Minimized UI with sd-defdialog - Additional Example
Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit.
The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.
(in-package :dg-examples)
(use-package '( :oli))
;; define a dialog with some buttons specified as ':minimal-ui T'
:dialog-control :parallel
:dialog-title "Minimal UI example"
'(when (sd-control-visible-p "PRESENT_MINIMIZED_UI_CHANCES")
(display "To see the possibilities of Minimized UI you should use the
Tools/Customize command to push the ICON 'Minimized UI' out of 'SolidDesigner/Test' group into a toolbar of your choice and call it from over there.")
;; this variable will be visible in minimized UI
:minimal-ui T
:minimal-ui-title "Absolute Angle"
:minimal-ui-width 25 ;; the width in GRID unit
:title "Abs Angle"
:value-type :angle
:proposals ()
:auto-add-proposals T
;; this variable will be visible in minimized UI
:minimal-ui T
:title "Length"
:value-type :length
:proposals '()
:auto-add-proposals T
;; this variable will NOT be visible in minimized UI, but will be shown
;; when user requests the complete UI
:title "Comment"
:value-type :string
:initial-optional T
:prompt-text "What do you want to tell me? [string]"
;:title (sd-get-control-title (sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'present_minimized_ui_chances :comment :TB))
:title "What do you want to tell me?"
:initialText comment
:position `(,(sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'present_minimized_ui_chances :comment :TB)
:hide-input-tool (sd-hide-general-text-editor)
(pprint (format nil "I would like to tell you: ~A " comment))
:proposals '()
:auto-add-proposals T
;; this variable will NOT be visible at all! (regardless of minimized or not)
:toggle-type :invisible
:prompt-text "What additional thing do you want to tell me? [string]"
:value-type :string
:after-input (pprint "There's only a hidden secret not to be told.... ")
'(display (format nil "You entered ~%~A ~A~%~A ~A~%~A ~A~%"
"a rotation angle of " (sd-num-to-string (sd-sys-to-user-units :angle rot_angle))
"a move length of " (sd-num-to-string (sd-sys-to-user-units :length move_length))
"and (may be) the comment " (or comment "")
;; to have access to the miminized UI the UI behaviour has
;; to be set to :on-request. Therefore we add an available
;; command now:
(sd-define-available-command "SolidDesigner" "Test" "Present Minimized UI"
:commandTitle "Minimized UI"
:action "present_minimized_ui_chances"
:description "Show the possibilities of minimized UI of OSD 12.x"
:ui-behavior :on-request
;; well these (normally default) settings have to be set
;; to work with UI on request and minimal UI's
; END of Example