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Creating the Machine

Now we will build the 5-Axis LaserDyne Machine that will simulate the Cutter Location (NCL) toolpath from the previous page.

1. Open  the LASERDYNE_5AX.ASM assembly.

In this case, the X,Y,Z and C Axes are already defined as parts with mechanism constraints. We need to define the D Axis that will hold the tool.

2. Move the machine as a regular mechanism by using the Drag Packaged Components tool  .

3. Pick anywhere on the yellow (yaxis.prt) part, then drag around with mouse. Close the Drag dialog box when done.

4. Select Add Component  and assemble daxis.prt.

5. Change the constraint type from User Defined to Pin  .

6. Select the cylindrical surface from both the caxis part and daxis part as shown.

7. Select the 2 planar surfaces for a Mate. Ensure the Mate is Coincident by selecting the Position Coincident  icon from the Position drop down list in the dashboard.

8. Click on the dashboard to finish the operation.


The machine is complete! Feel free to move it using the Drag Packaged Components tool   from the main toolbar.