Mission Profile Definition Pane
The Mission Profile Definition pane lists the profiles inserted in the Mission Profile file. The following table provides column descriptions.
Mission Profile Definition
The unique name for the mission profile. This field cannot be left blank. A text string must be entered in this field. A newly created Mission Profile file contains a default mission profile named Default Profile. This is because a mission time is required for various prediction calculations. The mission time specified in this default profile is 100 hours. In the Prediction calculation properties, the default for Mission Profile is the first profile in the Mission Profile Definition pane. For more information, see Prediction Calculation Properties.
Show Prediction Fields
Indicates whether to show temperature and environment fields from the Prediction module in the Mission Profile Phases pane. When this checkbox is selected (default), the Mission Profile Phases pane displays the following fields: Mission Phase, Phase Code, Percent, Temperature, Active Environment, Dormant, Dormant Environment, and Remarks. When this checkbox is cleared, this pane displays only the following fields: Mission Phase, Phase Code, Percent, and Remarks.
Mission Time
The total amount of time in hours that the system operates to complete the entire mission.
Total Percentage
The sum of all values in the Percent column for the mission profile phase records associated with this profile. This field is display-only. If the value in this field is greater than 100 or less than 100, a Warning symbol appears to the right.
Placing the mouse cursor over the warning symbol displays a message, indicating that the sum of the mission phase percentages is either greater than or less than 100 percent.
Any notes or comments about the profile.
Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last table row inserts a mission profile. For more information, see Inserting a Mission Profile.