Using Technical Surfacing
Managing Quilts
About Quilts
To Hide a Quilt
To Assign a Color to a Quilt
To Shade a Quilt
To Mesh Quilts and Surfaces
Creating a Surface Feature
About Creating a Surface
Creating a Feature with an Open or Closed Volume
Creating Advanced Surface Features
About Advanced Surface Features
Creating Boundary Blends
Get Started: Boundary Blend
Create a Surface using Boundary References
About the Boundary Blend Feature
About the Boundary Blend User Interface
About Boundary Blend Reference Entities
To Create a Boundary Blend
To Create a Boundary Blend in One Direction
To Create a Boundary Blend in Two Directions
Example: Blended Surface
To Create a Boundary Blend Surface Using Approximate Curves
About Defining Boundary Conditions
Setting Boundary Conditions
To Define Boundary Conditions
About Boundary Blend Control Points
Boundary Blend Control Point Parameters
To Specify Boundary Blend Control Points
Example: Specifying Boundary Blend Control Points
About Side Curves and Boundary Blends
Tip: Working with Antitangent and Tangent Boundaries
Creating a Blended Surface from a File
About Creating a Blended Surface from a File
To Create a Blended Surface from a File
To Update a Blended Surface from a File
Creating Other Surfaces from Boundaries
Conic Surfaces
To Create a Conic Surface
Defining a Conic Surface
Example: Conic Surface
N-Sided Surfaces
To Create a Surface from More Than Four Boundaries
Tip: Creating an N-Sided Surface
Blend Tangent to Surfaces
About Blend Tangent to Surfaces
Tip: Creating a Solid Draft from a Non-Solid Draft
Curve-driven Tangent Draft Surfaces
To Create a Quilt Tangent to a Surface
Reference Curve Requirements for Curve-Driven Tangent Drafts
Example: Creating a Curve-Driven Tangent Draft
Example: Specifying Cap Angle and Closing Surfaces
Tangent Draft Outside a Draft Surface
To Create a Constant-Angle Tangent Draft Outside a Draft Surface
Example: Creating a Constant-Angle Tangent Draft Outside a Draft Surface
Tangent Draft Inside a Draft Surface
To Create a Constant-Angle Tangent Draft Inside a Draft Surface
Example: Creating a Constant-Angle Tangent Draft Inside a Draft Surface
Blend Surface to Surfaces
To Create a Surface-to-Surface Blend
Blend Section to Surfaces
To Create a Section-to-Surface Blend
Creating a Ribbon Surface
About a Ribbon Surface
To Create a Ribbon Surface
Example: Using a Ribbon Surface
Trimming Quilts
About Trimming Quilts
Trimming Quilts Using Curves
Trimming a Quilt Using Curves
Example: Trimming a Quilt Using Curves
Trimming Quilts Using Vertex Rounds
About the Vertex Round Feature
About the Vertex Round User Interface
To Trim a Quilt Using Vertex Round
Example: Trimming with Vertex Round
Flattening and Bending Features
About Flatten Quilt
To Flatten Surfaces, Quilts, or Solid Surfaces
Example: Flattening a Quilt
About Flatten-Quilt Deformation
About the Flatten-Quilt Deformation User Interface
To Create a Flatten-Quilt Deformation
Creating Solid Geometry Using Quilts
About Creating Solid Geometry Using Quilts
To Replace a Solid Surface with a Quilt
Freeform Surfaces
About Creating Freeform Surfaces
To Create a Freeform Surface or Quilt
To Sketch a Boundary Region
Example: Sample Freeform Surface
Copying a Trimmed Portion of the Quilt
To Copy a Trimmed Portion of the Quilt
Creo Interactive Surface Design (Style)
About Style Features
Using Style
User Interface
To Start Style
To Exit Style
About the Style User Interface
Modifier Keys
Applying Colors to Style Entities
About Snapping in Style
About Snapping
To Enable Snapping
To Select a Reference Entity for a Soft Point
Setting Preferences
Setting Style Preferences
Configuring Style
Configuration Options for Style
Show All Views
About Multiple Views
Creating and Editing Curves in Multiple Views
To Show All Views
Example: Four-View Display
To Resize the Panes in a Four-View Display
Active Plane
To Set the Active Plane
About Setting the Active Plane Orientation
To Set a View to the Active Plane Orientation
To Show the Next View
To Reset a View
To Display Style Entities
Datum Planes
About Creating Datum Planes
To Create an Internal Datum Plane
To Edit an Internal Datum Plane
To Manipulate and Regenerate an Internal Datum Plane
Example: Internal Datum Plane Offset from a Surface
Style Tree
About the Style Tree
To Display the Style Tree
About Selecting Entities in the Style Tree
To Select Entities in the Style Tree
About Adding Informational Columns to the Style Tree
To Add Informational Columns to the Style Tree
To Remove Informational Columns from the Style Tree
To Change the Order of the Informational Columns in the Style Tree
To Perform Actions Using the Style Tree
To Show or Hide Entities in the Style Tree
To Suppress or Resume Entities
Understanding Curves
About Creating Curves in Style
About Defining Points for Curves
Point Types
Example: Curve Control Points
About Curve Degree
About Closed Curves
About Symmetric Curves
About the Curve User Interface
Creating Curves
To Create a New Curve
To Create a Free Curve
To Create a Planar Curve
Curves on a Surface (COS)
About Curves on Surfaces
To Create a Curve on Surface (COS) by Points
To Create a Curve on Surface (COS) by Drop
To Create a Curve on Surface (COS) by Intersect
Offset Curves
About Offsetting Curves
To Create an Offset of a Free Curve
To Create an Offset of a Curve on Surface
To Create an Offset of a Curve On Surface by Intersect
To Create an Offset of a Planar Curve or Radial-Path Planar Curve
Example: Offset of a Curve On Surface
Curves from a Surface
About Creating Curves from a Surface
To Create a Curve from a Surface
Radial-Path Planar Curves
About Radial-Path Planar Curves
To Create a Radial-Path Planar Curve
Example: Radial-Path Planar Curve
About the Arc User Interface in Style
To Create an Arc in Style
About the Circle User Interface in Style
To Create a Circle in Style
Importing Curves
About Importing Curves into Style
To Import Curves into Style
To Import Curves from Creo Sketch into Style
Editing Curves
About Editing Curves
About the Curve Edit User Interface
To Edit Curve Points
Curve Point Editing Methods
To Change the Curve Type
To Change the Soft Point Type
To Change a Planar Curve Position
To Add Points to Curves
To Delete Curve Points
To Combine Curves
To Split a Curve
To Extend a Curve
To Extend a COS to Boundary
To Extend a COS by Drop to Boundary
To Smooth a Curve
To Simplify a Curve
To Snap a Point to an Intersection
About Making Curves Planar Between Their Endpoints
To Make a Curve Planar Between Its End Points
To Redefine a Radial-Path Planar Curve
About Proportional Update
About Adjusting the Tangents for Closed Curves
About Close Points
To Adjust the Tangents for Closed Curves
Defining a Close Point's Tangents
Example: Defining the Tangents of Close Points
About Unlinking and Converting Curves
To Unlink Curves and Surfaces
To Convert Curves
To Convert a COS by Intersect
Editing Multiple Curves
About Multiple Curve Edits
To Edit Multiple Curves
To Change the Location of Multiple Points
To Apply a Draft Tangent to Multiple Curves
To Change the Tangent Options for Multiple Curves
To Offset Multiple Planar Curves
To Convert Multiple Curves
Moving and Copying Curves
About Moving and Copying Style Geometry
About the Dragger
To Move and Copy Style Curves
To Copy Style Geometry Proportionally
Example: Copy Proportional
Mirroring Curves
About Mirroring Curves in Style
To Mirror Curves in Style
About Creating Surfaces
About the Surface User Interface
About Composite Surfaces
About Triangular Surfaces
Defining Surfaces
About Editing Surfaces
About Chains in Style
To Reorder Surface Chains
To Create a Boundary Surface
To Create a Trimmed Rectangle Surface
Example: Trimmed Rectangle Surface from Two Boundaries
To Trim or Extend a Chain
About Internal Curves
About Internal Curves in Triangular Surfaces
To Establish a Connection while Creating a Surface
Reparameterization Curves
About Reparameterization Curves and Soft Points
To Shape a Surface using Reparameterization Curves
To Place a Reparameterization Soft Point
Reparameterization Curve Restrictions
To Delete Reparameterization Curves
Loft Surfaces
To Create a Loft Surface
Example: Loft Surface
Sweep Surfaces
About Sweep Surfaces in Style
To Create a Sweep Surface
Example: Radial and Non-radial Sweep Surfaces
Example: Uniform and Non-uniform Sweep Surfaces
Trimmed Surfaces
About Trimming Surfaces
To Trim a Surface
About Redefining Trimmed Surfaces
To Redefine Trimmed Surfaces
To Delete Trimmed Surfaces
Editing Surfaces using the Surface Edit Tool
About the Surface Edit Tool
About the Surface Edit User Interface
Editing Surface Control Points
Editing Surface Knots
Comparing Surface Edits with the Original
To Edit a Surface by Manipulating Control Points
To Reset Control Points that were Moved
Control Point Editing Commands
About Planarizing a Control Row or Column
Filters for Point Movement
About Aligning Surfaces
To Align Boundaries while Editing Surfaces
Surface Alignment References
To Edit a Surface Shape by Moving Knots
To Activate or Deactivate Knots
About Neighbor Knots
Aligning Edges
Merging Knots
Replacing Knots
To Merge the Knots of Two Surfaces
To Use Multi-Resolution Surface Editing
Editing Special Surface Types
Curve Connections
About Curve Connections
Endpoints for Curve Connections
About Curve Tangents
Defining Curve Tangents
About Editing Curve Tangents
To Create Curve Connections Using Tangent Constraints
To Change a Tangent's Directional Constraints
To Change a Tangent's Length Constraint
To Create Curve Connections Using Draft Tangent
About Second Constraints Definition for Curves
To Define the Second Constraint for Curves with Surface Tangent, Surface Curvature, Surface Acceleration, or Draft Tangent Constraint
Tip: Setting the Second Constraint Definition
Surface Connections
About Surface Connections
About the Surface Connection User Interface
Surface Connection Operations
About Default and Smart Connections
About Flipping the Direction of a Loft Surface
To Connect Surfaces
About Draft Connections for Surfaces
To Create a Draft Connection between Surfaces
Example: Draft Connections for Surfaces
About Surface Connections with Triangular Surfaces
Analyzing Connections
About Analyzing Connections
About the Connection Analysis User Interface
To Analyze Connections
Example: Analyzing the Connections on a Quilt
Example: Analyzing the Connection Between Surfaces
Example: Analyzing the Connection Between Curves
Example: Analyzing the Connection Between Curves and Surfaces
Example: Analyzing the Connection Along a Two-Sided Edge
Example: Connection Analysis Display
Style Editing Tools
To Select Entities
To Edit the Definition of Geometry
To Get Information on Style Features
To Get Information on Selected Entities
To Repeat a Style Command
Deleting Geometry
About Deleting Geometry
To Delete Geometry
About Style Regeneration
To Regenerate the Style Feature
To Automatically Regenerate Curves
To Automatically Regenerate Surfaces
About Resolving a Style Feature
To Resolve a Style Feature
Curve and Surface Analysis
About Curve and Surface Analyses in Style
About Curvature Plots
About Analyzing Knots and Control Mesh
To Analyze Knots and Control Mesh
Style Parameters
About Parameters in Style
To Make Style Parameters Visible
To Edit Parameters Outside Style
To Obtain Information on Parameters
Creo Integration
To Edit the Definition of Style Features
To Edit the References of Style Features
To Create Style Parameters
Glossary for Style
Creo Reverse Engineering (Restyle)
Getting Started in Restyle
About Restyle (Reverse Engineering)
About the Restyle Environment
About the Restyle User Interface
To Create a Restyle Feature
The Restyle Workflow
To Edit a Restyle Feature
About the Restyle Tree
To Use the Restyle Tree
About the Restyle Diagnostic Dialog Box
To Use the Restyle Diagnostic Dialog Box
Managing Domains in Restyle
About Domains
To Create a Domain
To Add a Loop to a Domain
Example: Adding a Loop to a Domain
To Remove a Loop from a Domain
Example: Removing a Loop from a Domain
To Merge Domains
To Assign a Domain to a Surface
Creating Curves in Restyle
About Creating Curves in Restyle
To Create a Curve on Facets
To Create a Curve on a Surface
To Create a Section Curve
To Create a Curve Using a Surface Edge
To Create a Curve Using the Extremum Analysis
To Create a Curve Using the Isoline Analysis
Example: Isoline Analysis
To Create a Curve from a Facet Border
To Create a Curve from Sharp Facet Edges
To Create a Curve Through Points
To Create a Free Curve that Snaps to Geometry
Managing Curves in Restyle
About Modifying Curves
To Modify a Curve
To Project a Curve on a Facet Model, a Datum Plane, or a Surface
Curve Constraints in Restyle
About Curve Constraints
About the Align User Interface in Restyle
To Align Two Curves
To Manipulate Curve Constraints
To Merge Curves
To Split a Curve
Creating Analytical Surfaces in Restyle
About Creating Analytical Surfaces
About Modifying Analytical Surfaces
About Creating a Flat Surface
To Create a Flat Surface
About Creating a Cylindrical Surface
To Create a Cylindrical Surface
About Creating a Conical Surface
To Create a Conical Surface
To Create a Revolved Surface
To Create an Extruded Surface
To Edit the Surface Properties
Creating Polynomial Surfaces in Restyle
About Creating Surfaces in Restyle
Mathematical Properties of Surfaces
About Defining the Mathematical Properties of Surfaces
To Create a Rectangular Surface Using Four Curves
To Create a Rectangular Surface Using Three Curves
To Create a Triangular Surface Using Three Curves
To Create a Surface from Net
To Create a Surface from a Box
To Create a Rectangular Surface Using Four Points
To Create a Rectangular Surface Using the End Points of a Cross
To Create a Rectangular Surface Using Two Curves
To Create a Loft Surface Using the Specified Curves
About Modifying Polynomial Surfaces
Creating Spline Surfaces Automatically
About Automatic Creation of Spline Surfaces
About the Auto Surface User Interface
To Automatically Create Spline Surfaces
Curve Generation Settings
Managing Surfaces in Restyle
About Merging and Intersecting Surfaces
To Merge Surfaces
To Intersect Surfaces
To Project a Surface on a Facet Model
About the Modify Shape User Interface
About Moving Control Points
To Modify a Surface
Multiple Selection of Control Points
About the Extrapolate User Interface
To Extrapolate a Surface
To Set Up Reference Points
To Fit a Surface
Surface Constraints in Restyle
About Surface Constraints
To Align Two Surfaces
To Manipulate Surface Constraints
Creating Symmetry Planes
About the Symmetry Plane
To Create a Symmetry Plane
About the Normal to Plane Constraint
To Align a Planar Curve and a Surface Using Normal to Plane Constraint
To Edit the Planar Curve and Surface that are Aligned Using Normal To Plane Constraint
Copying Curves and Surfaces
About Copying Curves and Surfaces
To Create a Copy of a Curve or Surface
Facet Modeling
Using Facet Modeling
About Facet Modeling
The Facet Modeling Workflow
About the Facet Modeling User Interface
To Create a Facet Feature
Selecting Entities in Facet Modeling
Creating a Facet Feature
Point Handling
About the Points Phase
The Points Tab
To Filter Points
Reduce Noise
About Reducing Noise
To Reduce Noise
Fill Hole
To Fill Holes in the Point Set
Example: Filling Holes in the Point Set
To Delete Points by Sampling
Crop Selected
To Crop Selected Points
Delete Outliers
To Delete Points Lying Outside the Point Set
Delete Selected
To Delete Selected Points
Add Point Set
To Add Point Set Data to the Existing Data
Save Points
To Save Points
Reverse Selection
To Reverse the Selection of Points
Hide or Unhide Selected Points
To Turn the Display of Points On or Off
Wrap Handling
About the Wrap Phase
The Wrap Tab
Example: A Wrap Created from a Point Set
To Return to the Point Phase
Fill Edges
To Fill an Area by Adding Facets along the Edge
Fill Up
To Fill a Concave Area by Adding Facets
Fill Layer
To Fill an Area by Adding a Layer of Facets
Push Shallow
To Use the Push Shallow Command
Example: Using the Push Shallow Command
Push Deep
To Use the Push Deep Command
Shoot Through
