The chamfer functions of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling enable you to add a flat section of material to a part. You can chamfer an edge between two adjacent surfaces. Chamfer can be applied to any type of geometry including edges adjacent to freeform surfaces. Chamfers can also be removed or modified as required. You can chamfer:
• Concave and convex edges
• Multiple edges simultaneously
You can chamfer edges with
• The same distance along adjacent faces (A).
• Two distances along adjacent faces (B).
• A fixed distance and angle with respect to one face (C).
Multiple edges
You can use different dimensioning schemes when you chamfer multiple edges in one session. Vertex regions are not chamfered, as shown in the figure below.
Freeform surfaces
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling chamfers freeform surfaces with respect to the linear distance from the intersection of the surfaces. This dimension is independent of the profile of the surface.
To create a chamfer on an edge,
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Engineering group, click the arrow next to Chamfer.
2. Click Distance, Dist / Dist, or Dist / Angle. The Create Chamfer dialog box opens.
3. Select a Type: Distance, Dist/Dist, or Dist/Angle.
4. Click Chain Selection if you want to select all tangentially connected edges with a single click. The sequence of edges stops when two edges are not tangentially connected, such as when the edge intersects with a corner.
5. Edit Definition: The Edit Definition check box is selected by default.
◦ You can change the definition of the current chamfer. For example, you can change the type of the chamfer. You can also select other edges to create the chamfers of the selected type.
◦ Clear the Edit Definition check box to complete the current chamfer and start creating a new chamfer on another edge without exiting the Create Chamfer command. You can create a chamfer of any type on the other edge.
6. Click Edges and select the edge to chamfer in the viewport. Press Shift to select multiple edges.
• Select an edge in the viewport and click on the Command Mini Toolbar (CMT) to create a constant distance chamfer.
• While creating a chamfer, drag the CoPilot arrows, press the SPACEBAR, and select Distance on the Option Mini Toolbar (OMT). The options available on the OMT depend on the selected element.
7. Set the chamfer values:
◦ Type value(s) for Distance.
◦ Type a value for Angle, if required.
◦ Drag the guide arrows in the viewport.
• You can click either Realistic or Quick to see either realistic feedback or quick feedback when you chamfer an edge in the viewport. See
Realistic feedback.
• You can press SPACEBAR or the assigned key to open the Option Mini Toolbar (OMT) and select (Next chamfer definition) on the OMT to complete the current chamfer and start creating a new chamfer (any type on any edge) without exiting the Create Chamfer command.
• Click Clear active selection to deselect the selected chamfers.
8. Other options:
◦ Feedback: Shows a wire frame preview of the chamfer.
◦ Labels: Add distance labels to each edge of the chamfer. The Labels option in the Create Chamfer dialog box adds labels to each chamfer with the distance. To change the default setting for labels, see
Change Modeling settings.
◦ Dragging: Displays the CoPilot handles. Drag the handles to change the distance of the chamfer.
◦ Chk & Fix: Check and attempt to fix self-intersections, knife edges, and void shells. If a part fails the check and fix, it is not modified and remains in its original state.
Click Preview to preview the model with chamfers.
9. Click to complete the operation.
• You cannot create two chamfers that meet at a vertex, where one is concave and one is convex. For example, you cannot chamfer the two edges highlighted in yellow: