5. Click View and select a view in the Structure Browser.
6. Select which BOM flags you want to generate: All or Missing.
7. Click the All Instances check box to generate the BOM flags of all the instances of the parts in the selected view.
8. To generate the BOM flags of all the instances of only one part, click the Name check box and type the name of the part. You can use a wildcard character (*) in the name.
If the selected view does not contain all the instances of the part, a warning appears.
9. Select a Flag Layout: Company, DIN, or ISO.
10. In the Raster section, set the following options to adjust the grid:
◦ Upper, Left, Right, Lower: Grid markers are displayed on the selected sides.
◦ LowerLeft: Select a spot in the viewport to move the lower left corner of the grid.
◦ UpperRight: Select a spot in the viewport to move the upper right corner of the grid.
◦ X-Distance: The distance between grid points in the X direction.
◦ Y-Distance: The distance between grid points in the Y direction.
◦ Keep: Select this option to keep the grid sketch in your view after the operation is complete.
11. Select Switch positions if the reflines intersect. This option will reverse the flags so their reflines no longer cross.