Fluent UI
- Introduction
- Ribbon Tab
- sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab
- sd-fluentui-set-active-ribbon-tab
- sd-fluentui-show-ribbon-tab-in-application
- sd-fluentui-hide-ribbon-tab-in-application
- sd-fluentui-recalc-ribbon-layout
- sd-fluentui-ribbon-tab-exist-p
- sd-fluentui-destroy-ribbon-tab
- sd-fluentui-create-addon-context
- sd-fluentui-show-addon-context-tabs
- Existing Creo Elements/Direct ribbon
- Ribbon Group
- sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group
- Ribbon Controls
- sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-button
- sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-separator
- sd-fluentui-add-help-button
- sd-fluentui-remove-help-button
- Status Bar
- Utilities

Along with the Fluent UI definition come the ribbon tabs, the quick
access toolbar and the status bar. Read more about the Fluent UI in the
Fluent UI Concepts.
In Creo
Elements/Direct Modeling there exist two different instances of a ribbon:
one for base modeler along with all applications and modules and one which
is explicitely available in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation. This means that
for Creo Elements/Direct Annotation the ribbon tabs, quick access toolbar
and status bar must be defined in parallel to everything which is done for
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling and the other applications and modules. It
also means that for any creation of a ribbon element it must be specified,
in which of the two ribbon instances it should be created.
It is not possible to create an additional ribbon instance. But it is
possible to create additional ribbon tabs and change the visibility of
existing ribbon tabs in certain applications.
When switching between different applications the visibility of ribbon
tabs is changed according to the specification in the ribbon tab definition.
Nothing needs to be done programmatically.
To define the contents of a ribbon tab available commands
need to be defined. Read more about the concept of
available commands. Every control action is defined via a single
available command. The command definition comes along with a title label,
description, icon and enable status. All these informations are used to
define a ribbon control but can be overwritten. This way for instance a
label can be changed compared to the existing title in the available
It is also possible to directly specify an action when defining a ribbon
control. This mechanism could be used for testing purposes but should not be
used for writing add-on functionality. Every available command can be used
for customization of ribbon controls. If a ribbon control action is
specified directly in the ribbon control definition a customization is not
Note: To make use of the available commands the available commands
files must be loaded before the ribbon contents are defined.
Otherwise the available commands are unknown and the control action will be
empty. Read more on loading customization files here.
Example: A detailed example for a ribbon tab definition can be
found in file fluent_ui_lsp.html.

(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab name
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:application application
:title title
:position position
:appendUtilitiesGroup appendUtilitiesGroup
:addonContext addonContext)
- Description:
Adds a new ribbon tab to the current ribbon bar.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Internal name of the tab for later reference. Tab name must be
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Adds the tab to the Modeling or Annotation ribbon. By default, the
tab will be added to the Modeling ribbon. Read here for more information.
- :application {STRING ["SolidDesigner"]}
- Name of the application the new ribbon tab should be created for.
By default, the ribbon tab will be visible in Modeling only.
- :title {STRING}
- Specifies a title of the tab that will be shown in the ribbon
- :position {FIXNUM or KEYWORD [:end] or STRING}
Specify the position where to insert the tab. This can be either:
- <number> - Zero based position within the
ribbon. 0 corresponds to :beginning.
- :beginning - Insert the tab at the beginning of the
- :end - Insert the tab at the end of the ribbon.
- <string> - Name of a tab created with sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab. The
new ribbon tab will be shown before this tab.
- :appendUtilitiesGroup {BOOLEAN [t]}
- Specifies whether or not the standard group of utilities commands
should be shown with the tab or not.
- :addonContext {STRING}
- Optional name of an addon context created with sd-fluentui-create-addon-context.
If specified the ribbon tab is assigned to the addon context. All
ribbon tabs which blong to one and the same addon context are grouped
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab "SDTAB"
:title "New Tab")

(sd-fluentui-set-active-ribbon-tab name
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon)
- Description:
Activates ribbon tab in the current ribbon bar.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Name of the ribbon tab which should be activated.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Specifies whether or not the tab is available in the Modeling or
Annotation ribbon. Read here for more
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-set-active-ribbon-tab "SDTAB")

(sd-fluentui-show-ribbon-tab-in-application name application
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon)
- Description:
Shows a certain ribbon tab in a specific application.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Name of the tab created with function sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab.
- application {STRING}
- Name of the application the ribbon tab should be shown in.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Specifies whether or not the tab is available in the Modeling or
Annotation ribbon. Read here for more
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-show-ribbon-tab-in-application "SDANALYSE" "3D Documentation")

(sd-fluentui-hide-ribbon-tab-in-application name application
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon)
- Description:
Hides a certain ribbon tab in a specific application.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Name of the tab created with function sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab.
- application {STRING}
- Name of the application the ribbon tab should not be shown
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Specifies whether or not the tab is available in the Modeling or
Annotation ribbon. Read here for more
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-hide-ribbon-tab-in-application "SDVIEW" "3D Documentation")

(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group name
:parent parent
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:title title
:slot slot
:launchButtonAvailCmd launchButtonAvailCmd)
- Description:
Adds a new ribbon group to a ribbon tab.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Internal name of the group for later reference. Group name must be
unique within a ribbon tab.
- :parent {STRING}
- Name of the tab to which the group should be added. This is a
mandatory variable.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Adds the group to a tab available in the Modeling or Annotation
ribbon. Read here for more
- :title {STRING}
- Specifies a title of the group that appears in the ribbon
- :slot {FIXNUM [-1]}
- The slot number defines the position of the group in the ribbon
tab. The ribbon tab is filled left to right with increasing slot
numbers. The position of the group depends only on the slot number not
on when it is created.
- :launchButtonAvailCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- Specifies an available command via a list of "Application" "Group"
and "Command". This parameter is often used to show settings specific
to commands displayed in this ribbon group. Read more about the
definition of available commands here.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group "SDGROUP"
:parent "SDTAB"
:title "New Group"
:launchButtonAvailCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Settings" "3D Object Settings")

(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-separator :parent parent
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:label label)
- Description:
Adds a separator either to a ribbon group between ribbon buttons or to a
ribbon button menu.
To add a separator to a ribbon group between ribbon buttons, the
specification of the parent contains only a list of tab name and
group name. In this case, the specification of label will be
To add a separator to a ribbon button menu, the specification of the
parent contains a list of tab name, group name and a button name.
In this case, a label specification will be displayed as a title
of a separator if given.
- Parameters:
- :parent {List of STRINGs}
- List of a tab name, a group name and possibly a button name. This
is a mandatory variable.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Adds separator to a parent available in the Modeling or Annotation
ribbon. Read here for more
- :label {STRING [nil]}
- If specified, a title is displayed in a ribbon button menu.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
:parent '("SDTAB" "SDGROUP")
:label "Properties"

(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-button :parent parent
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:name name
:splitButton splitButton
:largeImage largeImage
:availCmd availCmd
:pushAction pushAction
:contents contents
:label label
:image image
:description description
:enable enable
:separator separator)
- Description:
Adds a new Button to a ribbon group.
- Parameters:
- :parent {List of STRINGs}
- List of tab name and group name and perhaps button name. This is a
mandatory variable.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Adds the button to a parent available in the Modeling or
Annotation ribbon. Read here for more
- :name {STRING}
- Name of the button that it can be referenced by later using
parent parameter, for instance for adding additional entries in
ribbon button menu.
- :splitButton {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Specifies whether the new button will be displayed with two areas
or not. The icon area can be pressed separately to start the default
action. A click to the second area opens the menu.
- :largeImage {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Specifies whether the button will be displayed as a large button
or not.
- :availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- If an available command is given then it must be an existing
command and can be specified via a list of "Application" "Group"
"Command". Read more about the definition of available commands
If an available command is specified, almost all other options are
derived from it. But more options, such as a label, can be
specified to override the command's properties.
- :pushAction {Lisp Form}
- This form will be executed if the user clicks this button. If not
specified the action from the availCmd is taken. This option
should not be used as default. Preferred is to use the availCmd
to specify the button action. Reason is that any pushAction is
not considered in the customization process of the ribbon definition.
Only available commands are used as basis for any customization.
- :contents {List of Lists}
- A list of buttons that are mapped as a menu to this button. Each
list element can contain the same options as specified for this
function with the exception of parent, splitButton and
- :label {STRING}
- Button label string. If not specified, label from availCmd
is taken. If label appears as a single list element in
contents, the button is displayed as a string separator.
- :image {STRING}
- Image file name. If not given, image from availCmd is
- :description {STRING}
- A descriptive text of the button action or menu contents. If not
specified, the description from the availCmd is taken.
- :enable {LISP expression}
- This can be either a single LISP global variable or a single LISP
expression. If the variable or expression evaluates to T (true) at
runtime, this button action is accessible by the user otherwise this
button will be grayed out. If no enable expression is given for
a button, the enable-expression from the specified availCmd is
taken. If the availCmd is not specified the button is
accessible all the time.
- :separator {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Only valid within contents. If t, a separator will be added
below the previous button.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
:parent '("SDTAB" "SDGROUP")
:availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Copy Part/Assy")
:parent '("SDTAB" "SDGROUP")
:name "SDBUTTON"
:splitButton t
:largeImage t
:label "Split Button"
(:label "Assembly"
:availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Assembly"))
(:label "Container"
:availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Container"))
:availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Rename Part/Assy")

(sd-fluentui-add-help-button :annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:availCmd availCmd)
- Description:
Adds a new button to the end of the help menu on the right side of the
ribbon bar.
- Parameters:
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Adds a new help button to the help menu available in the Modeling
or Annotation ribbon. Read here for
more information.
- :availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- Specifies an available command via a list of "Application" "Group"
and "Command". Read more about the definition of available commands
- Return Value:
- t - success
- nil - failure

