Junction Properties
The Properties window for a junction displays the properties assigned to it in a block diagram. The start node and end node are special types of junctions that are always shown in a newly created block diagram. The junctions that you typically insert in a block diagram are special objects that you use either to connect two or more connectors to form one connector or to split one connector off to form multiple connectors. To quickly open the properties assigned to any type of junction, you double-click the junction.
When you double-click a typical junction, its Junction Properties window opens. When you double-click the start node or end node, the Start Node Properties window or the End Node Properties window opens. While the properties in all of these Properties windows are basically the same, the Start Nodes Properties window does not have a Redundancy page.
These same Properties windows also display the visual properties assigned to junction styles in RBD Style Library files. For more information about these support files, see RBD Style Library Files.
In the title bar of the Properties window, the unique identifier for the junction is shown. In the Preview area, a sample of the selected junction style displays currently specified properties.
The following topics describe the properties on the various pages in a junction’s Properties window: