Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Layers > About the Artifact Layer Parameter
About the Artifact Layer Parameter
The artifact layer parameter is a string parameter constrained to a value list. The list includes all layers in the design. When a layer is added, deleted, or renamed, the value list updates accordingly.
The value of an artifact's layer parameter is a list of all layers assigned to its shapes. When more than one artifact shape exists, the layer names are separated by a comma. When a shape is instanced for the first time, the instance is assigned to the same layer as defined for the original catalog shape.
After the shape layer is changed, or a new shape is created for the artifact and assigned a different layer, the artifact layer parameter automatically updates to include the shape's new layer.
When a legacy design is opened that contains a parameter named layer, the parameter is automatically renamed layer_userdefined.