Detecting Interferences > Dynamic Interference Detection > About Dynamic Interference Detection
About Dynamic Interference Detection
In an animation, you can detect dynamic interferences for parts and assemblies. Here are some examples of ways to use Dynamic Interference Detection:
Analyze potential paths for removing a part for servicing, such as a spark plug and an engine.
Plan a general assembly or disassembly process.
Access to the Dynamic Interference Detection functions depends on your edition of Creo View and the licenses you have installed.
Creo View Configuration
Dynamic Interference Detection Functions
Creo View with both of these licenses:
Interference Detection
Perform dynamic interference queries
View dynamic interference results
Generate and export reports
Play back dynamic interference results
Creo View with one the licenses above, or with neither license
Creo View Lite
Playback only
For general information on interference detection, see About Interference Detection. Information follows on calculating and inspecting dynamic interferences.
Calculating Dynamic Interferences
Dynamic interferences are calculated using the Approximate mode. For more information on this type of calculation, see Calculation Mode Options. You can add or exclude bodies from the calculation. You can also set a color-coded highlight and a level of transparency for each type of result:
Moving bodies with interferences
Static bodies with interferences
Noninterfering bodies
You can set one level of transparency, and then apply it to one or more of the types of bodies listed above.
Only visible parts are included in the interference calculations.
Viewing and Inspecting Dynamic Interference Results
A dynamic interference appears in the animation with the appearance defined in the Creo View Options dialog box. When one or more parts in a moving assembly have interferences, the entire assembly is displayed as an interference.
Each dynamic interference also adds an interference track in the Keyframe Editor pane of the lower data panel. You can use these tracks to select the corresponding parts in the graphics area and in the Structure Tree. Add a comment to one or more interference tracks, and it appears as a tooltip for the track. Open any interference track in a new, static view to perform a static Interference Detection query and analyze the results.
You can export a time-sequenced report of the results.