input
 :show-input-tool         | immediately before user input is enabled
 :check-function          | when an input was defined
 :end-input-feedback      | when input was checked and variable was updated
 :after-input             | when input was checked and variable was updated
                          | (immediately after :end-input-feedback)
 :hide-input-tool         | when updating the screen after completing
                          | the variable interaction

If the input interaction is cancelled, then the :check-function and :after-input code will be ignored. If the :check-function denies the user input, then :after-input code will be ignored.

The :check-function form is not only executed during a user interaction. It is also used to check the validity of an :initial-value and a value assigned by calls to sd-set-variable-status when using the option :value.

4.1.5 Setting Values of Variables Initial Value

The initial value of a variable is given by the return value of the form specified in :initial-value. By default, most variables have the initial value NIL. Some variables take the current part or workplane as the default value.

Initial values are initialized in the order of their occurence in the :variables list. The initial value of a variable can be used to determine the initial values of subsequent variables (the initializations behave like a LET* form).

The initial value of a variable will be subjected to the :check-function, if one has been provided (see next section). If the variable is a selection variable, then the initial value will be be checked against the selection options of that variable as well. A selection variable can be assigned to the initial value NIL or - in the case of multiple items - to a list containing feasible objects and NILs.

The assignment of an initial value to a variable does not trigger the :after-input code of that variable.

The dialog keyword :after-initialization is called after all the variables have been initialized and can be used to finalize the initial state of the dialog before it becomes interactive. Check Functions

Check functions can be used to accept or reject a user input (and an intial-value) by means of an application specific check.

If an :initial-value does not satisfy the :check-function, then the :initial-value will be ignored (without displaying the returned error message).

Check Function Input:

The code that is specified by the keyword :check-function must define a function that accepts one argument. The LISP data type of the argument corresponds to the data type of the variable at hand, as given in the section 4.1.1 Value Types.

Thus, for example, a :check-function for a variable of the type :part must be able to cope with a sel_item. A variable of the type :length is is passed as to the check function in terms of internal units (i.e. mm and rad), and not in the currently active units.

Exception: The argument of a check function for a variable of type :filename is a file name (and not a list containing a file name and a mode).

Check Function Output:

A check function must return one of the following expressions:

Note that a :check-function can return an error message and does not need to display it from within the :check-function.

If a :check-function displays an error message, then the variable should not be specified with a potentially erroneous initial value, in order to avoid the appearance of error messages during the initiation of the dialog.

Note Selection variables (e.g. variables with the value type :face or :edge) support an additional option called :filter-function, in order to achieve a silent selection rejection. The filter function can be specified syntactically in the same way as a check function, except that it can only return the values :ok or :error. If the filter function returns :error then the selection is rejected without issuing an error message. If the filter function returns :ok, then the selection is accepted. A selection that is accepted by the filter function is then subjected to a check function test, if provided.

Check Function Examples:

The following error message has been caused by a :check-function:

The above error message can be built into the dialog in a variety of ways, such as

Version 1: Check Function is a nomal LISP function:

          :value-type :length
          :check-function my-number-check)

          :value-type :length
          :check-function #'my-number-check)

   (defun my-number-check (new-value)
      (if (and (numberp new-value) (<= 0 new-value 10))
         (values :error "The input value is beyond the range [0 10]")))

Version 2: Check Function is a local Lambda expression

(sd-defdialog 'check_func
          :value-type :length
            #'(lambda (new-value)
                (if (and (numberp new-value) (<= 0 new-value 10))
                  (values :error
                       "The input value is beyond the range [0 10]"))))

The argument new-value is a freely choosen argument name of the function. Question/Warning Confirmation Interactions

A confirmation interaction displays a question or warning box that allows the user to make a decision whether to accept or reject a given situation. This kind of interaction is therefore sometimes called an advisor dialog.

A confirmation interaction can be used

The :confirmation form is triggered whenever the :check-function or the :push-action returns a value that differs from :ok or :error.

A question/warning confirmation interaction can be specified as follows:


            :dialog dialog       ; {:warning :question :triple-choice}

            :prompt advisor-text

            :prompt-text text-in-prompt-line

          ; Options for :dialog = :warning

            :ok-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-continue
            :cancel-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-cancel
            :severity severity
            :top-label label-text
            :push-1 title-of-continue-button
            :push-2 title-of-cancel-button
            :push-3 title-of-custom-help-button
            :push-info LISP-form-for-custom-help-button
            :info-image Image-displayed-in-warning-decoder

          ; Options for :dialog = :question

            :ok-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-yes
            :cancel-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-cancel
            :push-1 title-of-yes-button
            :push-2 title-of-no-button
            :display-dont-show-again boolean

          ; Options for :dialog = :triple-choice

            :yes-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-yes
            :other-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-other
            :ok-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-yes-and-other
            :cancel-cleanup LISP-form-executed-on-cancel
            :top-label label-text
            :push-1 title-of-yes-button
            :push-2 title-of-no-button
            :push-other title-of-other-button
            :other-allowed boolean

return-value-of-check-function {KEYWORD}
specifies a keyword (other than :ok and :error) that is returned by the :check-function.
:dialog {KEYWORD [:warning]}
specifies the kind of symbol that will appear in the confirmation window. This parameter cannot be changed at runtime.
An exclamation mark is displayed. The confirmation window possesses the buttons Continue and Cancel.
A question mark is displayed. The confirmation window possesses the buttons Yes and No.
An exclamation mark is displayed. The confirmation window displays the buttons Yes, Other and No in this order, from left to right.
:prompt {STRING ["Do you want to accept the value?"]}
Specifies the text that will be displayed in the confirmation window.
:prompt-text {STRING ["Click Yes [,Other] or No"]}
Specifies the text that will be displayed in the prompt line.
:ok-cleanup {LISP-Form [nil]}
Specifies the form that will be evaluated on leaving the confirmation dialog via the YES or CONTINUE button. In a :triple-choice confirmation, this form is called after :yes-cleanup and :other-cleanup.
:cancel-cleanup {LISP-Form [nil]}
Specifies the form that will be evaluated on leaving the confirmation dialog via the CANCEL or NO button or any other kind of termination (other than via the YES, CONTINUE or OTHER button).
:severity {KEYWORD [:none]}
specifies the color of the exclamation mark and the border that drawn around the text of a confirmation window with dialog: = :warning
:none - blue
:low - yellow
:medium - orange
:high - red
:top-label {STRING ["Warning"]}
Specifies the text that will be placed in the top label of a confirmation warning or triple-choice box.
:push-1 {STRING ["Continue" or "Yes"]}
Specifies the title that will be placed on the OK button. The default title is "Continue" for a warning box and "Yes" for a question and triple choice box.
:push-2 {STRING ["Cancel" or "No"]}
Specifies the title that will be placed on the CANCEL button. The default is "Cancel" for a warning box and "No" for a question and triple choice box.
:push-3 {STRING [NIL}}
Specifies the title that will be placed on the custom help button. The custom help button is not displayed if this paramter is not specified.
:push-info {LISP-Form [NIL}}
Specifies the lisp form that is executed when the custom help button is pressed, e.g. :push-info '(sd-display-url "www.ptc.com").
:info-image {STRING [NIL}}
Specifies an additional image to be displayed on the right-hand side of the warning dialog.
:push-other {STRING ["Other"]}
Specifies the title that will be placed on the OTHER button of a triple-choice confirmation dialog.
:yes-cleanup {LISP-Form [nil]}
Specifies the form that will be evaluated on leaving a triple-choice confirmation dialog via the YES button. After executing :yes-cleanup the form :ok-cleanup will be executed.
When activating the NO button in a triple-choice box or when canceling the current dialog, :cancel-cleanup is executed.
:other-cleanup {LISP-Form [nil]}
Specifies the form that will be evaluated on leaving a triple-choice confirmation dialog via the OTHER button. After executing :other-cleanup, the form :ok-cleanup will be executed.
:other-allowed {BOOLEAN [T]}
Specifies whether the OTHER button should be included in a triple-choice confirmation dialog.
:display-dont-show-again {BOOLEAN [nil]}
Specifies whether a 'dont show again' checkbox should be displayed in a question confirmation dialog.
If a user switches this checkbox on, then the yes/no answer of the user will automatically be applied in all subsequent occurrences of the confirmation for the variable at hand, without displaying the question again. This behavior is persistent across sessions. The redisplay of the question can be achieved by deleting the appropriate entry in the "DONT-SHOW-THIS-AGAIN" property in the all_data.lsp customization file.

Question and warning confirmations extend the railroad of the variable. The tokens :yes and :no terminate the question/warning interaction. A triple-choice confirmation also accepts the token :other.

The following example illustrates a :confirmation interaction, in which numbers in the range 10 to 20 require manual verification, while all other numbers are treated in an automatic way:

(defun number-in-bounds (candidate)
  (cond ((<= candidate 10) :ok)                 ;==> accept candidate
        ((<= 10 candidate 20) :bad)             ;==> manual decision
        ((>  20 candidate)                      ;==> reject candidate
         (values :error "The value is too big!"))))

(sd-defdialog 'confirmed_number
    :dialog-title "A number"
           :value-type :number
           :check-function number-in-bounds
               :prompt "The value is rather large, do you want to accept it?"
               :severity :medium

The following dialog creates feedback during the user interaction. The feedback is created within the check-function and is cleaned up by means of the :ok-cleanup and :cancel-cleanup code.

(defun number-in-bounds-with-feedback (candidate)
  (cond ((<= candidate 10) :ok)                 ;==> accept candidate
        ((<= 10 candidate 20)
         (create-bounds-feedback candidate)
         :bad)                                  ;==> manual decision
        ((>  20 candidate)                      ;==> reject candidate
         (create-bounds-feedback candidate)
         (values :error "Value too big!"))))

(sd-defdialog 'feedback_number
    :dialog-title "A Number"
           :value-type :number
           :check-function number-in-bounds-with-feedback
              (:bad  :dialog :warning
                     :prompt "Do you want to accept it?"
                     :severity :high
                     :ok-cleanup (cleanup-bounds-feedback)
                     :cancel-cleanup (cleanup-bounds-feedback)))

(defun create-bounds-feedback (num) ...)
(defun cleanup-bounds-feedback () ...)

Exception: A variable of the type :filename will ignore a :confirmation specification. Such variables employ a built-in :confirmation interaction. After Input Form

As soon as a user input value has been assigned to a variable, the LISP code specified by :after-input is executed. This code can assign new values to any of the dialog variables by means of the standard LISP special forms

Note that the special case (setf a_part nil) is essentially equivalent to (setq a_part nil).

If applicable, setq and setf forms automatically cause the variable to be updated in the command UI, highlighted in the graphics and expand-shrink groups to be managed.

The function sd-set-variable-status controls the user interface behavior of a variable, such as disabling. Although a disabled variable cannot be modified by the user, it can still be modified by LISP code at the discretion of the dialog developer, e.g. by means of setq. Mutual Exclusion Cleanup

A variable that belongs to a set of mutually excluded variables (as specified by :mutual-exclusion) is automatically reset whenever any of the other variables become active. The :mutual-exclusion-cleanup code supports the specification of further cleanup activity to be executed after such a variable has been reset. Interactive Input Control

By default, variables with a :check-function (with or without a :confirmation specification) will return to the input mode after an invalid input was entered. This enables the user to easily repeat the data entry until a valid input has been entered.

Setting the option :repeat-input-until-defined to NIL will cause the dialog to exit the data entry mode after the input was entered, regardless of the validity of the input. The user guidance scheme will then shift the input focus to the next relevant 'must' variable or - if none is available - to the idle top prompt. For that reason, the option :repeat-input-until-defined should only be used for :invisible variables.

Sequential dialogs will not proceed to the next variable until the previous variable has successfully been assigned a value. This default behavior can be overridden by setting the option :repeat-input-until-defined to NIL, thus allowing the next variable to be specified despite the potential absence of a value for the previous variable. Input Focus Control

When a dialog variable with a visible input field is activated, then the system input focus is directed to that input field. Consequently, keyboard input is echoed in the input field.

If the variable is invisible or if the input field is disabled, then the system input focus is by default shifted to the user input line. In this case, keyboard input is echoed to the user input line. This default behavior can be switched off by means of the variable option

   :no-focus-change t  ;; default=nil

On entering an invisible variable it can sometimes be useful to shift the input focus to some other visible variable that will then receive the keyboard input. This can be achieved as follows

   :input-focus-variable Lisp-form  ;;default=nil

where Lisp-form is evaluated whenever the variable at hand is entered. It should evalute to a dialog variable symbol or to NIL.

4.1.6 Activating Side Effects Push Action

A toggle button that is specified by means of :push-action can be used to trigger the execution of a side effect, like modifying the graphical display or executing various kinds of calculations.

Consider the following example:

(sd-defdialog 'next_demo
   :dialog-title "Trim"
     '((A_PART :value-type :part
               :modifies NIL 
               :title "Part")
       (HEIGHT :value-type :length)
       (WIDTH  :value-type :length)
       (NEXT   :push-action (trim-part a_part height width)))
      '(trim-part a_part height width))

The :push-action can be triggered repeatedly for varying values of the variables without exiting the dialog. By contrast, the execution of :ok-action always immediately terminates the dialog (regardless whether the operation was successful or not and regardless of the current settings of the optional-status of the variable).

A variable that contains a :push-action specification exists as a variable. It is possible to assign an arbitrary value to that variable (e.g. by means of setq) within the :push-action-code (or any other code region) and to modify the status of the variable (by means of sd-set-variable-status). However, there is no automatic assignment of values to that variable, since the variable is primarily of interest for its side effect action.

The following dialog illustrates an application of :push-action to implement a simple pair of preview and unpreview buttons.

(sd-defdialog 'next2_demo
   :dialog-title "Actions"
     '((ENTITY :value-type :face)
             :toggle-type :grouped-toggle
             :initial-enable t
                 (pprint "Preview Action")
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'preview :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'entity  :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'next    :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'un_preview :enable t)))
             :toggle-type :grouped-toggle
             :initial-enable nil
                 (pprint "Unpreview Action")
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'un_preview :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'preview :enable t)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'entity  :enable t)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'next    :enable t)))
       (NEXT :push-action (pprint "Do it now"))))

The two toggle buttons preview and un_preview are placed side by side, due to setting :toggle-type to :grouped-toggle. Only one of these two toggles is enabled at one time. When one of the buttons is pressed, it executes a side effect, disables its own toggle button and enables the other toggle-button. During the preview mode, no variables other than un_preview can be activated. Push Action with Question/Warning Confirmation

A :push-action variable can contain a :confirmation specification to initiate a confirmation interaction, as described in Question/Warning Confirmation Interactions.

This section illustrates how to launch a confirmation interaction from a :after-input and a :ok-action form based on a :push-action with a :confirmation.

In the first example, let us assume that some :after-input code needs to be split up into two parts, whereby the execution of the second part requires the explicit approval of the user.

On first thought, the simplest way to achieve this goal is to use the function sd-display-question (or similarily sd-display-warning), as shown below:

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_in_after_input
     '((ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (NUM  :value-type :number
                 (pprint "after-input-1")
                 (when (and ask
                            (eq (sd-display-question "Execute after-input-2?")
                   (pprint "after-input-2")))))
   :ok-action '(pprint (list :ask ask :num num)))

However, the above solution has the following disadvantages:

The key to overcoming the above drawbacks is to integrate the yes/no answer of the question/warning dialog into the railroad of the command. This can be achieved by introducing a :push-action variable with a :confirmation.

The above example can be improved by shifting the second part of the :after-input code to an invisible :push-action variable, containing a :confirmation specification, and by activating that variable via the :next-variable option:

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_on_after_input
     '((ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (NUM  :value-type :number
             :after-input (pprint "after-input-1")
             :next-variable (when ask :push))
       (PUSH :push-action :bad
               (:bad :dialog :question
                     :prompt "Execute after-input-2?"
                     :ok-cleanup (pprint "after-input-2"))
             :toggle-type :invisible))
   :ok-action '(pprint (list :ask ask :num num)))

With the above approach, the :yes/:no tokens that acknowledge the question interaction are an integral part of the command railroad. Thus, for example, the above command could be called as follows:

      (sd-call-cmds (confirm_on_after_input :ask :on :num 11 :yes))

In the second example, let us assume that some :ok-action code needs to be split up into two parts, whereby the execution of the second part requires the explicit approval of the user.

Again, the simplest way to achieve this goal is to use the function sd-display-question, as shown below:

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_in_exit
     '((ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t))
         (pprint "ok-action-1")
         (when (and ask
                    (eq (sd-display-question "Execute ok-action-2?")
           (pprint "ok-action-2"))))

But the disadvantages mentioned above also apply to this solution. Those disadvantages can be eliminated by shifting the second part of the :ok-action code to an invisible :push-action variable, containing a :confirmation specification. That invisible variable can be activated by returning from the :ok-action as soon as the first part of the :ok-action has been executed (by means of the macro sd-return-from-ok-action) and appropriately specifying the option :ok-action-next-variable:

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_on_exit
     '((ok-action-1-executed :initial-value nil)
       (ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (PUSH :push-action :bad
               (:bad :dialog :question
                     :prompt "Execute ok-action-2?"
                          (pprint "ok-action-2")
                          (setq ask nil)
                          (setq ask nil)
             :toggle-type :invisible))
         (unless ok-action-1-executed
           (pprint "ok-action-1")
           (setq ok-action-1-executed t))
         (when ask
      '(when ask

After the execution of the confirmation code, the macro sd-accept-dialog causes the dialog to reenter the :ok-action. The flag ok-action-1-executed was introduced to suppress a second execution of the first part of the ok action. On reentering the :ok-action due to sd-accept-dialog, the dialog terminates, since the dialog variable ask was reset in the confirmation code.

The above dialog suffices for use in recorder files.

Note, however, that the :yes/:no acknowledgement token for the question interaction is consumed after the dialog has entered :ok-action. Consequently, a fully qualified call of this dialog, via sd-call-cmds, cannot supply the aknowledgement tokens for the question interaction (The default is to accept the question). This issue can be resolved by introducing an additional variable, say DO_IT, and activating that variable during the call:

      (sd-call-cmds (confirm_before_exit :ask :on :do_it :yes))
      (sd-call-cmds (confirm_before_exit :ask :on :do_it :no))


(sd-defdialog 'confirm_before_exit
     '((ok-action-1-executed :initial-value nil)
       (ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (DO_IT :push-action (ok-action-1)
                (when ask
              :toggle-type :invisible)
       (PUSH :push-action :bad
               (:bad :dialog :question
                     :prompt "Execute ok-action-2?"
                          (pprint "ok-action-2")
                          (setq ask nil)
                          (setq ask nil)
             :toggle-type :invisible))
       '((ok-action-1 ()
           (unless ok-action-1-executed
             (pprint "ok-action-1")
             (setq ok-action-1-executed t))))
         (when ask
      '(when ask
         'push)) Positioning Parts and Workplanes

The two keywords :position-part and :position-wp can be used to change the position of parts or assemblies and workplanes or workplane sets, respectively.

A :position-part or :position-wp variable displays the positioning options while the variable is active.

The above examples were generated by the following code:

(sd-defdialog 'position_part_demo
   :dialog-title "Pos. Part"
     '((A_PART :value-type :part
               :modifies NIL
               :title "Part")
       (POSITIONING :position-part a_part)
       (NEXT :push-action (install-part a_part))))


(sd-defdialog 'position_wp_demo
   :dialog-title "Pos. WP"
      '((WP   :value-type :wp
              :title "Workplane")
        (POSITIONING :position-wp wp)
        (NEXT :push-action (install-wp wp))))

On reentering a :position-wp or :position-part variable, the previously used direction or rotation axis will be reinserted.

A dialog can contain any number of occurences of :position-wp and :position-wp variables.

The option

        :reference-wp a_workplane sel_item                  ;default=nil

specifies a workplane onto which the initial polestar will be placed when the variable is activated. By default, the polestar is initially placed at the part box boundary or workplane origin as specified by :position-part or :position-wp, respectively. UI Side Effects

Most UI related issues are taken care of by the dialog generator automatically, thus contributing to a consistent use model. Under normal circumstances, the UI of a dialog need not be programmed explicitly and the dialog developer can skip this section.

Nevertheless, a number of options are available that can be used to influence the UI or dialog control in non-standard ways. These types of options are called personality options.

The dialog option


and the variable options


behave much like the options :after-initialization, :after-input and :push-action respectively, but their execution is delayed until the user interface reaches an interactive state. When this delay has elapsed, all UI components can be assumed to exist.

The dialog options


are called after the UI of the dialog has appeared and disappeared, respectively. Note that :enter-ui is basically equivalent to :after-initialization-ui. It is simply called before :after-initialization-ui. Both forms 'see' the same variable values.

The above personality options are therefore suitable places to insert code that modify, create, display or delete dialog specific user interface objects. By contrast, options like the :after-initialization, :after-input and :push-action should not refer to UI components because the components may not exist at the time of the form execution.

The input tool options of a dialog variable


are further personality options.


Code inserted in personality options will not be executed when the dialog executes in a non-interactive manner (e.g. by being called within the sd-call-cmds macro or while being replayed within a recorder file).

We recall that dialog variables cannot be modified and local functions cannot be called within the supplied code for any of the personality options (see 4.3 Procedural Attachments).

The user interface components of a variable can be accessed via the function sd-get-variable-ui-properties

   (sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'my_dialog :my_variable)
              => returns a property list containing
                 all ui properties, e.g.
                     :tb widget name of variable button or check box
                     :tx widget name of variable input field

   (sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'my_dialog :my_variable a-property)
              => returns the value of the given property.

The name of the dialog UI can be accessed as follows:

   (get 'my_dialog :panel-name) => returns the panel name.

Another application of the options :after-initialization-ui, :after-input-ui and :push-action-ui is to simulate user input actions, e.g. by means of the function sd-put-buffer. As mentioned in 4.4.1 Command Syntax of Parallel Dialogs, each variable of a parallel dialog can be activated manually by entering a token into the input buffer. A variable can be activated softwarewise by means of the function sd-put-buffer.

The function sd-put-buffer should be used with care within dialogs and should only occur within the options :after-initialization-ui, :after-input-ui and :push-action-ui.

In the following example, the display of the dialog UI is delayed until a part has been assigned to the variable PAR:

(sd-defdialog 'delayed_ui
   :initial-variable 'par
     '((PAR :value-type :part
            :initial-value nil
              (sd-put-buffer ":display-ui"))
       (NUM :value-type :number)
       (STR :value-type :string))
   :display-token :display-ui
   :ok-action '(pprint (list num str par)))

Due to the presence of a :display-token specification, no UI is displayed on entering this dialog. Since no UI appears, an :initial-variable is provided to request a part from the user. Once a part has been selected, the :after-input-ui calls the function sd-put-buffer to send the token :display-ui to the input buffer, which then causes the UI of the dialog to appear.

4.1.7 Screen Represenation Variable Representation Initial Optional

If :initial-optional is nil (the default), then the input field will remain highlighted until a value has been supplied for that variable. Furthermore, an error message will be issued if the OK button has been triggered by the dialog user before a value exists. Variables that for which :initial-optional is nil, are sometimes referred to as "must"-variables.

The default value for :initial-optional is ignored if the variable is present in a :mutual-exclusion specification (Only one of the variables in the :mutual-exclusion list needs to possess a value).

The value of :initial-optional can be modified from within the dialog by means of the built-in function sd-set-variable-status (see 3.2.1 sd-set-variable-status). Initial Visible

It is possible to control the visibility of a variable with a user interface representation. The built-in function sd-set-variable-status (see 3.2.1 sd-set-variable-status) accepts the keyword :visible. The initial visibility of the variable can be specified by the option :initial-visible, which defaults to t.

