The Graph Wizard walks you through the steps necessary to generate a graph from the data in a System file. During this process, you can save the settings for the graph to a Graph Template file, thereby creating a predefined graph that you can then quickly generate again at any time. Once a graph is generated, it is shown in the Graph Designer, where you can modify it even further.
During installation, the Graph Template files in the Supplied folder on the application server are copied into the Common Library so that they are available for immediate use. You can also copy any custom Graph Template files that you create into the Common Library and enable them for use in any or all of your Projects. For more information, see Copying Files from Another Project into the Project Open in the Project Properties Window.
The following topics provide comprehensive information about using the Graph Wizard, Graph Template files, and Graph Designer:
Detailed information about the supplied Graph Template files for a module appears in the “Reporting and Graphing” section for that particular module. For example, detailed information about the supplied Graph Template files for the Prediction module appears in Prediction Custom Graphs.