To Use the Shoot Through Command
Example: Using the Shoot Through Command
Remove Webs
About Webs
To Remove Webs
Example: Removing Webs
Select by Length
To Select Facets by Length
Example: Selecting Facets by Length
Facet Handling
About the Facets Phase
The Facet Tab
About Cleaning the Faceted Geometry
To Clean the Faceted Geometry
Example: Cleaning the Faceted Geometry
To Decimate Facets
Example: Using the Decimate Command
About Refining the Faceted Geometry
To Refine the Faceted Geometry
Example: Refining the Faceted Geometry
About Relaxing the Faceted Geometry
To Relax the Faceted Geometry
Example: Relaxing the Faceted Geometry
To Offset Facets
To Trim Facets
Symmetry Plane
To Create a Symmetry Plane
Delete Selected Facets
To Delete the Selected Facets
Fill Hole
To Fill Holes in the Faceted Geometry
Example: Using the Fill Hole Command
Add Facet
To Add Facets to the Faceted Geometry
Example: Adding Facets to the Faceted Geometry
Split Edge
To Add Facets by Splitting a Facet Edge
Example: Adding Facets by Splitting a Facet Edge
Flip Edge
To Reverse the Orientation of Two Facets
Example: Reversing the Orientation of Two Facets
Make Manifold
About Manifold Representations of Faceted Geometry
To Create a Manifold Representation of the Faceted Geometry
Select by Length
To Select Facets by Length
Select Connected Component
To Select Connected Components
Reverse Selection
To Reverse the Selection of Facets
Select Visible Facets Only
To Select Visible Facets Only
Copy Facet Feature
About Copying Facet Features
To Copy a Facet Feature
Scan Tools
Using Scan Tools
About Scan Tools Capabilities
About the Scan Tools Environment
Getting Started in Scan Tools
About Getting Started with Scan Tools
About Using Independent Geometry to Access Scan Tools
To Create Independent Geometry and Access Scan Tools
To Access Scan Tools for Part with Independent Geometry
About Editing Tools
To Select Objects
To Delete Objects
To Save Changes
Importing Raw Data
About Using Raw Data for Creating Surfaces
About Importing Raw Data
To Import High Density Data
To Define the Section Type
To Import Low Density Data
Creating Features
About Creating Features in Scan Tools
Creating Curves
About Creating Curves
To Create a Curve from Raw Data
To Create a Curve Through Points
To Create a Curve from a Curve
Creating Surfaces
About Creating a Surface
To Create a Surface from Curves
To Create a Surface from Another Surface
Surface and Curve Manipulation
Modifying Curves
About Modifying a Curve
To Modify a Curve Using the Control Polygon
Defining a Movement Plane for a Curve
To Set End Conditions for a Curve
To Define the Poly Motion Region for a Curve
To Modify a Curve Using its Style Points
To Modify a Curve Using Fit
To Enable Dynamic Diagnostics
To Use Sliders
Modifying Surfaces
About Modifying a Surface
To Modify a Surface Using the Control Polyhedron
Defining the Movement Plane
To Define the Poly Motion Region
To Modify a Surface Using the Grid
To Modify a Surface Using Fit
To Set Boundary Constraints for Surface Modification
Using Warp
About the Warp Tool
About the Warp Tool User Interface
About the Marquee
To Create a Warp Feature
To Preserve Analytic Geometry
Warping References
Applying Colors to Warp Entities
Transform Operations
About the Transform Operations
About the Transform User Interface
About the Dragger
To Translate Geometry
To Rotate Geometry
To Scale Geometry
Warp Operation
About Performing the Warp Operation
About the Warp User Interface
To Warp Geometry
Example: The Warp Operation
Spine Operation
About the Spine User Interface
To Warp Geometry Using a Spine
Methods to Edit Reference Curves During Spine Deformation
To Warp Geometry using a Target Spine
Example: Warping Geometry Using Spine
Stretch Operation
About Stretch, Bend, and Twist Operations
About the Stretch User Interface
To Stretch Geometry
Example: The Stretch Operation
Bend Operation
About the Bend User Interface
To Bend Geometry
Example: The Bend Operation
Twist Operation
About the Twist User Interface
To Twist Geometry