Variables that should permanently remain invisible can be defined by setting the option :toggle-type to :invisible. It is illegal to employ this specification if the :initial-visible option is specified or if the visibility of the variable is modified by a call to the local function sd-set-variable-status.

Variables with the above kind of visibility control cannot be used within an :expand-shrink variable list. However, the desired behavior can be achieved by avoiding the :expand-shrink variable and by explicitly controlling the visibility of the involved variables (see also expand/shrink restrictions).

The option :initial-visible can be used for subtitles and separators as follows:

    ("-")                                        ;a permanently visible separator
    (my-separator :title "-" :initial-visible t) ;a dynamically visibile separator

    ("My Subtitle")                                       ;a permanently visible subtitle
    (my-subtitle :title "My Subtitle" :initial-visible t) ;a dynamically visible subtitle

      (sd-set-variable-status 'my-separator :visible nil)
      (sd-set-variable-status 'my-subtitle :visible nil)
    ) Initial Enable

The keyword :initial-enable specifies, whether the toggle will initially accept a user input to a variable. The default initial enable status is T.

When a variable is disabled, it cannot be modified by the user, neither via direct manipulation in the the options block, nor via the prompt input region, nor via a mouse selection click. A disabled variable is greyed out on the screen to visibly indicate the disable status.

The value of :initial-enable can be modified from within the dialog by means of the built-in function sd-set-variable-status (see 3.2.1 sd-set-variable-status). Toggle Type

In :parallel dialogs, variables are displayed on the screen in a so-called options block.

The variables are displayed vertically, from top to bottom, in the same order as they occur in the dialog :variables list.

In general, each variable occupies one row of the options block. The following example illustrates variations of this general scheme, based on the use of :toggle-type:

(sd-defdialog 'toggle_type_demo
   :dialog-title "Toggles"
     '(("Boolean Variables")
       (BOOL       :value-type :boolean)
       (BOOL-LEFT  :value-type :boolean
                   :toggle-type :left-toggle)
       (BOOL-RIG. :value-type :boolean
                   :toggle-type :right-toggle)
       (BOOL-WIDE  :value-type :boolean
                   :toggle-type :wide-toggle)
       (BOOL-G1    :value-type :grouped-boolean)
       (BOOL-G2    :value-type :grouped-boolean)
       ("Push Actions")
       (PUSH       :push-action (pprint "push"))
       (PUSH-LEFT  :push-action (pprint "push-l")
                   :toggle-type :left-toggle)
       (PUSH-RIGHT :push-action (pprint "push-l")
                   :toggle-type :right-toggle)
       (PUSH-WIDE  :push-action (pprint "push-l")
                   :toggle-type :wide-toggle)
       (PUSH-G1    :push-action (pprint "push-g1")
                   :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (PUSH-G2    :push-action (pprint "push-g1")
                   :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       ("Combined Bool/Push")
       (BOOL-C1    :value-type :grouped-boolean)
       (PUSH-C2    :push-action (pprint "push-c2")
                   :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (NUM        :value-type  :number)
       (NUM-IND    :value-type  :number
                   :toggle-type :indicator-toggle-data)))

The placement of a :boolean variable or a :push-action variable on a row can be influenced by setting the keyword :toggle-type to one of the following values: :left-toggle :wide-toggle :right-toggle

Variables of the types :boolean and :push-action do not (by default) require the full row width and can grouped together with other variables horizontally from left to right within the same row. If there is not enough space to accomodate all the horizontal toggles in the given width of the options block, new rows will be created.

The setting :toggle-type = :indicator-toggle-data inserts an indicator in a toggle button. This indicator is used to indicate the presence of a value for a variable and provides integrated clear functionality. The data input field can be cleared by switching the indicator off, thereby setting the dialog variable to NIL. The previously cleared value can be retrieved by switching the indicator back on. If the initial value is NIL, then the option :default-value can be used to specify a 'previous' value that will be displayed when the indicator is switched on the first time.

The setting :indicator-toggle-data should only be used with variables that possess a data field on the screen, and cannot be used in combination with a boolean type variable or a variable with a push action.

The keyword :indicator-type is by default normally set to :square for boolean variables or :none for non-boolean variables. However, if a boolean variable appears in the :mutual-exclusion list, then it will be set to :diamond.

A toggle button can be implemented by adding an :indicator-type specification to a boolean variable, as shown in Push Action Toggle Button Behavior. Toggle Size

The example below illustrates various ways to influence the size of a variable field:

(sd-defdialog 'size_demo
   :dialog-title "Size"
      '(("Data Fields")
        (NUM1/2  :value-type :number)          ;default :size = :half
        (NUM1/3  :value-type :number
                 :size :third)
        (BOOL1/2 :value-type :grouped-boolean) ;default :size = :half
        (BOOL2/2 :value-type :grouped-boolean) ;default :size = :half
        (B1/3    :value-type :grouped-boolean
                 :size :third)
        (B2/3    :value-type :grouped-boolean
                 :size :third)
        (B3/3    :value-type :grouped-boolean
                 :size :third)))

The horizontal width of a :boolean variable can be modified by the :size keyword.

The :size keyword of a variable with a data field, such as :value-type = :number, influences the relative sizes of the label and input fields, while keeping the whole size unchanged.

Note that the size of a variable with a :push-action cannot be modified. Number Format

The number of digits to be displayed behind the decimal point in the data field can be controlled by means of the keyword :digits.

The default value for :digits is 6 for most:value-types. The value type :density uses 12 as the default value of :digits. Text Alignment

The contents of an edit field are always aligned to the left side of an edit field, as long the contents of a variable fit into the edit field.

If the contents exceed the size of the edit field, then the default text alignment is as follows:

The option :value-visibility-alignment can be used to override the above default behavior. Variable Title or Subtitle

The toggle title of a variable can be defined by means of :title.

A variable that contains a :title specification but no other keywords represents a subtitle. The following two specifications of a subtitle are equivalent:

  :variables '(... ("Data") ...)

  :variables '(... (a-title :title "Data") ...)

The second specification provides a means to

A separator can be specified in either of the following two ways:

  :variables '(... ("-") ...)

  :variables '(... (a-separator :title "-") ...)

A subtitle or separator can programatically be switched between a visible and invisible state by adding the option :initial-visible and applying the function (sd-set-variable-status ... :visible t/nil). Title Alignment

The title of a variable is generally aligned to the left side of title area. In special cases, such a :scale or a wide :push-action variable, different defaults are used.

The title alignment of a variable can be specified as follows

  :title-alignment    {:right :left :center} ;default=depends on type of variable Prompt Text

The :prompt-text specifies a text that appears in the prompt area while the user enters data to the variable. If no :prompt-text is specified, default strings will be generated.

The keyword :prompt-text can also accomodate a LISP expression that generates a string. Unpredictable effects occur if this expression does not generate a string. Looping dialogs sometimes require a dynamical determination of :prompt-text in order to reflect the current state of the dialog variables. Push Action Toggle Button Behavior

A straighforward way to implement a toggle button is to add the option :indicator-type to a boolean variable, that is,

    :value-type :boolean
    :indicator-type :none

The button will behave like a toggle, that is, it enters the 'pressed' state when the boolean variable has the value t and it enters the normal 'unpressed' state when the variable has the value nil.

An alternative way to implement a toggle button consists of extending a push action variable and of controlling the status of the button programmatically. We recall that the UI button associated with a :push-action variable is immediately reset after the activation of the push action. This standard behavior can be modified by means of the specification

        :ui-toggle-behavior t         ;default=nil

The above specification causes the status of the button to remain pressed after activating the button. A second activation of the push action will release the button, again causing the :push-action to be triggered.

The option :ui-toggle-behavior enables the programmatic control of the status of the button, e.g. by means of the functions sd-set-togglebutton, sd-reset-togglebutton. The UI button can thereby be inquired via the function sd-get-variable-ui-properties.

The UI button of a :push-action variable gets an expand/shrink "look and feel" by means of the following option combination:

        :toggle-type            :wide-toggle
        :expand-shrink-behavior t

The :push-action of such a variable should typically modify the visiblility of dialog variables. This approach can be used to avoid limitations imposed by an :expand-shrink variable. For example, the visiblity of the push action variable itself can be modified at runtime, which is not possible for an :expand-shrink variable. Minimal UI

The purpose of a minimal UI is to pop up a data input field close to the mouse in the graphics area to accept input for the variable.

Minimal UI input fields are necessary for UI-less dialogs that require number or string inputs, particularily when the user input line is not visible.

Any parallel dialog can be converted to a UI-less dialog by means of the options :without-show or :display-token dialog options or by means of the 'On Request' customization option.

The following option can be used to obtain a minimal UI input field for a specific variable:

  :minimal-ui           {t nil form}      ;default=nil

If :minimal-ui t is supplied, then the minimal UI will be displayed when the variable has been activated.

If :minimal-ui LISP-form is supplied, then the minimal UI will only be displayed if the LISP form returns a non-nil value. The LISP form can access but not modify local dialog variables and cannot call local dialog functions.

If the above option is set to t or if a form is supplied, then the following additional options are available:

  :minimal-ui-title     string       ;default=variable title
  :minimal-ui-width     integer      ;default=7  (* 11 pixel = grid size in X-direction)
  :minimal-ui-value     lisp-form    ;default=variable value
  :minimal-ui-type      {:generic :length :angle :mass :string :pathname :pathnames}
                                     ;default depends on :value-type
  :minimal-ui-close-action lisp-form ;quoted form to be executed on closing the minimal UI
                                     ;If a string is provided, it will be entered into
                                     ;the input buffer.
  :minimal-ui-auto-close   {t nil}   ;default=t, i.e. minimal UI disappears after an input.

Dialogs that are in a UI-less state support user-guidance in the same way as dialog with a visible UI.

The option :minimal-ui-close-action can be used to ensure that a specific dialog variable is entered upon activating the x-control located in the upper right-hand corner of the minimal UI input field. For example, the specification:

   :minimal-ui-close-action ":my_variable"

will cause the dialog variable MY_VARIABLE to be entered upon closing the minimal UI via the x-control.

A proposals control will appear in the minimal UI input field if the :proposals option has been specified.

An indicator checkbox will appear to the left of the input field if :toggle-type has been specified to be :indicator-toggle-data.

An example application is listed here Expand Shrink

The keyword :expand-shrink can be used to control the visibility of one or more sets of variables on the screen. The button that changes the visibility of the variables can be specified by means of the keywords :expand-shrink-toggle-type and :expand-shrink-range.

The dialog below contains a variable, called PARAMETERS, that controls the visibility of two variables, called A and B:

The above dialog is defined as follows:

(sd-defdialog 'expand_push
  :dialog-title "Expand Push"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink (a b))
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

In general, the keyword :expand-shrink can be specified as follows:

Any number of :expand-shrinks is allowed within a dialog. A variable can appear in more than one of the :expand-shrink sublists.

The user interface controls to switch between the above sets of variables can be specified as follows:

The example below illustrates the use of an :expand-shrink variable of type :boolean:

The above dialog is defined as follows:

(sd-defdialog 'expand_bool
  :dialog-title "Expand Bool"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink (a b)
                  :expand-shrink-toggle-type :boolean)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

The example below illustrates the use of an :expand-shrink variable of type :toggle-pair:

The above dialog is defined as follows:

(sd-defdialog 'expand_pair
  :dialog-title "Expand Pair"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink (a b)
                  :expand-shrink-toggle-type :toggle-pair
                  :expand-token :with_ab
                  :shrink-token :without_ab)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

The default titles for the two buttons (i.e. "Expand" and "Schrink") are used in the above example. Other titles can be specified by means of the keywords :expand-title and :shrink-title.

The :expand-token and the :shrink-token can be used to control the command syntax (see 4.4 Command Syntax), i.e. the way the command responds to keyboard inputs. For example, if a user enters the keyword :with_ab, then the expanded view with the two variables A and B will be displayed. The default tokens would have been :parameters_expand and :parameters_shrink in the above example.

The example below illustrates the use of the keyword :expand-shrink-range

The above dialog is defined as follows:

(sd-defdialog 'expand_range
  :dialog-title "Expand Range"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink ((a) (b c) (d e f))
            :expand-shrink-range ((:small :label "Small")
                                  (:medium :label "Medium")
                                  (:large :label "Large")))
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (C :value-type :number
         :initial-value 7)
      (D :value-type :number
         :initial-value 8)
      (E :value-type :number
         :initial-value 9)
      (F :value-type :number
         :initial-value 10)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

Variables in the :expand-shrink specification are treated as normal variables, i.e. they can be accessed and manipulated anywhere in the dialog code, irregardless of their current visibility.

Restrictions: The concept of an :expand-shrink variable is not recursive. The :expand-shrink lists cannot contain variables of the following types:

Visibility combinations, involving the above mentioned kinds of variables, can be achieved by avoiding the use of :expand-shrink and explicitly controlling the visiblity of the involved variables by means of sd-set-variable-status / :visible.

Alternatively, visibility combinations can be implemented individually by introducing one or more permanently invisible (:toggle-type :invisible) intermediate expand-shrink variables that define groups of variables. The visibility of the desired groups of variables can be controlled by assigning values to those intermediate expand-shrink variables (see next section). All types of expand-shrink variables can be permanently invisible, except for :expand-shrink-toggle-type :toggle-pair, which can in this case simply be replaced by :expand-shrink-toggle-type :boolean.

Push actions can be given an expand/shrink "look and feel" by means of the option :expand-shrink-behavior.

Accessing and Manipulating Expand Shrink Variables

Expand Shrink variables can be accessed and manipulated much like normal dialog variables. The value of the :expand-shrink variable is

By default, the :ok-action will only be executed, if all visible "must" variables possess a value. This default behavior can be modified by means of the option :must-variables-scope or by specifying other preconditions via :ok-action-precondition.

Initially, the dialog appears on the screen in the 'shrink' mode. The initial state can be specified by providing an :initial-value for the :expand-shrink variable:

The value of an :expand-shrink variable can be manipulated softwarewise by means of the setq, setf and sd-set-variable-status .. :value .. forms. Thus, for example, the variable PARAMETERS introduced above, can be manipulated as follows:

      (setq parameters :medium), or
      (setf parameters :medium), or
      (sd-set-variable-status 'parameters :value :medium)

In addition, the originally specified :expand-shrink-range choices can be modified at runtime via calls to sd-set-range, say,

      (sd-set-range 'parameters '((:small :label "small")
                                  (:large :label "large")))

The above statements will automatically update the screen representation of the dialog. External Expand Shrink

The keyword :external-expand-shrink can be used to display variables in a separate window.

        :external-expand-shrink  list_of_variables     ;default=nil

The supplied list of variables do not appear in the UI of the dialog, but rathermore in a separate window when the :external-expand-shrink variable is activated.

The title and the offset of the window can be controlled by the following keywords:

        :external-dialog-title a-string               ;default same as :title
        :ref-variable a-variable                      ;default=current variable
        :x-offset     a-number                        ;default=-160
        :y-offset     a-number                        ;default=0

If offsets :x-offset and :y-offset are provided, care should be taken to ensure that the separate window does not overlap the main dialog window, thus avoiding the situation that the separate window can be covered by the main dialog window. The offset are measured as distances from the reference variable specified by :ref-variable.

Since the separate window generally appears at least partially on top of the graphical viewport, it is good practice to avoid the use of selection variables in the separate window.

By default, an :external-expand-shrink variable is represented as a button. The activation of that button causes the specified variables to appear in a separate window. The button can be replaced by a checkbox by setting the keyword :external-expand-shrink-toggle-type to :boolean,

        :external-expand-shrink-toggle-type  {:push-action :boolean}

The value of an :external-expand-shrink variable is boolean. It has the value T when the external window is displayed and NIL when the external window is not displayed. The value of the variable can be modified by means of setq, setf or sd-set-variable-status ...:value..., thus causing the external window to appear or disappear.

The below example illustrates the use of :external-expand-shrink. The variables C and D are only displayed when the variable with the button title More Parameters is pressed.

The above dialog is defined as follows:

(sd-defdialog 'external_expand_push
  :dialog-title "External Push"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (MORE :external-expand-shrink (c d)
            :title "More Parameters"
            :external-dialog-title "Detail Parameters")
      (C :value-type :number
         :initial-value 7)
      (D :value-type :number
         :initial-value 8)
      (A_FACE :value-type :face)))

The below example illustrates an external expand shrink variable that has a boolean toggle type:

This dialog is very similar to the previous dialog:

(sd-defdialog 'external_expand_bool
  :dialog-title "External Bool"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (MORE   :external-expand-shrink (c d)
              :external-expand-shrink-toggle-type :boolean
              :title "More Parameters"
              :external-dialog-title "Detail Parameters")
      (C :value-type :number
         :initial-value 7)
      (D :value-type :number
         :initial-value 8)
      (A_FACE :value-type :face))) Non-Standard User Interface Layouts

In some applications it may be advantageous to abandon the sequential layout of variables and to apply a different layout strategy for the dialog variables. Other layout schemes can be designed and implemented by means of the User Interface Construction Toolkit (UICT). UICT Based Dialog

The standard dialog user interface can be overridden by a UICT based user interface by specifying the following options:

  :uict-option-menu-name name-of-dialog-shell
  :uict-install-function ui-creation-function-name

These two specifications will force the standard UI generation to be suppressed, as for example:

(sd-defdialog 'uict_model_name
  :uict-option-menu-name "MODEL-NAME"
  :uict-install-function 'install-model-name-ui
  :prompt-variable 'the_part
  '((THE_PART   :value-type :part
                :initial-value nil
                :modifies :contents
                 (setq model_name (sd-inq-obj-contents-name the_part))
                :uict-tx "PART-NAME-TX")
    (MODEL_NAME :value-type :string
                  (sd-call-cmds (part_prop the_part :contid model_name))
                :uict-tx  "MODEL-NAME-TX")
    (HELP  :push-action  (pprint "display help now")
           :uict-tb      "MODEL-NAME-HELP-TB")
    (CLOSE :push-action  (sd-abort-dialog)
           :uict-tb      "MODEL-NAME-CLOSE-TB"))
The variable options :uict-tx and :uict-tb specify the names of the UICT controls that are linked to the variables. Other variable options are described in Options for UICT Variables.

The install function install-model-name-ui is responsible for the creation of the UICT controls, e.g. as follows

(defun install-model-name-ui ()
  (let* ((cell-size (sd-get-default-grid-size))
         (cell-x (gpnt2d_x cell-size))
         (cell-y (gpnt2d_y cell-size))
         (width 38)
         (height 10))
    ;;-------------------- dialog shell --------------------
      :title "Part Model Name"
      :pin             t
      :close           t
      :bottomLine      :none
      :margin          0)

    ;;-------------------- base grid -----------------------
      :width    (* width cell-x)
      :height   (* height cell-y)
      :cellSize cell-size
      :margin   5
      :spacing  0)

    ;;-------------------- selection display ---------------
      :title "Part:"
      :alignment :left
      :x 0
      :y 0
      :width  7
      :height 2)

      :editable t
      :showModified t
      :multiline nil
      :x 7
      :y 0
      :width  (- width 8)                                       
      :height 2)

    ;;-------------------- model name field ---------------
      :title "Model Name:"
      :alignment :left
      :x 0
      :y 3
      :width  7
      :height 2)
      :editable t
      :showModified t
      :useAutoAccept t
      :multiline nil
      :x 7
      :y 3
      :width (- width 8)
      :height 2)

    ;;-------------------- Bottom Line --------------------

      :x 0
      :y (- height 4)
      :width (- width 1)
      :height 1)

      :title "Close"
      :indicator :none
      :x (- width 8 8 1)
      :y (- height 3)
      :width 8
      :height 2)
      :indicator :none
      :x (- width 8 1)
      :y (- height 3)
      :width 8
      :height 2
      :title "Help")
 ) ;let

The function specified by :uict-install-function is executed when the dialog is entered interactively for the first time. By default, later activations of the dialog do not execute the install function.

The option

  :uict-parameter-list list-of-LISP-forms

can be used to enable later executions of the install function, thus overriding the user interface of previous executions. The install function will be called whenever the return value of any of the supplied Lisp forms changed since the last call of the install function. These Lisp forms do not have access to dialog variables. The return values of the Lisp forms in :uict-parameter-list are passed to the install function, thus indicating the state on which to create a new suitable user interface. The install function must possess as many arguments as the length of the list given by :uict-parameter-list. Each return value of a Lisp form in :uict-parameter-list is passed to the respective argument of the install function, e.g.

  :uict-install-function 'my-ui
  :uict-parameter-list '(list (my-ui-type))

    - my-ui-type returns e.g. :basic or :advanced.
    - (defun my-ui (type)
         (case type
           (:basic ...)
           (:advances ...))) Embedded UICT Controls
It is possible to insert a UICT based area containing UICT controls within the standard layout of variables by means of the variable option
   :embedded-area-definition {LISP-expression [nil]}

The LISP-expression supplied to :embedded-area-definition will be executed whenever the UI of the dialog has been created.

An embedded area variable supports the following additional options

   :title      string         ;default=nil
   :frame      boolean        ;default=nil
   :margin     integer        ;default=0
   :spacing    integer        ;default=0
   :height     integer        ;default=80
   :cellSize   2d-vector      ;default=1,1
   :cellSizeX  integer        ;default=first coordinate of :cellSize
   :cellSizeY  integer        ;default=second coordinate of :cellSize
   :bitmap     bitmap-name    ;default=nil

For example, the specification

(sd-defdialog 'my_area
   '((NUM :value-type :number
             (setq str (format nil "x_~A" num))) 
     (FO  :embedded-area-definition (create-my-uict-area)
          :title "String"
          :frame t
          :height 73)
     (STR :value-type :string
          :initial-value "abc"
          :uict-tb "MY_AREA-STRING-TB"
          :uict-tx "MY_AREA-STRING-TX")
     (A_PART :value-type :part
             :modifies :contents
             :title "Part"))
inserts an area between the variable NUM and STR. The name of the created area that can be filled with UICT controls can be accessed via the function sd-get-embedded-area-name, as shown below:
(defun create-my-uict-area ()
  (let ((area-name (sd-get-embedded-area-name 'my_area :fo)))
    (sd-create-pushbutton-control "MY_AREA-STRING-TB" area-name
                              :x              0
                              :y              0
                              :width          (- (sd-get-default-dialog-client-area-width) 20)
                              :height         22
                              :title          "String")

    (sd-create-text-control "MY_AREA-STRING-TX" area-name
                              :x              0
                              :y              30
                              :width          (- (sd-get-default-dialog-client-area-width) 20)
                              :height         20))
) Options for UICT Variables

In both the total and the embedded UICT replacement approaches, each dialog variable that has a corresponding UICT control must specify the name of the associated control by means of the following options:

             :uict-tx            name-of-text-field
             :uict-tb            name-of-togglebutton
             :uict-indicator-tb  name-of-indicator-togglebutton
             :uict-cr            name-of-color-range-field
             :uict-cb            name-of-color-field
             :uict-ra            name-of-range-field
             :uict-lb            name-of-label-field

Variables that are represented by an input field preceeded by a togglebutton in general support the controls :uict-tx and :uict-tb. There are, however, three exceptions. A :range variable supports :uict-ra (rather than :uict-tx) and :uict-tb. A variable with the value type :rgb-color supports :uict-cr and :uict-cb (both rather than :uict-tx) and :uict-tb. A variable with the value-type :display-only supports :uict-lb (rather than :uict-tx).

A basic example could look like this:

            (VARIABLE1 :value-type :boolean
                       :uict-tb  name-of-togglebutton)

            (VARIABLE2 :value-type :number
                       :uict-tx  name-of-text-field
                       :uict-tb  name-of-togglebutton)

            (VARIABLE3 :value-type :number
                       :toggle-type :indicator-toggle-data
                       :uict-tx  name-of-text-field
                       :uict-tb  name-of-togglebutton
                       :uict-indicator-tb  name-of-indicator-togglebutton)

The push and selection action of a UICT controls should not be specified in the UICT creation function. The dialog generator will automatically insert a suitable push, release or selection action that matches with the behavior of the dialog variable.

