Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Thermal Boundary Conditions > Convection Conditions > Spatial Variation for Convection Conditions
Spatial Variation for Convection Conditions
The Spatial Variation menu on the Convection Condition dialog box allows you to choose whether to apply the convection condition uniformly or as a condition that varies across the selected geometry. The menu offers you the following options:
Uniform—Use this option to apply a convection coefficient or bulk temperature that is uniform over the selected geometrical entity.
Function of Coordinates—Use this option if you want the convection condition to vary spatially over the selected single or multiple surfaces. When you choose this option, the button appears. Click to open the Functions dialog box.
External File Data— Use this option in native mode to import a convection condition FNF file that contains an externally calculated or measured convection coefficient or bulk temperature or both.
* In the native mode, this option is not available if you select points, edges, or curves as the Reference on the Convection Condition dialog box. This option is not available in FEM mode.
For additional information, see the following:
Creating FNF Files for External Loads and Constraints
Sample FNF File for External Convection Conditions
Return to Convection Conditions.