Creo Direct > Designing in the Creo Direct Environment > Working in Part Mode > Working with 3D Geometry > Creating 3D Geometry > Shell > To Create a Shell
To Create a Shell
1. Select one or more surfaces in the graphics window.
2. Click Home > Shell. A shell is created using the selected surfaces. An Options Toolbar opens and a linear dragger appears on the selected geometry. You can expand the Options Toolbar to open a Floating Dashboard.
3. In the Remove panel, the selected surfaces appear.
4. In the Thickness panel, the default shell thickness appears. Type a value or pull the linear dragger to adjust the thickness.
5. To flip the direction of the linear dragger, in the Thickness direction panel, click .
6. Click the collector in the Exclude panel and select one or more surfaces to exclude from the shell. To select multiple surfaces, hold down the CTRL key after selecting the first surface to select subsequent surfaces.
7. Middle-click to complete the operation.