For example, in the above dialog my_area, the :pushAction and :selectionAction are by default specified as follows:

     (STR :value-type :string
          :initial-value "abc"
          :uict-tb "MY_AREA-STRING-TB"
          :uict-tx "MY_AREA-STRING-TX"
          :pushAction     ":str"                         ;;default :pushAction for TB
          :enterAction   '(sd-put-buffer                 ;;default :enterAction for TX
                            (format nil ":str ~s"

In general, the following variable options can be used to override the default definition of the push, release or selection action of a UICT-based dialog variable:

Restrictions:: Several special kinds of variables are not supported with UICT, e.g positioning variables and expand-shrink variables.

The variable option

        :ui-update-condition LISP-expression               ;default=t

can be used to suppress the updating of the UI of a variable. This may be useful if the variable e.g. has a :uict-tx specification that is not currently visible on the screen. By default, the UI associated with a variable is always updated. However, if a LISP expression is specified for :ui-update-condition and if it returns NIL, then UI updating of the variable at hand will be suppressed.

4.1.8 Sequentialization in Parallel Dialogs Next Variable

The keyword :next-variable can be used to support sequential input for :parallel dialogs. This keyword is particularily useful to guide the user to dedicated dialog variables based on criteria that depend on the current state of the dialog variables. These dedicated variables need not appear in the screen representation of the dialog (by setting them to :invisible), thus simplifying the screen representation of the dialog.

The following example requests the selection of an edge immediately after setting a boolean variable to true:

(sd-defdialog 'collect
    '((REF_EDGE :value-type :boolean
                  (if ref_edge 'edge))
      (EDGE  :value-type :edge
             :toggle-type :invisible)

In the above example, the user only interacts with the boolean variable REF_EDGE, but not with the invisible variable EDGE.

The keyword :next-variable can also be used together with a :push-action to collect any number of inputs (such as edges or faces):

(sd-defdialog 'do_with_item
     '((TYPE :range (:edge :face))
       (PUSH :push-action (progn)
               (case type
                 (:edge 'do_edge)
                 (:face 'do_face)))
       (DO_EDGE :value-type :edge
                :toggle-type :invisible
                :after-input (item-function do_edge)
                :next-variable 'do_edge)
       (DO_FACE :value-type :face
                :toggle-type :invisible
                :after-input (item-function do_face)
                :next-variable 'do_face)
    ; .....
   '((item-function (item)
       (pprint (list :item item))
       ; .....

Each item (i.e. edge or face) is passed to the function called item-function.

The return value of the :next-variable form determines which variable will receive the next user input. The returned variable must support user input (and cannot be an internal bookkeeping variable, see 4.1 Variable Specifications). If the value NIL is returned, then the dialog enters the top prompt state (unless a :prompt-variable has been specified).

Note that simple looping dialogs can be implemented by means of the the keyword :prompt-variable (see Looping Dialogs).

Next variable activations to not cause tokens to be generated in a recorder file, and thus have a similar behavior as variable transitions in :sequential dialogs (see 4.4.1 Command Syntax of Parallel Dialogs).

The option :next-variable can be used to terminate the dialog, see 3.2.7 sd-accept-dialog and 3.2.8 sd-abort-dialog. Next Variable After Deferred Dialog Termination

The keyword :ok-action-next-variable controls which variable will become active when the dialog termination is deferred, that is, when the :ok-action code encounters a call to sd-return-from-ok-action.

This keyword is useful if a dialog should enter an :invisible variable after returning from the :ok-action, as illustrated in the following example:

(sd-defdialog 'pick_several
     (TYPE :range (:by-face :by-edge)
             (case type
               (:by-face 'p_face)
               (:by-edge 'p_edge)))
     (P_FACE :value-type :face
             :toggle-type :invisible
             :next-variable 'p_face
             :after-input (push p_face objects))
     (P_EDGE :value-type :edge
             :toggle-type :invisible
             :next-variable 'p_edge
             :after-input (push p_edge objects)))
      (if (< (length objects) 4)
          (sd-display-error "Pick more than 3 objects.")
        (pprint objects)))
    '(case type
       (:by-face 'p_face)
       (:by-edge 'p_edge)))

4.1.9 Application Extensions

Additional functionality and :value-types become available as additional Creo Elements/Direct Modeling modules and applications are loaded into a Creo Elements/Direct Modeling session. Application specific extensions are documented separately:

4.1.10 Online Reference

A dialog that has been loaded into Creo Elements/Direct Modeling is by default included in the online reference manual. Call the function sd-online-reference, enter the toolbox and activate the Online Reference command to display the online reference.

The online reference describes all the currently available dialogs in an HTML document. Links are provided to other IKIT documents for further details. If the dialog is described in the online help, a link to that description is provided.

For a parallel dialog, variables that can be modified via the railroad (i.e. that can be used in an sd-call-cmds call or entered via the input line or appear in a recorder file) are displayed together with relevant properties, e.g. a :value-type.

For a sequential dialog, the sequence of the required inputs are described.

A dialog can be excluded from the online reference by setting the dialog option :undocumented to t.

A variable of a parallel dialog can be excluded from the online reference by setting the variable option :undocumented to t.

The online reference includes all dialogs which are based on the integration kit, i.e. based on the sd-defdialog and sd-deffeature macros. The displayed data is derived from the loaded dialog definitions, thus ensuring accurate and up-to-date descriptions.

Warning: Data that is determined during runtime - such as dynamic ranges - is not included in the online reference.

Warning: The online reference does not include commands that are defined in a non-integration kit style, that is, based on the internal action routine style. Those commands are documented in the Commands Reference Manual. Note that that manual is frozen and is no longer maintained.

Function Index Top of Page

4.2 Dialog Behavior Specifications

4.2.1 Local Functions

The keyword :local-functions can be used to define any number of local functions. The definition of a local function follows the same rules as the definition of a LISP function by means of defun.

A local function is recommended whenever a function, that requires access to local variables, can be used in several places throughout the dialog.

Local functions cannot be shared between two different dialogs. The name of a local function need only be unique within the dialog code.

By contrast, global function definitions (defined by defun) cannot access dialog variables and but can, on the other hand, be employed and shared throughout the entire LISP system.

An example of the use of local functions is the following dialog that collects points in an interactive loop and calculates an interpolation curve between these points when the OK button is pressed:

(sd-defdialog 'interpolate_demo
  :dialog-title "Curve"
   '((POINT_LIST)          ;internal non displayed variable
     (POINT_FEEDBACK_LIST) ;internal non displayed variable
     (NEW_POINT            ;internal input variable
        :value-type :point-3d
        :toggle-type :invisible
        :prompt-text "Pick a point or press Back"
        :after-input (push-point new_point))
        :range ((:linear :label "linear")
                (:quadratic :label "quadratic")
                (:cubic :label "cubic")))
     (BACK :push-action (pop-point)))
    '((PUSH-POINT (a-new-point)
         (push a-new-point point_list)
         (push (setup-point-feedback a-new-point) point_feedback_list)
         (if (= (length point_feedback_list) 1)
           (sd-set-variable-status 'back :enable t)))
      (POP-POINT ()
         (cleanup-point-feedback (pop point_feedback_list))
         (pop point_list)
         (unless point_list
           (sd-set-variable-status 'back :enable nil))))
  :prompt-variable 'new_point
       (interpolate-between-points degree point_list)
       (loop ;repeat until no items left
         (unless (pop-point)

whereby the following (global) functions must exist,

(defun setup-point-feedback (point)
  (print (list :point point))
  (progn "..."))   ;returns feedback object
(defun cleanup-point-feedback (point)
  (print (list :point point))
  (progn "...")) ;return is not used

The above local functions push-point and pop-point ensure that the two internal dialog variables point_list and point_feedback_list are always manipulated jointly. In addition, they control the enable/disable sensitivity of the variable back.

4.2.2 Dialog Behavior Parallel and Sequential Dialogs

:dialog-control can be specified to be either :parallel (the default), :sequential or :sequential-loop.

In a :parallel dialog, the order of the variables in the :variables list defines the order of the variables as they appear in the options block, from top to bottom.

A :parallel dialog displays a so-called options block that gives parallel access to the dialog variables on the screen. A variable can be modified by direct manipulation in the options block, unless the toggle for that variable has been disabled.

After an input to a variable, the dialog enters a so-called top prompt state, in which a top prompt text is displayed in the prompt area. This default string can be modified by specifying :top-prompt-text. The top prompt state can be modified by specifyinig a :prompt-variable (see Looping Dialogs).

In a :sequential dialog, the order of the variables in the :variables list defines the order of the dialog sequence. A variable that does not evoke user interaction is not included in the input sequence. Erroneous inputs to a variable are ignored. The dialog sequence remains at that variable until a feasible value has been input by the user.

In a :sequential dialog, no options block appears on the screen. Furthermore, no default values are used in a :sequential dialog. All user interaction takes place in the prompt area and by means of mouse actions. If no dialog variables remain to be specified by the user, then the dialog causes immediate execution of the :ok-action.

A :sequential-loop dialog behaves like a :sequential dialog, but it loops back to the first variable once the last variable has received a value. The dialog action of each loop should be placed in the :after-input of the last variable. Mutual Exclusion of Variables

Indicator toggles are often employed to represent a selection of 1 item from n choices. As soon as a toggle is selected, that toggle needs to be marked and any other related toggle should no longer be marked. This kind of behavior is achieved by specifying the list of choices in :mutual-exclusion. If several sets of choices are required, then a list of choice lists can be specified.

If a :boolean variable is included in a :mutual-exclusion list, it appears with a :diamond indicator, otherwise the indicator will have a :square shape.

For the sake of comparison, an alternative way to select 1 from n items is provided by the :range specification. This :range technique is superior whenever the number of selectable items is large or varies. Controlling the Initial State

:start-variable specifies the initially active toggle at the start of an options block dialog. This specification is only applicable to dialogs triggered from the toolbox.

:initial-variable provides an alternative way to specify the initially active variable. This option can contain a lisp form and can access all the dialog variables. If the form returns NIL, then the dialog initially enters the top prompt state.

If neither a :start-variable nor an :initial-variable takes effect, Creo Elements/Direct Modeling will automatically activate the first 'must' variable, i.e. a variable with a yellow edit field. Other sequences for the user guidance of 'must' variables can be specified by means of the keyword

   :token-sequence list-of-tokens

A token is a keyword that can be sent to the dialog to initialize a specific variable. (see 4.4.1 Command Syntax of Parallel Dialogs). Looping Dialogs

If :prompt-variable is specified, the dialog loops back to the specified variable after input has been entered for any of the other variables, rather than looping back to the top prompt state. This keyword provides a convenient mechanism to accumulate selected items in a loop.

Variables that have :toggle-type = :invisible are not not displayed on the screen, but are treated as input variables. The value :invisible is typically used in combination with the keyword :prompt-variable to define looping dialogs, for which the prompting variable is not displayed as a toggle on the screen.

More sophisticated looping dialogs with several 'prompt-variables' or conditional dependencies can be implemented either Preconditions

The :precondition code should return the value :ok if the dialog is to be continued, otherwise the dialog will be canceled before the user can interact with the dialog. The return value of :precondition follows the same rules as :check-function.

An example of a :precondition is a function that tests whether a 2D-operation can be carried out on the current workplane:

     :precondition '(if (sd-inq-obj-contents-read-only-p

The :precondition form cannot access any of the dialog variables, since the form is evaluated before the variables are initialized. Exceptions

The :exception code is executed whenever the dialog encounters an exception and just before it is terminated.

Exceptions within LISP code can be handled - conveniently and if necessary - by means of the LISP special form unwind-protect. However, certain events, like pressing the Break key or errors in lowlevel C code, cause the dialogs to terminate - triggering the :exception form - but are unfortunately not recognized by LISP the unwind-protect wrapper. These kinds of exceptions can cause windows or files to remain existent, although they have become obsolete due to the termination of the dialog.