(sd-fluentui-remove-help-button :annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:availCmd availCmd)
- Description:
Removes a button to the end from the help menu on the right side of the
ribbon bar.
- Parameters:
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Removes a help button from the help menu available in the Modeling
or Annotation ribbon. Read here for
more information.
- :availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- Specifies an available command via a list of "Application" "Group"
and "Command". The button created for this available command is
removed from the help menu. Read more about the definition of
available commands here.
- Return Value:
- t - success
- nil - failure

(sd-fluentui-recalc-ribbon-layout :annotationRibbon annotationRibbon)
- Description:
Updates the ribbon bar layout. To ensure a good performance when adding
components to the ribbon bar the ribbon bar layout is not updated
automatically. So, it is good practise to call
sd-fluentui-recalc-ribbon-layout when the ribbon bar modification
is finished.
- Parameters:
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Updates the layout of the Modeling or Annotation ribbon bar. Read
here for more information.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:

sd-fluentui-ribbon-tab-exist-p name
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether a ribbon tab of specified name exists in
Modeling or Annotation ribbon or not.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Name of ribbon tab
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Check whether the tab should exist in Modeling or Annotation
ribbon. Read here for more
- Return Value:
- t - tab with specified name exists
nil - tab with specified name doesn't exist
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-ribbon-tab-exist-p "SDTAB")

sd-fluentui-destroy-ribbon-tab name
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
- Description:
Destroy a ribbon tab. This should be done in any case when a module or
application is deactivated.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Name of an existing ribbon tab which was created with sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Destroy the ribbon tab which was created in Modeling or Annotation
ribbon. Read here for more
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-destroy-ribbon-tab "SDTAB")

(sd-fluentui-create-addon-context name
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
- Description:
Creates an addon context. This context is used to add additional ribbon
tabs to the base modeling application and group them together. Addon
context can be shown or hidden as a group. They are also visually
grouped together.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Internal name of the context for later reference. The context name
must be unique.
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Create the context for Modeling or Annotation ribbon. By default,
the context will be created for the Modeling ribbon. Read here for more information.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-create-addon-context "MY-MODULE")
(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab "MY-MODULE1"
:title "My Module 1"
:addonContext "MY-MODULE")
(sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab "MY-MODULE2"
:title "My Module 2"
:addonContext "MY-MODULE")
- See Also:
- sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab
- sd-fluentui-show-addon-context-tabs

(sd-fluentui-show-addon-context-tabs name
:annotationRibbon annotationRibbon
:show show-or-hide
- Description:
Show or hide all ribbon tabs which belong to an addon context.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- Internal name of the context for to show or hide all ribbon tabs
- :annotationRibbon {BOOLEAN [nil]}
- Show the tabs which are related to the context in the Modeling or
Annotation ribbon. By default, the tabs will be added to the Modeling
ribbon. Read here for more
- :show {BOOLEAN [t]}
- Show or hide the tabs which are related to the addon context.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-show-addon-context-tabs "MY-MODULE")

Existing Creo Elements/Direct ribbon tabs
Ribbon Tab |
Visible in Application / when Module gets activated |
Description |
All |
home tab |
All |
Part/assembly, workplane, configurations and coordinate system
functionality |
All |
Surface and 3D Curve |
All |
Feature related functionality |
All |
verify, analyse and measure functionality |
All |
window and viewing functionality |
All |
application switching |
Basic Sheets |
Basic Sheet Metal functionality |
Surfacing |
Surfacing specific functionality |
Advanced Assembly / Parametrics |
Advanced Assembly and Parametrics specific functionality |
Inspection |
Inspection functionality |
Simplification |
Simplification specific functionality |
Model Manager |
Modeling specific Model Manager functionality |
Model Manager |
Annotation specific Model Manager functionality |
Annotation |
Setup and Annotate functionality |
Annotation |
Geometry creation and modification functionality |
Annotation |
BOM, Sketch, Picture and OLE functionality |
Annotation |
window and viewing functionality |
3D Documentation |
Setup, 3d annotations and display functionality |
3D Documentation |
BOM, group and index functionality |
Base / 3D Documentation |
3D Annotation creation and modification, only visible when 3D
Documentation module is activated |
PCB functionality |
Sheet Metal |
Sheet Metal specific functionality |
FEA creation and analysis functionality |
FEA modification functionality |
Mold Design |
Mold Design core and cavity and analysis functionality |
Mold Design |
Mold Design plastic feature and taper group functionality |
Mold Base |
Mold Base creation and modification functionality |
Mold Base |
Mold Base standard and user defined components functionality |
Creo Parametric Simulation Extension |
application interface for Creo Parametric Simulation Extension |
© 2024 Parametric
Technology GmbH
(a subsidiary of PTC Inc.), All Rights Reserved |