Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Groups > To Instance Individual Members of a Fixed Group
To Instance Individual Members of a Fixed Group
You can instance one or more members of a fixed group instead of instancing the entire group.
1. Open the Catalog Explorer.
2. Select the group from the catalog.
3. Click . The Select member shape to place dialog box opens. All available group member artifact shapes can be selected.
4. Select the shape to instance from the list.
5. Click OK. The selected shape appears on the pointer.
6. Click to place the instance. A new group is added to the design. The new instance is a member of this group. The group members that are not instanced appear in a report as shapeless members. They are members of the group, but do not have a shape instance in the design. The Select member shape to place dialog box reappears with a list of shapes that have not yet been placed.
7. Continue placing shapes for group members until all members of the group have been placed or click Cancel.
To add a member to a group that is already instanced, select a member from the group to be added to and click Diagramming > . Follow the same procedure as described above.