Note that an exception occurs when clicking on an error box in the the top right-hand corner, that is on the button marked x.

The :exception keyword can be used to provide cleanup actions upon the sudden termination of a dialog. Note that :cleanup-action is called immediately after :exception.

4.2.3 Interaction between Dialogs

Since dialogs can be initiated before other dialogs have been completed, it is necessary to specify the interaction between simultaneously running dialogs.

The keyword :dialog-type essentially specifies the interference of a dialog with other previously or subsequently initiated dialogs that exist at the same time.

Three values for :dialog-type can be provided,

4.2.4 Dialog Actions Ok and Cancel Actions

The specifications of :ok-action and :cancel-action define the behavior of the dialog when the OK and CANCEL buttons, respectively, have been activated.

Dialog cleanup actions that should be executed upon any kind of dialog termination are best defined in :cleanup-action. The :cleanup-action will be called immediately after :ok-action, :cancel-action and :exception.

The return value of the dialog is defined by the return value of the last form that was executed in the :ok-action or :cancel-action form. The return value of the dialog can only be obtained by calling the dialog via the sd-call-cmds wrapper, as illustrated in this example.

The code specified by :ok-action and :cancel-action can access all of the local variables and local functions of the dialog, for example,

  (sd-defdialog 'simple_action
      '((VARIABLE_1 ...)
        (VARIABLE_2 ...)
        (VARIABLE_n ...))
      '((DETERMINE-N ()
          (if (and (numberp variable_1) (numberp variable_2))
            (setq variable_n (+ variable_1 variable_2)))))
          (my-action variable_2 variable_1 .. variable_n)))

   (defun my-action (arg1 ... argn)

The activation of the CANCEL button will trigger the evaluation of :cancel-action and cause the dialog to be removed from the screen and to loose all current variable bindings, irregardless whether :cancel-action was successfully and completely executed or not. This same cancel procedure applies, when the dialog is terminated by the starting a :terminate dialog.

The activation of the OK button will not necessarily lead to the execution of :ok-action and to the termination of the dialog. The dialog termination will be interrupted if one of the following situations arise:

In both of the above two cases, the dialog will remain active, allowing the user to complete or modify some inputs.

Application functions that are to be evaluated repetitively for the same or for similar variables without exiting the dialog should be shifted from the :ok-action to the :push-action of a push action variable. Examples of repetitive executions are NEXT or PREVIEW type dialogs.

The following example illustrates a dialog that executes an application specific function my-action whenever a push button is pressed, without exiting the dialog. The dialog also executes that function upon pressing the OK button.

(sd-defdialog 'repetitive_action
         :after-input (sd-enable-must-variable-check))
         :after-input (sd-enable-must-variable-check))
         :push-action (main-action)))
    '((MAIN-ACTION ()
        (my-action variable_1 ... variable_n)
        (setq variable_1 nil)

The local function main-action was introduced to be able to share the call of the main function my-action, together with all the arguments.

Note that, in the above example, the variable variable_1 is reset to nil after every activation of the call to my-action. One consequence is that the function my-action must survive calls with incomplete arguments.

Another consequence is that a subsequent click on the OK button will generate a variable check error, due to a missing value. This error message can be supressed by calling the built-in function sd-disable-must-variable-check.

The combined use of the two built-in functions sd-disable-must-variable-check and sd-disable-must-variable-check allows the design of an acceptable overall behavior.

The code that is executed in the :ok-action should not initiate further user interactions, except for error messages. The 'look and feel' of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling dialogs is to integrate all forseeable user guidance into the :variables of the dialog, and to trigger the action based on that information. Help-Action

The activation of the help button normally causes the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling help page (associated with that dialog) to appear on the screen. This behavior can be modified by specifying some other help behavior by means of :help-action.

The example below displays a URL page when the help button has been pressed:

(sd-defdialog 'my_help
    '((bla :value-type :number))
    '(sd-display-url "http://www.ptc.com"))

The :help-action code has access to all dialog variables. Thus, in the below example, the displayed help page depends on the current value of the dialog variable HELP_ON:

(sd-defdialog 'my_dyn_help
    '((A_PART :value-type :part :modifies NIL)
      (HELP_ON :range (:goodies :lego)))
    '(ecase help_on
         (sd-display-url (format nil "~A/help/osdm/Common/documentation/goodies/Readme.html"
         (sd-display-url (format nil "~A/help/osdm/Common/documentation/integration_kit/home.html"

Function Index Top of Page

4.3 Procedural Attachments

This section describes some general programming rules that must be obeyed when LISP code is employed in the design of a dialog. The insertion of application-oriented code within data structures is called procedural attachment.

The following keywords of sd-defdialog support procedural attachment:

                            | Operation within Procedural Attachment
      Procedural            |
      Attachment            | Access any | Change any | Call any
                            |  Variable  |  Variable  | Local Function
 Attachment to a Variable   |            |            |
                            |            |            |
  :before-input             |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :start-input-feedback     |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :end-input-feedback       |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :show-input-tool          |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :hide-input-tool          |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :initial-value            |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :after-input              |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :mutual-exclusion-cleanup |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :push-action              |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :initial-optional         |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :initial-visible          |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :initial-enable           |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :check-function           |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :prompt-text              |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :next-variable            |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :complete-focus-variable  |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
                            |            |            |
  :confirmation             |            |            |
     :prompt                |    yes     |  possible  |    yes           
     :prompt-text           |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :ok-cleanup            |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
     :cancel-cleanup        |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
     :severity              |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :top-label             |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :push-1                |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :push-2                |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :push-3                |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :push-info             |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :push-other            |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
     :yes-cleanup           |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
     :other-cleanup         |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
     :other-allowed         |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
                            |            |            |
  :after-input-ui           |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :push-action-ui           |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :minimal-ui               |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :ui-update-condition      |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :embedded-area-definition |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :drag-callback            |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :value-change-callback    |    yes     |    no      |    no
                            |            |            |
                            |            |            |
 Attachment to a Dialog     |            |            |
                            |            |            |
  :precondition             |    no      |    no      |    no
  :exception                |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :after-initialization     |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :local-functions          |    yes     |    yes     |    yes
  :ok-action-precondition   |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :ok-action                |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :cancel-action            |    yes     |  possible  |    yes
  :help-action              |    yes     |    no      |    no
                            |            |            |
  :enter-ui                 |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :after-initialization-ui  |    yes     |    no      |    no
  :exit-ui                  |    yes     |    no      |    no
                            |            |            |

   Legend: possible:   is equivalent to yes, but implies that
                       the operation is not recommended for 
                       reasons of code modularity. The user
                       interface may or may not be updated.

The values of dialog variables can be accessed in all of the above attachments except for :precondition.

The values of variables can be changed (e.g. by means of setq) in all places except :precondition and so-called personality attachments like :show-input-tool and :hide-input-tool.

A personality attachment represents a piece of code that is only executed when the dialog is executed in an interactive mode. It is neither executed during a call to sd-call-cmds nor during the replay of a recorder file (see also UI Side Effects). For consistency reasons, such code should not manipulate the values of variables.

Local functions (both built-in functions - like sd-set-range - and those defined by means of :local-functions) can be employed in all attachments except :precondition and personality attachments like :show-input-tool, :hide-input-tool and :prompt-text.

The access and modification of a dialog variable must occur within the LEXICAL scope of the dialog. Thus, such code must be placed between the opening and closing brackets of the dialog, i.e.

    (sd-defdialog  .....                  )

Dialog variables cannot be accessed or modified within global LISP functions, even if they are called from the dialog.

The following example illustrates a simple dialog situation and several equivalent feasible and non-feasible variations:

  1. Feasible: All code within lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                               (setq b (if (zerop a) nil t)))
                         (B :value-type :boolean))

  2. Feasible: Use of a global LISP function; SETQ-code within lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                               (setq b (convert-number-to-boolean a)))
                         (B :value-type :boolean))
         (defun convert-number-to-boolean (a)
            (if (zerop a) nil t))

  3. Feasible: SETQ-code within a local function
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                            :after-input (set-boolean)
                         (B :value-type :boolean))
              '((SET-BOOLEAN ()
                  (setq b (if (zerop a) nil t))))

  4. Not Feasible: Variable access outside lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                            :after-input (setq b (a-to-boolean))
                         (B :value-type :boolean))
         (defun a-to-boolean ()
           (if (zerop a) nil t))
         ;a is not recognized as a dialog variable in the above function.

  5. Not Feasible: SETQ-code outside lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                            :after-input (set-number-to-boolean a b)
                         (B :value-type :boolean))
         (defun set-number-to-boolean (a b)
            (setq b (if (zerop a) nil t)))
         ;b is not recognized as a dialog variable in the above function.

The built-in local functions sd-set-variable-status and sd-set-range must also be called within the LEXICAL scope of the dialog. The following example illustrates a simple dialog situation and several variations:

  1. Feasible: sd-set-variable-status called within lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                               (sd-set-variable-status 'b
                                  :enable (if (zerop a) nil t)))
                         (B :value-type :boolean))

  2. Feasible: sd-set-variable-status called within lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                               (sd-set-variable-status 'b
                                  :enable (convert-number-to-boolean a)))
                         (B :value-type :boolean))
         (defun convert-number-to-boolean (a)
            (if (zerop a) nil t))

  3. Not Feasible: sd-set-variable-status called outside lexical scope of dialog
         (sd-defdialog 'bla
            :variables '((A :value-type :number
                            :after-input (set-status a)
                         (B :value-type :boolean))
         (defun set-status (a)
           (sd-set-variable-status 'b
              :enable (if (zerop a) nil t)))

Function Index Top of Page

4.4 Command Syntax

Dialogs and dialog variables can be activated soley by means of keyboard inputs, without using the mouse at all to click buttons or objects on the screen. The command syntax defines the keyboard inputs and sequences of inputs that are feasible.

The command syntax also defines how a dialog is called within the sd-call-cmds macro (see Calling an Action Routine from within an User Action).

The command syntax is also very important for understanding the contents of (unsupported) recorder files.

A dialog can be activated by typing in the dialog name into the input buffer.

The assignment of keyboard inputs and object selections to dialog variables differ for :parallel and :sequential dialogs. Variables that are used for internal bookkeeping purposes (see 4.1 Variable Specifications) cannot be explicitly assigned via the keyboard or within a sd-call-cmds macro.

4.4.1 Command Syntax of Parallel Dialogs

If :dialog-control = :parallel (the default), then a dialog options block will appear on the screen, irregardless how the dialog was triggered (either from the toolbox or from ribon tab to which it has been added or by entering the dialog name into the input buffer).

Once the dialog is activated, input to a variable can - at any time - be activated by typing in the variable name, preceeded by a colon (":"), often called a token. Thus, the variable DISTANCE can be activated by typing in the token :distance. Note that the entry of a token, e.g. :distance, is equivalent to a click on the variable, e.g. DISTANCE, in the options block (provided the variable is non-boolean).

The following dialog

(sd-defdialog 'quick_extrude
     '((QE_PART ...)
       (QE_WP ...)
       (DISTANCE :value-type :length ...)
       (KEEP_WP  :value-type :boolean ...))
   :ok-action '(...))

can be executed by the following keyboard input sequence

  1.)  quick_extrude
  2.)  :distance
  3.)  12
  4.)  :keep_wp
  5.)  :off
  6.)  complete  

or by the following sd-call-cmds call

(sd-call-cmds (quick_extrude :distance 12 :keep_wp :off))

The special symbol complete triggers the :ok-action and terminates the dialog. Note that the above keyboard input sequence relies on the existence of default values for the variables QE_PART and QE_WP.

