Inserting Blocks into an RBD Block Library File
Two methods exist for inserting blocks into an RBD Block Library file. The following table describes these methods and provides references to the topics that explain how to use them. An advantage to using the second method is that if an RBD Block Library file does not exist, one is created.
Insertion directly in the RBD Block Library file
If you create a new or open an existing RBD Block Library file, you can insert new blocks directly in this file.
Insert Selection into Library command
From the System file, you can insert one or more selected blocks in the RBD Diagram pane into the RBD Block Library file.
When you insert System file blocks into a Library file, if blocks with the same identifiers exist in the library file, they are assigned new identifiers. For example, assume a block in the System file has an identifier of Block1. If you inserted this block into a new RBD Block Library file three times, three blocks with the following identifiers would be inserted: Block1, Block 1(1), and Block1(2).