RBD Table Pane
The RBD Table pane displays a table with information about all diagrams inserted in the System file. The Block Diagrams and Phase Diagrams top-level folders are always present in this window. You cannot delete these top-level folders or insert any new top-level folders. However, under these two top-level folders, you can insert and delete any number of child folders. Deleting a child folder deletes all of its child items.
In a newly created System file, one diagram is present in each of the two top-level folders. The following table shows the icons representing the two types of diagrams that you can insert. In the Block Diagrams folder and its child folders, you can insert only block diagrams. In the Phase Diagrams folder and its child folders, you can insert only phase diagrams.
Diagram Type
Block Diagram
Phase Diagram
Within a top-level folder, you can cut, copy, and paste diagram records between child folders. For example, within the Block Diagrams folder, you can cut a record in one child folder and paste it in another child folder. However, you cannot paste this record into a child folder within the Phase Diagrams folder.
The Table Format file for the RBD Table determines the data fields that appear in it. The following table describes the two fields that appear in this table by default.
The unique identifier assigned to the diagram. A newly created System file has a default block diagram, which is assigned an identifier of Block Diagram1, and a default phase diagram which is assigned an identifier of Phase Diagram1. While an identifier is assigned to a diagram when you insert it, you can change it to any unique value. The formats for the assigned identifiers are specified by RBD Block Diagram Identifier and Phase Diagram Identifier under Identifiers in the System file properties. For more information, see Identifiers System File Properties.
A description of the diagram.
To have different fields appear in the RBD Table, you can modify its default Table Format file (Table Format (RBD)). You can delete this default file and create a custom Table Format file for the RBD Table. For more information, see Customizing Your Project.
When a record is selected in the RBD Table, the diagram itself is shown in the RBD Diagram pane. When a folder is selected in the RBD Table, a gray background is shown in the RBD Diagram pane. You can delete a diagram from the System file by deleting the record for it from the RBD Table. You can insert any number of block and phase diagrams. For more information, see: