Workflow Steps Pane
The Workflow Steps pane provides for inserting the steps in your workflow process. Separate workflow processes can exist for each of the table types supported. The following table describes the options in this pane.
Table type
Provides for selecting the table for which to view workflow steps. The tables available for selection depend on the modules selected for use and whether certain tables are shown in the System file. Choices can include the following table types: FMEA Worksheet, FRACAS Incidents, FRACAS Maintenance Logs, FRACAS Operating Time, Problems, and System Tree Items.
Table columns
The following columns appear in the table in the Workflow Steps pane. Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last row inserts a new step. For more information, see Inserting a Workflow Step.
Display Text
The name assigned to the workflow step.
The unique code assigned to the workflow step. For more information, see Codes.
Any notes or comments about the step.