Note that boolean variables, like KEEP_WP, can be manipulated by means of the keywords :on and :off. These built-in keywords can be changed by means of :on-token and :off-token specifications, as illustrated by modifying the above example

      (KEEP_WP :value-type :boolean
               :on-token   :yes
               :off-token  :no)

Step 5.) in the above keyboard input sequence now changes to

  1.)  quick_extrude
  2.)  :distance
  3.)  12
  4.)  :keep_wp
  5.)  :no
  6.)  complete  


(sd-call-cmds (quick_extrude :distance 12 :keep_wp :no))

In :parallel dialogs, variables can - in principle - be entered in any order. However, limitations on the ordering can be imposed within the sd-defdialog due to the disabling of variables or the use of check functions.

Extensions of the railroad that include dynamically defined sequential value sequences can be achieved by means of the keyword :next-variable (see 4.1.8 Sequentialization in Parallel Dialogs).

When a question/warning confirmation is activated, the token :yes or :no is used for acknowledgement.

4.4.2 Command Syntax of Sequential Dialogs

If :dialog-control = :sequential or :sequential-loop, then variables are presented to the user one by one in the order in which they occur in the sd-defdialog definition. They cannot be activated in any arbitrary order, in contrast to :parallel dialogs.

A sequential version of the above quick_extrude dialog,

(sd-defdialog 'sequential_quick_extrude
   :dialog-control :sequential
     '((QE_PART :value-type :part)
       (QE_WP :value-type :wp)
       (DISTANCE :value-type :length ...)
       (KEEP_WP  :value-type :boolean ...))
   :ok-action '(...))

can, for example, be executed from the keyboard as follows:

  1.)  sequential_quick_extrude
  2.)  "/p1"
  3.)  "/w1"
  4.)  12
  5.)  :off  

or by means of the sd-call-cmds macro

  (sd-call-cmds (sequential_quick_extrude "/p1" "/w1" 12 :off))  

Note that it is not possible to rely on the default initial values for the QE_PART and QE_WP variables and that it is not possible to enter the value for the distance alone (in contrast to :parallel dialogs). Rathermore, each variable must be specified in the sequence given by the sd-defdialog definition. The :ok-action is automatically executed as soon as the last dialog variable has been specified.

Function Index Top of Page

4.5 Dialog, Ribbon and UI Customization

4.5.1 Toolbox

Dialogs based on sd-defdialog aren't inserted into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Toolbox. This default behavior can be modified by means of the keyword :toolbox-button, which provides explicit control on the insertion of the dialog into the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling toolbox.

Dialogs that have been connected to the File Manager are not inserted into the toolbox.

4.5.2 Ribbon Bar

This section illustrates how to insert a dialog that was created by means of sd-defdialog into a ribbon bar.

This section is included to make the description of the dialog generator manual more complete. The functions referred to below are defined in more detail in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Fluent UI.

The function sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-button adds a ribbon button to a previously defined ribbon group. To get the complete functionality including customization an available command must be created for a dialog. This available command should be created in an available commands file. For testing purposes the function sd-define-available-command can be called.

(sd-define-available-command "SolidDesigner" "Test" "Quick Extrude"
  :commandTitle "Quick Extrude"
  :action "quick_extrude"

  :parent '("TESTTAB" "TESTGROUP")
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Test" "Quick Extrude")

See sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-button for a complete reference.

The function sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab and sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group set up a ribbon tab and group that contain ribbon controls which can call dialogs.

(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab "TESTTAB"
  :application "All"
  :title "Test Tab"

(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group "TESTGROUP"
  :parent "TESTTAB"
  :title "Test Group"

See Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Fluent UI for a complete reference.

4.5.3 UI Customization (Toolbars, Context Menus, Menubars)

A dialog must be included in an available commands file in order to make it available for insertion into toolbars and context menus. After the dialog has been included in the available commands, it can be inserted into a toolbar interactively by means of the customize dialog. Alternatively, the toolbar can be defined or modified by creating or modifying an appropriate toolbar file.

More information on inserting dialogs into an available commands file, a toolbar file and a context menu file is provided in the section Adding New Dialogs in the document Customization Guide for Administrators and Advanced Users. The document UI Customization Support describes how to load an avaialble commands file and toolbar file into Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.

Function Index Top of Page

4.6 Subactions

Subactions, sometimes called subdialogs, are dialogs that can be called by other dialogs. A subaction can be specified by the specification

 :dialog-type :subaction

A typical application of a subaction is to collect inputs from a user and to return a final result to the calling dialog. Subactions are also useful for implementing reuseable dialog components.

A subaction does not interrupt the calling dialog but rathermore it expands the calling dialog. However, as soon as the calling dialog gets user input, e.g. by clicking on the UI of another variable in the calling dialog, the subaction will be canceled immediately.

The following example illustrates the definition and use of a subaction:

(sd-defdialog 'a_non_embedded_subaction
    :dialog-type :subaction
    :embedded-ui nil        ;; default = t
     '((STRING_1 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (first default))
       (A_PART   :value-type :part)
       (STRING_2 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (third default))
       (ACCEPT   :push-action (sd-accept-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (ABORT    :push-action (sd-abort-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle))
     '(list string_1 a_part string_2))

(sd-defdialog 'calling_dialog_nemb
    :dialog-title "Calling Dialog"
     '((RESULT     :value-type :list
                   :title "SA Result"
                   :subaction-name a_non_embedded_subaction
                   :default result
                     (setq parameter1 (first result)))
       (PARAMETER1 :value-type :display-only)
       (PARAMETER2 :value-type :string))
     '(pprint (list result parameter1 parameter2)))

In the above example, the result of the subaction is stored in the variable RESULT. Note that the value type of this variable, a :list, matches with the return value of the subaction, i.e. with the result of the :ok-action in the subaction.

In the above example, the first element of the resulting subaction list is explicitly displayed in the variable PARAMETER1.

It is important to note, that a subdialog definition must always preceed the definition of the calling dialog.

A subaction can be triggered by activating a dialog variable in the calling dialog. The following variable keywords control the activation of a subaction:

:subaction-name {SYMBOL [nil]}
This parameter specifies the name of the subdialog to be initiated when the variable becomes active.
:default {LISP-expression [nil]}
This parameter specifies the data that is passed from the calling dialog to the called dialog.
:embedded-location {SYMBOL [nil]}
This parameter is applicable if the subaction specified in :subaction-name is to be embedded in the UI of the dialog, Note that the option :embedded-ui must be true in the subaction (which is the default) to obtain this behavior. The option :embedded-location specifies a variable name that will be used to define the location at which the embedded subaction UI will be displayed within the UI of the calling dialog. The subaction UI will be inserted immediately before the specified dialog variable. If no value is specified for :embedded-location, then the subaction will appear at the bottom of the dialog UI.

:ref-variable {KEYWORD | SYMBOL [current variable]}
This parameter specifies a reference variable for the placement of the UI of a subaction that has its own window. The default is the current variable that triggers the subaction.
:x-offset {NUMBER [-10]}
This parameter specifies an x-offset (in pixels) for the placement of a subaction, that has its own separate window, relative to the reference variable.
:y-offset {NUMBER [10]}
This parameter specifies a y-offset (in pixels) for the placement of subaction, that has its own separate window, relative to the reference variable.
:subaction-close-behavior {:cancel | :no-cancel | a-variable-name | nil [nil]}
This parameter specifies the behavior of a subaction, that has its own separate window, when the x control in the top right hand of the window is pressed. The possible values are
:collapsed {BOOLEAN [nil]}
This option specifies the initial state of a shrinkable subaction (see dialog option :shrinkable).
This option is only applicable the very first time the subaction is called from the calling variable at hand. From that moment onwards the UI state is tracked in the persistent data storage system and reinstalled to the last used UI state on reentering the subaction.

The subaction receives the data from the calling dialog by means of a local variable called default and uses this variable to supply initial values to its variables. This default variable is not a dialog variable and it only exists during the initialization of the dialog.

The return value of the :ok-action is used as the return value of the subaction, which is assigned the calling variable of the calling dialog.

If the return value of the subaction does not match with the value type of the calling variable, then compatibility can be achieved

Warning: The above subaction specifications will be ignored for variables that involve an object or element selection. Variables of that type call an internal subaction that cannot be overridden. When returning selections from subactions, it is therefore recommended that the calling variable has the :value-type :list and that the subaction returns a list containing the selected object rather than the sel_item itself.

A subaction can be called from a :push-action variable, e.g. as follows:

(sd-defdialog 'calling_push_dialog
    :dialog-title "Calling Push Dialog"
     '((DO_IT      :push-action (progn)
                   :title "Do it"
                   :subaction-name a_non_embedded_subaction
                   :default (list parameter1 parameter2)
                     (setq parameter1 (first do_it)))
       (PARAMETER1 :value-type :display-only)
       (PARAMETER2 :value-type :string))
     '(pprint (list do_it parameter1 parameter2)))

The value returned by the subaction is assigned to the :push-action variable, that is, to DO_IT in the above example, and can be of any arbitratry LISP type.

The above subaction contains two additional variables, called ACCEPT and ABORT, that control the positive and negative completion of the subaction, by means of the local macros sd-accept-dialog and sd-abort-dialog.

Further dialog options for a subaction are as follows:

:embedded-ui {BOOLEAN [t]}
By default this option is set to T.
If this option is set to nil, the subaction UI will appear in a separate non-embedded window, provided :taskBarPage is set to nil.
It is recommended practice to set the option :embedded-ui to nil to achieve best UI display performance. This choice has no impact on the UI appearance, unless the options :embedded-location or :taskBarPage have also been specified. If :embedded-location is specified in the calling variable, then :embedded-ui should be set to t, the default. If :taskBarPage is set to nil in the subaction, then :embedded-ui should be set to nil as well.
:close-behavior {KEYWORD or SYMBOL [:no-cancel]}
Controls the behavior of a subaction, that has its own separate window, when clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the subaction window. The possible values of :close-behavior are
:x-offset {NUMBER [-10]}
This parameter specifies an x-offset (in pixels) for the placement of a subaction, that has its own separate window, relative to the reference variable of the calling dialog. This parameter is used as a default, if no x-offset is specified by :x-offset in the calling variable.
:y-offset {NUMBER [10]}
This parameter specifies a y-offset (in pixels) for the placement of a subaction, that has its own separate window, relative to the reference variable of the calling dialog. This parameter is used as a default, if no y-offset is specified by :y-offset in the calling variable.
:use-subaction-help-action {BOOLEAN [nil]}
If this parameter is set to t then the :help-action defined in the subaction will be used when the subaction is active.

The following example illustrates a subaction with an embedded UI.

Note that this is the default case, hence the keyword :embedded-ui need not be specified.

(sd-defdialog 'an_embedded_subaction
    :dialog-type :subaction
     '((STRING_1 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (extract-first-string default))
       (A_PART   :value-type :part)
       (STRING_2 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (extract-second-string default))
       (ACCEPT   :push-action (sd-accept-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (ABORT    :push-action (sd-abort-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle))
       '(subaction-ok-action string_1 string_2))

(sd-defdialog 'a_calling_dialog
    :dialog-title "A Calling Dialog"
     '((PARAMETER1 :value-type :string)
       (RESULT     :value-type :string
                   :title "SA Result"
                   :subaction-name an_embedded_subaction
                   :embedded-location parameter2
                   :default result)
       (PARAMETER2 :value-type :string))
       '(show-my-subaction-results result parameter1 parameter2))

(defun extract-first-string (a-str)
 (when (sd-string-p a-str) (car (sd-string-split a-str " "))))
(defun extract-second-string (a-str)
 (when (sd-string-p a-str) (cadr (sd-string-split a-str " "))))
(defun subaction-ok-action (str1 str2)
  (format nil "~A ~A" str1 str2))
(defun show-my-subaction-results (res p1 p2)
  (format nil "~%Result : ~A~%Param1 : ~A~%Param2 : ~A~%"
          res p1 p2)))

Subactions can be used to implement top level dialogs that have very similar functionality but minor differences in behavior and in the user interface. The following example illustrates two dialogs abc and bcd that call the same subaction visible_subaction with different sets of visible variables. The two dialogs abc and bcd are essentially wrappers that call the subaction in it's different variations:

(sd-defdialog 'visible_subdialog
   :dialog-type :subaction
   :embedded-ui nil  ;;since calling dialog has no UI
     '((A   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :a-visible))
       (B   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :b-visible))
       (C   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :c-visible))
       (D   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :d-visible)))
        (sd-set-dialog-title (getf default :dialog-title))
        (sd-set-variable-status 'c :title (getf default :c-title)))
   :ok-action '(format nil "~A-~A-~A-~A" a b c d))

(sd-defdialog 'caller_abc
   :dialog-control :sequential
   '((DUMMY :value-type :string
            :subaction-name visible_subdialog
            :default '(:a-visible t
                       :b-visible t
                       :c-visible t :c-title "abC"
                       :d-visible nil
                       :dialog-title "ABC"))))

(sd-defdialog 'caller_bcd
   :dialog-control :sequential
   '((DUMMY :value-type :string
            :subaction-name visible_subdialog
            :default '(:a-visible nil
                       :b-visible t
                       :c-visible t :c-title "bCd"
                       :d-visible t
                       :dialog-title "BCD"))))

Note that the top level dialogs abd and bcd possess a variable called DUMMY that is immediately entered when the dialog is instantiated. That variable then launches the subaction together with its initial values, as specified via the options :subaction-name and :default.

