Creo Direct > Designing in the Creo Direct Environment > Working in Part Mode > Working with 3D Geometry > Creating Datum Geometry > To Create a Datum Axis
To Create a Datum Axis
You can create datum axes in part or assembly mode. Use the following steps:
1. Select up to two placement references. A Live Toolbar appears.
2. Click . An Options Toolbar opens. Expand the Options Toolbar to open a Floating Dashboard. The selected placement references appear in the collector in the Placement panel. You can also perform the following actions using the Placement panel:
a. If required, add or remove the placement references. The placement collector displays the new selection. Accordingly, a new constraint type appears next to the placement collector.
b. Depending on the selected placement references, you can select a different constraint type from the list next to the placement collector. The constraints are Through, Normal, Tangent, and Center.
Based on the selected placement references, relevant constraint types appear in the list.
c. Repeat the above 2 steps until you have fully constrained the datum.
3. If you have selected Normal as the constraint type, you can use the Offset panel. To select and change the 2 offset references for the datum axis,
a. Click Display reference dimensions to display the offset reference dimensions.
b. Double-click the offset reference dimensions in the graphics window and type a new value.
4. To adjust the outline of the datum axes, on the Options Toolbar, click . Alternatively, in the Floating Dashboard, select the Adjust axis outline checkbox.
5. Middle-click to complete the operation.