Example: The Twist Operation
Sculpt Operation
About the Sculpt User Interface
To Sculpt Geometry
Example: The Sculpt Operation
Geometry Analyses in Warp
About Geometry Analyses in Warp
To Create and Save Analyses in Warp
Freestyle Overview
Using Freestyle
About Freestyle
About Working in the Freestyle Modeling Environment
About the Box Mode
To Create a Freestyle Feature
To Control the Mesh Display
Selecting Mesh Elements in Freestyle
Selection Filter in Freestyle
About Multiple Shapes
About the Freestyle Tree
To Create Freestyle Keyboard Shortcuts
Configurations Options for Freestyle
Importing and Exporting Shapes
About Importing and Exporting .obj Files
To Import .obj File
To Export .obj File
Manipulating the Dragger
About Manipulating the Dragger
To Reposition the Dragger
To Relocate or Reorient the Dragger
About Snapping the Dragger to a Reference
To Specify and Display the Increment Values for the Dragger Movement
Manipulating the Control Mesh
About Manipulating the Control Mesh
About Selecting Primitives to Create a Freestyle Feature
To Select a Coordinate System for the Control Mesh
To Activate the Freestyle Commands
To Move or Rotate the Control Mesh
To Scale the Control Mesh
Movement Options for Mesh Manipulation
About Positioning the Mesh Elements
To Position the Mesh Elements
About Flipping the Orientation of Shapes
To Flip the Orientation of Shapes
Example: Flipping the Orientation of a Shape
Aligning Elements on the Control Mesh
About Aligning the Mesh Elements
To Align Faces With an External Geometric Reference
To Align Two-Sided Edges with External Geometric References
To Align One-Sided Edges with External Geometric References
Using Align Draft
Multiple Alignment of Adjacent Edges
Troubleshooting Failures in Freestyle
Adding Detail to the Control Mesh
About Adding Detail to the Control Mesh
Extruding Mesh Elements
About Extruding Mesh Elements
To Extrude Mesh Elements
Example: Extruding Mesh Elements
Connecting Mesh Elements
About Connecting Mesh Elements
To Connect Mesh Elements
Example: Connecting Mesh Elements
Joining Mesh Elements
About Joining Mesh Elements
To Join Mesh Elements
Example: Joining Mesh Elements
Cutting Mesh Elements
About Cutting Mesh Elements
To Cut Mesh Elements
Example: Slicing Mesh Elements
Example: Slicing Mesh Elements Using a Plane
Example: Slicing Imported Objects by Plane to Achieve Symmetry
Example: Ripping a Shape
Splitting Mesh Elements
About Splitting Mesh Elements
To Split Mesh Elements
Example: Splitting Faces
Example: Splitting Edges
Beveling Edges
About Beveling Edges
To Bevel a Chain of Edges
Adding Edges
About Adding Edges
To Add Edges
Example: Adding Edges Using Object-Action Workflow
Example: Adding Edges Using Action-Object Workflow
Deleting Mesh Elements
About Deleting Mesh Elements
To Delete Mesh Elements
Example: Deleting Mesh Elements
To Duplicate Mesh Elements
Repeating Freestyle Commands
Resolving Doublets
Creating Symmetrical Freestyle Geometry
About Mirroring Mesh Elements and Shapes
To Mirror a Mesh Element or a Shape
Example: Joining Mirrored Mesh Elements
Example: Connecting Mirrored Mesh Elements
About Defining Rotational Pattern of Shapes
To Define a Rotational Pattern of Shapes
Example: Connecting Pattern Members
Example: Joining Pattern Members
Creasing the Control Mesh
About Creasing a Control Mesh
To Apply a Soft or a Hard Crease to a Control Mesh
Reconstructing Geometry
To Reconstruct Shapes from Facets
Reconstructing a B-Rep Geometry from a Generative Design Feature
Cross Sections in Freestyle
Attaching B-Rep Geometry to the Triangulated or Faceted Bodies
About the Attach Mode
To Attach the Freestyle Geometry
Freestyle Operations in the Attach Mode
Performing Subdivision and Resolution
About Subdivision and Resolution
To Display and Modify Shapes in Resolution Mode
To Reset Mesh Changes in Resolution Mode
Propagation of Mesh Selection in the Resolution Mode
Example: Differences Between Subdivision and Resolution
Modifying Geometry Using Brushes
Example: Creating a Bottle Using the Freestyle Commands