Since the calling dialogs abc and bcd have no UI, the subaction visible_subdialog must be specified to be non-embedded.

Function Index Top of Page

4.7 File Manager

All load and save commands in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling are triggered from a common File Manager. The file manager displays all the files which match with the currently active file type patterns within a directory.

The selection of a file type in the file manager triggers an associated command. That command will then receive all further input, either from the file manager or from other input sources - like the input area or mouse picks in a viewport.

In some cases the selection of the file type enables the 'Options' button that allows the user to view and specify further command-related parameters.

In save commands, the file manager also displays a a 'Select' button and a list region that contains the objects to be saved.

The last file type of the load file manager, named "All", triggers the so-called universal load command. This command compares the entered file name with the registered file type patterns and loads the file with the dialog that has a matching pattern. If the given file does not match with any of the patterns, then a predefined set of load commands are blindly executed until one of them succeeds.

The universal load command is executed when files are dragged and dropped into Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.

This section describes how to register a new load or save command to the file manager by specifying further options to the sd-defdialog definition.

File types can also be registered explicitly, thus supporting more sophisticated situations (see File Manager Customization).

4.7.1 Linking Dialogs to the File Manager

The macro SD-DEFDIALOG supports the connection of a filename and a selection variable with the file manager.

Consider the following simple examples:

    (sd-defdialog 'my_load_command
       :filing-variables '(load_file)
       :file-type :my-file-type
         '((LOAD_FILE :value-type :filename)
           (OPTION_1  :value-type :boolean)
           (OPTION_2  :value-type :number))

    (sd-defdialog 'my_save_command
       :filing-variables '(save_file save_part)
       :file-type :my-file-type
         '((SAVE_FILE :value-type :filename)
           (SAVE_PART :value-type :part)
           (OPTION_X  :value-type :boolean)
           (OPTION_Y  :value-type :number))

The variables listed in :filing-variables are connected to the UI of the file manager. The first command, my_load_command, possesses a filing variable, LOAD_FILE, of the type :filename in the :filing-variables list and is therefore a candidate to be inserted into the load file manager. The second command, my_save_command, contains both a :filename variable and a selection variable in the :filing-variables list and is therefore a candidate to be inserted into the save file manager.

The variable definitions in :variables remain untouched by the file manager connection. However, some of the special keywords valid for :filename have no effect, when the variable is connected to a file manager.

Dialog variables that are not included in :filing-variables and are visible can be displayed on request by pressing the Options button in the file manager. Thus, for example, the variables OPTION_1 and OPTION_2 are displayed on request in the Options window.

The keyword :file-type triggers the registering of the file type which in turn inserts the entry, e.g. my-file-type, into the file type list of the appropriate file manager. The selection of the file type my-file-type in the load file manager causes the command my_load_command to execute. The save file manager causes the command my_save_command to execute.

The file variable that has been connected to the file manager, via the :filing-variable list, has a special behavior, that differs from normal :filename variables. As soon as a value has been assigned to such a file variable, the dialog immediately enters the :ok-action.

4.7.2 Controlling the File Manager

The presence of the two keywords :filing-variables and :file-type suffice in order to connect a dialog to the file manager.

However, a number of further keywords generally need to be specified to more precisely control the file type registration, thus overriding default values:

  Property                        Default               Example of Default

  :file-type-title                file-type            "MY-FILE-TYPE"
  :patterns                       (*.file-type)        ("*.my-file-type")
  :in-cmd-file-type-match         nil                  nil
  :out-cmd-file-type-match        nil                  nil
  :override-elements-text         nil                  nil
  :attempt-in-form-with-any-file  nil                  nil
  :exclude-from-universal-load    nil                  nil
  :universal-load-with-user-units nil                  nil

  :enable-form                    t                    t
  :display                        t                    t

  :in-patterns                    nil                  nil
  :out-patterns                   nil                  nil
  :in-display                     t                    t
  :out-display                    t                    t
  :in-enable-form                 LISP-form            nil
  :out-enable-form                LISP-form            nil
  :in-form                        generated_by_sd-defdialog  
  :in-title                       nil                  nil
  :out-title                      nil                  nil
  :in-cmd-show-options            nil                  nil
  :out-cmd-show-options           nil                  nil

  :auto-complete-on-filename      :action-routine
  :allow-old-revision             nil
  :allow-load-as-version          nil

See Connection to File Manager for explanations of these options.

If the same file type is used in both a load and a save command, then the above parameters will be shared between the two dialogs. Thus, it is then sufficient to specify the parameters :file-type-title, :patterns, :enable-form (or :display) in any of the two dialogs.

If the keyword :filing-variables is supplied and :file-type is not supplied, then the dialog will not be linked to the file manager and is rather useless. However, in this case, the registration can be established explicitly by means of one of the registering functions, e.g. sd-register-file-type (see File Manager Customization).

Function Index Top of Page

4.8 Persistent Data Storage (PDS)

The functionality described in this section is based on a Persistent Data Storage (PDS) system that is used within Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, e.g. for storing module data.

Values of persistent dialog variables are stored from one interactive dialog invocation to the next and from one Creo Elements/Direct Modeling session to the next Creo Elements/Direct Modeling session.

The variable option

  :persistent-data-storage {t nil :session :simple :session-simple}   ; default = nil

can be used to persistently store the value of that dialog variable:

The following kinds of variables support persistent storage:

The following kinds of variables should not use persistent data storage:

Values of persistently stored variables are set aside within working memory each time the dialog is interactive and is terminated via OK or CANCEL. If storage across sessions is required, then the values are stored to the file system when Creo Elements/Direct Modeling is exited. The storage file is all_data.lsp in the user customization directory.

Two strategies are available to insert a persistent value:

The following behavior applies to both methods:

Note: In order to reduce the volume of persistently stored data and to reduce the overall dialog initialization effort, values are only stored and inserted if they differ from the internal dialog specific initial values (as specified by the :initial-value and the :after-initialization code).

The variable option

  :persistent-proposals {t nil :session}  ;default = :session 
                                          ;(when applicable)

controls the persistent storage of proposals. This option is only applicable if :auto-add-proposals is set to t, in which case :persistent-proposals is by default set to :session, thus making the proposals persistent during a user session but not between sessions.

The indicators of mutually excluded variables can be made persistent via the following dialog option:

  :mutual-exclusion-persistent-data-storage {BOOLEAN or LIST-of-BOOLEANS [nil]}

(see here for more details).

Persistent dialog data only contains user input and is by default stored in the top level user customization directory. Alternatively, the dialog data can be stored in a subdirectory of the top level user customization directory by means of the following dialog option:

  :persistent-data-storage-module {STRING} ; default="ALL"

The supplied string must correspond to a predefined application that is supported by the PDS system, as described in the readme.txt file in the user customization directory. A new application and its associated subdirectory (and other parameters) can be generated by means of the function sd-add-application-data.

The dialog option

  :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable dialog-variable ; default = nil

supports multiple sets of persistently stored values. The value of dialog-variable must be a keyword and must be defined at initialization time before the dialog becomes interactive (that is, before the persistent values are inserted into the dialog variables). The variant variable need not have the :value-type :keyword.

Each keyword value of dialog-variable is associated with a separate set of persistent values.

Consider the following dialog

(sd-defdialog 'pds_variant
  :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable 'mode
   '((MODE :value-type :keyword)
     (BOOL :value-type :boolean
           :persistent-data-storage t)
     (NUM  :value-type :number
           :persistent-data-storage t)))

This dialog can, for example, be initialized by command inputs that specify arbitrary keywords for the MODE variable, e.g.

"pds_variant :mode :on" and "pds_variant :mode :off"

The MODE variable is intialized before the dialog becomes interactive. The above two calls lead to two sets of persistently stored values, one for the mode :on and another one for the mode :off.

Variant variables can also be used in subactions in order to adapt persistent initial values of the subaction to the calling dialog. This can be used as an alternative to passing a DEFAULT argument to the subaction.

(sd-defdialog 'pds_sub_variant
  :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable 'mode
  :dialog-type :subaction
    '((MODE :initial-value (getf default :mode))
      (S :value-type :string
         :persistent-data-storage t)
      (B :value-type :boolean
         :persistent-data-storage t)
      (D :value-type :face)))

(sd-defdialog 'my_pds_with_sub_on
   '((BOOL :value-type :boolean
           :initial-value t
           :persistent-data-storage t
     (SUB :value-type :list
          :subaction-name pds_sub_variant
          :default '(:mode :on))

(sd-defdialog 'my_pds_with_sub_off
   '((BOOL :value-type :boolean
           :initial-value t
           :persistent-data-storage t
     (SUB :value-type :list
          :subaction-name pds_sub_variant
          :default '(:mode :off))

The global function sd-get-pds-variable-value provides a means to freely access the persistent value of a dialog variable.

Function Index Top of Page

4.9 3D Copilot

See 3.3 3D Copilot Functions, drag options or quickview options or separate document 3D Copilot.

Function Index Top of Page

5. Appendixes

5.1 Appendix: Rules and Conventions

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5.2 Appendix: Application Files

An application file can contain any number of sd-defdialog forms as well as arbitrary other LISP forms.

It is highly recommended to give the application file the .lsp extension, which is standard for LISP source files.

All application code should be specified within a private application package. The name of the package is typically defined as a keyword, for example :foo or :application. The introduction of a private package eliminates the chance of an unintended symbol conflict with existing Creo Elements/Direct Modeling functions and global variables. All functions and global variables can be named freely within the private package, as long as they do not coincide with the imported symbols.

The following setup procedure handles all the necessary package definitions and relations:

  1. Application File my-dialog-file defines dialogs and other code
          (in-package :my-dialog-package)  ;specify own package
          (use-package :oli)               ;import all exported :oli symbols
          (sd-defdialog 'my_dialog_name    ;define first dialog
          (defun my-function (arg1 arg2)   ;an application specific function

  2. Init File sd_customize
          (load my-dialog-file)            ;load own application

Note that the application file imports all exported symbols from the package called :oli, which includes the symbol sd-defdialog. The symbol my_dialog_name will automatically be exported from :my-dialog-package (like all action routines), thus making it accessible for the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling ribbon bar.

All symbols of the private dialog package must be called with a package qualifier when being accessed from the prompt area of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling during testing. For example, the function my-function, can be called from the prompt area via (my-dialog-package::my-function 1 2).

A dialog can be defined within a lexical scope, e.g. as follows:

      (in-package :my-dialog-package)
      (use-package :oli)             

      (let ((my-variable nil))
        (sd-defdialog 'my_dialog_name
           ... manipulate my-variable ...)
        (defun my-function ()        
           ... manipulate my-variable ...)

Warning: The compilation of a file that contains a dialog definition within a lexical scope can cause the dialog generator system to become inconsistent. After compiling such a dialog file, it is therefore recommended to load the source or compiled file before referencing the dialog interactively or referencing it as a subaction call in some other dialog.

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