You can change multiple faces' radii in a single step. This means that you can preserve a ring's profile while changing its radius.
To offset more than one axial surface,
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Modify 3D group, click More.
2. Click Radial Offset in the Modify section. The Radial Offset dialog box opens.
3. Select the faces to offset. You can draw a box in the viewport to select all the part's faces, and this command will only act on cylinders, cones, tori, and spun bsplines.
4. Set the following options:
a. Keep Tan: Preserve the tangential transitions between neighboring faces. Click Control to fix or unfix edges and faces. If you choose not to Keep Tan, smooth tangential transitions are replaced by edges.
b. Redo Blend: Allow the operation to make automatic adjustments to blends. Click Control to specify the blends to redo.
c. Chk & Fix: Use when you suspect a part is corrupt. Chk & Fix checks for self-intersections, knife edges, and void shells and attempts to fix them. If a part fails the check and fix, it is not modified and remains in its original state.
5. Type a distance to offset the axial surfaces, or resize them using the 3D CoPilot.
6. The Upd Rels option is available when the Parametrics module is active. Select this option to update relations with your changes.
You can toggle between Realistic and Quick to see either realistic feedback or quick feedback when you offset multiple axial faces in the viewport. See
Realistic feedback.
7. Click to complete the operation.
If you use the Radial Offset command on multiple parts, the successful operations are displayed as a partial result and the failures are displayed as labels (error feedback). The feedback labels are attached to the faces, on which the operation has failed.