Create drawings from models (Creo Elements/Direct Annotation) > Modify views > Change the contents of views > Modify detail and cutaway border
Modify detail and cutaway border
You can move, resize, and edit a cutaway and a detail border on its parent view to change the contents of the corresponding view. The changes to a small view are visible after you complete the Modify Border operation. The larger views require additional manual update.
To modify a cutaway or detail border,
1. Click Annotation and then, in the Setup group, click More.
2. Click Border in the View section. The Modify Border dialog box opens.
3. Click the cutaway or the detail border to modify.
4. Click one of the modification commands:
To move a detail border, click Move, click one of the following options:
Two Points
Specify the reference point (by clicking or with coordinates) of the resize and rotate operations. The default is the midpoint of the area enclosed by the detail border.
Type a horizontal offset in the user input line, or specify two points (by clicking or with coordinates) to define a horizontal distance to move the border.
Type a vertical offset in the user input line, or specify two points (by clicking or with coordinates) to define a vertical distance to move the border.
Click Apply or Cancel to accept or reject the changes in the view.
To resize a border, click Resize and specify a factor by which the detail border should be resized. The factor is relative to the current size.
Click Apply or Cancel to accept or reject the changes in the view.
To modify the border depth of a cutaway, click Depth, the menu expands and the 3D VP window opens. Specify one of the following options:
By Length
Sets the value of the depth of the cutaway border.
By Point
Sets the depth of the cutaway to a selected point on the part. The 3D VP window helps you to specify an exact point on the part.
By Face
Sets the depth of the cutaway to a selected face on the part. The selected face must be planar, and parallel to the plane of the cutaway border.
By Wp
Sets the depth of the cutaway to a selected workplane. The workplane must be parallel to the plane of the cutaway border. You can either select the workplane in the 3D VP window, type its name in the box, or select it in the Structure Browser.
To see the model in the 3D VP window as currently defined by the parent view (incl. cutaways), click Real View on Parent under Depth.
Click Apply or Cancel to accept or reject the changes in the view.
To see further available options, click Options.
Use the Preserve View Center button in the Detail View menu to keep the position of the detail view when its border is moved.
Preserve View Center—Use the Preserve View Center in the Modify Border dialog to keep the position of the detail view when its border is moved (default).
Visible Border—The border is visible in the view.
Cut Secured Parts (for cutaway only)—Also secured parts are cut.
Click Preview to see a preview of the result of Modify Border.
5. Continue modifying the detail border, or click in the Modify Border dialog box to complete the operation.