Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Artifacts and Shapes > To Edit a Fibershape
To Edit a Fibershape
1. In the Catalog Explorer, select the fibershape to edit.
2. Click on the right of the Shapes list. The Fiber Properties dialog box opens.
3. Click Shape.
4. To select a new Line type, click . The Select line type dialog box opens.
5. Select a line type from the list and click OK.
6. Select a different Layer from the list if required.
7. Click Port to change the default fiber end port. The Catalog Selector dialog box opens.
You can only change the default port at the end of the fiber when the fiber has no instances.
8. Select a port from the list and click OK.
9. Type the number of a point function (0-34) in the Point function box to set the physical appearance of a point on the line.
10. Type a number in the Pitch box to set spacing between line segments in millimeter.
11. Type a number in the Width box to set a new line width in millimeters.
12. Click the color button to change the line color. The Select a Color dialog box opens. Select the color and click OK or click Edit to create a custom color in the Define Color dialog box.
13. When you edit the shape of an instance of a directional fiber you can display directional arrows:
14. Select an arrow Type from the list.
15. Select a Pattern from the list.
16. Type a number in the Spacing box to set the space between the arrows.
17. Click the Cross ref shape check box to designate the fiber as a cross-referenced shape.