Creo Elements/Direct Modeling COM & .NET API

Creo Elements/Direct Modeling COM & .NET API - Getting Started

Software requirements

For end-users:

For developers:

Installing the .NET API

In order to use the .NET API for development, a few manual installation steps are required.

Installing the .NET framework

The .NET API requires at least version 4.0.30319 of the .NET framework. This version is shipped and automatically installed along with Visual Studio 2015. We also ship this version of the framework on the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling installation CD, and if you install the full Creo Elements/Direct Modeling application suite, the required version of the .NET framework will be installed automatically if it is not already on the system. So usually no manual intervention is required.

Installing the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Developer's Kit

If you have not done so already during installation of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, you need to install the Developer's Kit (also known as "Integration Kit"). Run the setup program again and choose the "Modify" option. Enable the "Developer's Kit" package during installation.

Installing the Dev Kit Installing the Dev Kit, part 2

The .NET API SDK package

The .NET API SDK package is installed in the help/osdm/COM_.NET_API_SDK sub-directory of your Creo Elements/Direct Modeling installation directory. The SDK contains:

This package is not to be confused with the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Developer's Kit (aka. Integration Kit) mentioned above, that provides documentation and tools mainly for Lisp programmers.


If you use the standard installation process for the Creo Elements/Direct application suite, including the Developer's Kit installation step described above, all required components and files should have been installed and registered properly.

If for some reason you cannot access the object model, consult the Troubleshooting section of this document for instructions on how to verify proper installation and fix it if required.

Important files for development

We strongly recommend to use one of our Visual Studio project wizards when writing a new Creo Elements/Direct Modeling client. Please also read the section about supported client types before getting started.

There are several files that contain type and development information for COM and .NET clients. All of them are located in the binNT (32-bit versions) or binx64 (64-bit versions) subdirectories of the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling installation directory:

Developing COM clients

To develop a COM client, the two type libraries

need to be imported.

Developing .NET add-ins

.NET clients need to add these .NET assemblies to the list of project references: