Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Thermal Boundary Conditions > Convection Conditions > Convection Conditions
Convection Conditions
Use the convection boundary condition to define a convective heat exchange condition for one or more geometric entities in Thermal.
When you click Home > Convection Condition, the Convection Condition dialog box opens and displays the following items:
Name—The name of the boundary condition.
Member of Set—The name of the boundary condition set. You can select an existing boundary condition set from the Member of Set list, or click New to display the BC Set Definition dialog box and create a new set.
References—Select the type of entities and then select the geometric entities. You can select any one of the following entity types:
Surfaces—Select Individual, Boundary or Intent surfaces of your model. You can also select a surface set.
Points—Select a Single, Feature, Pattern of points, or Intent points.
Edges/Curves—Select Individual to select one or more curves, composite curves, or edges. Use Intent to select Intent chains.
If you select the geometric entity before opening the Convection Condition dialog box, your selection appears in the References collector when the dialog box opens.
In FEM mode you can apply convection condition only to a surface. You cannot apply the convection condition to a point, edge, or curve.
Advanced—Click Advanced to display the Spatial Variation and Temperature Dependence options of the Convection Coefficient, and Spatial Variation and Temporal Variation options of the Bulk Temperature with their default values. Click Advanced again, to hide these options. The Advanced button is not available if you change the default values of the Spatial Variation, Temperature Dependence and Temporal Variation options.
Convection Coefficient (h)
Spatial Variation
—Specify the Spatial Variation for convection coefficient.
Temperature Dependence—Specify whether the convection coefficient (h) is a Function of Temperature. When you select Function of Temperature from the drop-down list, the button appears along with a list of predefined functions.
Value—Specify the value of convection coefficient and select units from the drop-down list or accept the default units.
Bulk Temperature (Tb)
Spatial Variation—Specify the Spatial Variation for bulk temperature.
Temporal Variation—Specify whether the convection condition is Steady or a Function of Time. When you select Function of Time from the drop-down list, the button appears.
Value—Specify the value of bulk temperature and select the units from the drop-down list or accept the default units.
* Convection Conditions with temperature dependent coefficients or time varying bulk Temperature are not supported in FEM mode.
Preview h—Checks the spatial variation of the convection coefficient before you apply the convection condition to your model. Creo Simulate displays arrows in magenta color on the selected geometrical entity.
Preview Tb—Checks the spatial variation of bulk temperature before you apply the convection condition to your model. Creo Simulate displays arrows in magenta color on the selected geometrical entity.
* In the native mode, when you use an FNF file to import convection coefficient or bulk temperature, click Preview h or Preview Tb to display the Load Preview dialog box. You can use this dialog box to customize the preview of the convection condition.
Click OK to apply the convection condition. A convection condition icon is placed at all the locations where the condition is applied.
Refer to the Fundamentals Help for more information on surface sets.