Comparing ECAD Designs > Viewing and Reviewing Comparison Results > About the Results of an ECAD Comparison
About the Results of an ECAD Comparison
The results of a comparison appear in the graphics area, the Compare Results tab of the upper data panel, and the Difference Details tab of the lower data panel. See the sections below for information on working with results in each location.
Graphic Inspection
In the Quick Results and the Full Results, you can change the color, visibility, and view state to help interpret the results. Search for items and get results color-coded with the comparison result colors. In the Full Results view, annotate the view, highlight and isolate items. For more information about working with the results view, see Working with the ECAD Comparison Results View.
Difference Details
Select one or more differences in the Compare Results tab of the upper data panel, and the details of the differences are displayed in the Difference Details tab of the lower data panel. When you select a difference that has associated objects, the associated objects are also selected.
Add or remove columns on the Difference Details tab, or change the order of the columns. Click a column header to sort the results by that detail. You can also filter the information displayed in the tab by parameters such as attribute or review information. You can export difference details in these formats:
CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, for use in applications such as Microsoft Excel
Web page
Each difference detail, such as X LOCATION or BOARD SIDE, has two columns in the exported report. The first column contains information for the first item, and the second instance of the column contains information for the second item. In an exported web page, the colors assigned to the first and second items are displayed.
Review and Comment
You can tag differences with a review state, a comment, or both. Select from these review states:
Acceptance Approved
Rejection Approved
You can show the review history, including the reviewer and the time of the review, in the Difference Details tab. You can set a new review state at any time. For more information, see To Tag Differences with Review States and Comments.
Generate Reports and Collaborate
When the full comparison is complete, you can generate reports. Select any of these reports to generate:
All Differences—Compiles a summary of all differences and their details. Generate this report for PCB Layout-PCB Layout, Schematic-Schematic, or PCB Layout-Schematic comparisons.
Design Data—Provides information about the design statistics. For more information on this type of report, see About a Design Data Report.
Check Options—Details the configuration settings for the comparison.
File History—Lists the date and user for each modification of the file.
Other item checks—Reports on the comparison of various items in the design.
For instructions on creating these reports, see To Generate and Export an ECAD Comparison Report.