Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Verification Guide > Verification Overview
Verification Overview
Creo Simulate is a family of design analysis products. The main products are Structure and Thermal. Several optional modules are tightly integrated with these main products.
Creo Simulate documentation is written for mechanical engineers. It assumes a working knowledge of mechanical engineering theory, terminology, and practice. However, you do not need any specialized knowledge of design analysis to use Creo Simulate software or its documentation.
Read the following topics for information on using this book, Verification Guide, and for an overview of the documentation available for the current release. This preface covers:
Using This Guide
Using This Guide
The Verification Guide uses a series of problems, based on finite element models and mechanism analysis models for which analytic solutions are known, to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of Creo Simulate in the design analysis process.
Results are compared to those obtained using traditional analysis codes such as ANSYS, NASTRAN, and NAFEMS, or to theory. A number of problems are drawn from the well-known MacNeal-Harder finite element problem set.
The models used in this guide are located on the Creo installation disc. When you install Creo Simulate the models are saved to the folder <Load_Point>/Common Files/mech/ms_verf. You can use the models to rerun the studies on your platform.
There is a separate section in this guide for models verified by each of the Creo Simulate analysis types: Structure, Thermal, Vibration, Buckling, and Nonlinear. There is also a section for Structure optimization models.
Here are the topics covered in this guide:
Structure Models
Describes several static analysis problems and compares results.
Describes several modal analysis problems and compares results.
Thermal Models
Describes steady state thermal analysis problems and compares results.
Describes transient thermal analysis problems and compares results.
Vibration Models
Describes a dynamic time response analysis problem and compares results.
Describes a dynamic frequency response analysis and compares results.
Describes a dynamic shock response analysis problem and compares results.
Describes dynamic random response analysis problems and compares results for Structure with benchmark results.
Buckling Models
Describes a buckling analysis problem and compares results.
Nonlinear Models
Describes 2D and 3D contact problems and compares results.
Describes a prestress modal analysis problem and compares results.
Describes a large deformation analysis problem and compares results.
Describes static analyis with elasto-plastic material and compares results.
Optimization Models
Describes an optimized static structural model.
The results in this guide are from the current release of Creo Simulate.
If you are running these programs on a different platform, your results and what you see on the screen may differ slightly from the results and graphics in this document. We have not discovered any significant differences in any results on the different platforms that we support.
Identification System
The verification problems are identified by their study name. For example, mvsm003 indicates that this is the third Structure modal analysis problem in the Verification Guide. The study names are determined by the following convention:
First two alphabetic characters:
mv — Creo Simulate Verification
Third alphabetic character:
s — Structure
t — Thermal
o — Optimization
Fourth alphabetic character:
m — Modal
s — Static
l — Laminate
t — Dynamic Time Response
f — Dynamic Frequency Response
k — Dynamic Shock Response
b — Buckling
c — Contact
d — Large Deformation
p — Prestress
s — Steady-State
t — Transient
o — Optimization
Three digit numeral:
001 — Sequential problem number
Use these design study names if you want to run a study or review results.
Results Conventions
This section describes the conventions used in the results table included for each problem. Following is an example of a results table:
% Difference
Radial Deflection @ Load
Convergence %: 0.5% on Local Disp and SE
Max P: 7
No. Equations: 33
Refer to the following information for an explanation of each column in the results table:
Column 1 — Displays the results quantity of interest.
Column 2 — Displays the theoretical results, which are taken from the "Reference" listed on the first page of each model summary.
Column 3 (optional) — Displays results from other programs, in this case NASTRAN.
Column 4 — Displays Creo Simulate results.
Column 5 — Displays the percentage difference between the Creo Simulate results and the theoretical answer.
Beneath the results quantity name, in parentheses, is additional information you can use to view the results on your system. In this area, you will find one or more pieces of information (xxxx is the name of the measure, analysis, or load; x is the mode number):
measure name, denoted by (m=xxxx)
analysis name, denoted by (a=xxxx)
load name, denoted by (l=xxxx)
mode number (for modal analysis), denoted by (mode=x)
When multiple analyses, loads, or measures exist in a study, the analysis name and load name, measure name, or mode number are listed.
You can use this information in two ways. You can view or print out the study.rpt file in a shell, or you can view the information in the summary file for the design study. To display the summary file, open the model with the same name as the study, select Run from the Main menu, then select Status. Next, click the Design Study Status button to view the Summary and find the measure name.
For verification problems, the bottom line of the table displays the convergence percentage and the type of convergence, the maximum p-level order reached at convergence, and the number of equations required for convergence. For Structure models, the convergence option Local Edge Disp & Local Strain Energy is abbreviated as Local Disp and SE in this guide. For Thermal models, the convergence option Local Temp and Energy Norm is abbreviated Local Temp and EN.
Following is a list of references used in this guide:
Barlow, J., and Davies, G.A.O. Selected FE Benchmarks in Structural and Thermal Analysis. UK: NAFEMS, Revision 2, October, 1987.
Chahjes, A. Principles of Structural Stability Theory. Prentice-Hall, 1974.
Cameron, A.D., Casy, J.A., and Simpson, G.B. Benchmark Tests for Thermal Analysis (Summary). UK: NAFEMS, August, 1986.
Imai, Kanji. Configuration Optimization of Trusses by the Multiplier Method. LA: University of California, UCLA-ENG-7842.
Kane, T.R., and Levinson, D.A. Dynamics: Theory and Application. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1985.
Kreith, F. Principles of Heat Transfer. 2nd ed. PA: International Textbook Co., 1959.
Love, A.E.H. A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. 4th ed. NY: Dover Publications, 1944.
MacNeal, R.H., and Harder, R.L. "A Proposed Standard Set of Problems to Test Finite Element Accuracy." Finite Elements in Analysis and Design I. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1985.
MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation. MSC/NASTRAN Verification Problem Manual. MSC/NASTRAN Version 64, January, 1986.
Meriam, J.L. Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 2: Dynamics. NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1978.
Noor, A.K., and Mathers, M.D., "Shear-Flexible Finite-Element Models of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells." NASA TN D-8044. Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. December, 1975.
Roark, R. J., and Young, W. Formulas for Stress and Strain. 5th ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1982.
Schneider, P. J. Conduction Heat Transfer. 2nd ed. MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1957.
Shigley, J.E., and Uicker, J.J. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. NY: McGraw-Hill. 1980.
Swanson Analysis Systems, Incorporated. ANSYS Verification Manual.
Thomson, W.T. Theory of Vibration with Applications. NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2nd printing, 1981.
Timoshenko, S. Strength of Materials, Part II, Advanced Theory and Problems. 3rd ed. NY: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. 1956.
Timoshenko, S., and Young, D.H. Vibration Problems in Engineering. 3rd ed. NY: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. 1955.
Additional references pertaining to specific problems are listed where applicable.