Warp > Transform Operations > To Rotate Geometry
To Rotate Geometry
1. Click Model > Editing > Warp to open the Warp tab.
2. Make sure the Geometry collector is active, and select bodies, including bodies that contain simplified or homogenized lattices, quilts, facets, or curves to rotate.
3. To define the direction of the warp, click the Direction collector, and select a plane or coordinate system.
4. Click Transform to display the transform settings, marquee, and dragger.
5. To rotate the geometry, drag a dragger arc.
Alternatively, click the Options tab. Specify the rotation axis and angle of rotation. Optionally, click to export the parameter values to edit outside of Warp.
6. To edit the rotation dimension, double-click the angle dimension and enter a value.
7. Select any warp operation to complete the current warp operation or click OK to complete the warp feature.
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