Inserting a Block Diagram
You can insert any number of block diagrams in the System file by inserting records for them under the top-level Block Diagrams folder in the hierarchical tree structure of the RBD Table. A block diagram can be deleted from the System file by deleting its table record. For more information, see Deleting a Table Row.
1. In the RBD Table, select the Block Diagrams folder or, to insert the block diagram in a child folder, select or insert that child folder. For more information, see Inserting Diagram Folders.
2. To insert the diagram, do one of the following:
Press Insert.
Right-click and select New Block Diagram.
Select Insert > New Block Diagram.
For Identifier, the new diagram is assigned a unique identifier based on the setting for RBD Block Diagram Identifier under Identifier in the System file properties. The default format is Block DiagramX, where X is the next available numeric value. For more information, see Identifiers System File Properties.
You can repeat the above step multiple times to insert multiple diagrams. To reorder diagrams, you can use the standard Windows drag-and-drop technique.
For Identifier, you can modify the identifier assigned to the new diagram. Additionally, for Description, you can enter a description for the diagram.
3. In the RBD Diagram pane, insert blocks, connectors, junctions, and labels as necessary. For more information, see the appropriate topics in Block Diagram How-Tos.
RBD Diagram Library files and RBD Block Library files are described in RBD Support Files. If you have inserted diagrams or blocks in these support files, you can insert them, as well as NPRD and EPRD parts, into the System file using the Library Browse window. For more information, see Library Browse Window.