FIDES Mission Profile Phases Pane
The FIDES Mission Profile Phases pane lists the phases for the profile selected in the FIDES Mission Profile pane. This table indicates the types of constraints experienced by the system in a particular phase. These constraints can be environmental, thermal cycling, mechanical, and/or chemical in nature. The following table provides column descriptions.
Phase Name
The unique name for the mission phase. This field cannot be left blank. A text string must be entered in this field.
Phase Code
The unique code assigned to the phase. For more information, see Codes. The primary purpose for phase codes is to link the phases defined here in the FIDES Mission Profile file to the phases in your Prediction FIDES Application Factor files. If you later decide to rename a phase in the FIDES Mission Profile file, you can leave the phase code field unchanged so that you do not have to update all of your Prediction FIDES Application Factor files. You can also use phase codes in reports.
Calendar Time (hours)
The amount of time in hours that the system operates in the phase. Because the FIDES methodology generally recommends the prediction be for one year, a warning icon appears to the right of Total Time if the summation of the calendar times for all phases in the profile is not equal to 8760 hours.
Indicates if the system is operating or dormant in the phase. Thermal constraints are ignored when the system is in a non-operating phase.
Ambient Temperature (°C)
The ambient (environmental) temperature when operating in the phase.
Humidity (%)
The rate of relative humidity in the system’s atmosphere in the phase. The range is between 0 and 100. The default is 70. In most cases, the relative humidity constraint is ignored when the system is operating.
Delta Temperature (°C)
A temperature adjustment value in degrees C. This value is used to address the rise in temperature associated with a cycling phase.
Number of Cycles (per year)
The number of thermal cycles associated with the cycling phase over a year.
Cycle Duration (hours)
The length of time between the system cycling on and off.
Max Cycling Temperature (°C)
The highest temperature in degrees C that is recorded during a cycling phase. The default is 0. The range if from -99.9 to 999.9
Random Vibrations (Grms)
The level of random vibration expressed in Grms (G root mean square) in the relevant frequency range for the system. This mechanical constraint is associated with a phase where the equipment is subjected to random vibrations. The default is 0.
Saline Pollution
The level of natural chemical contribution in the environment. While this is generally salinity, it might also be dust. Choices are Weak - Continental Region and Strong - Coastal Region. The default is Weak - Continental Region.
Environmental Pollution
The level of industrial chemical contribution or environmental pollution. Choices are Weak - Rural Region, Moderate - Urban Region, and Strong - Urban and Industrial Region. The default is Weak - Rural Region.
Application Pollution
The level of local chemical contribution due to the equipment’s position in the system (local pollution). Choices are Weak - Inhabited, Maintained Zone; Moderate - Uninhabited, No Maintenance Zone; and Strong - Power Zone. The default is Weak - Inhabited, Maintained Zone.
Protection Level
The type of protection level provided by the system. This does not refer to component hermeticity but rather to the protection level provided by the entire system. Choice are Hermetically Sealed and Non-Hermetically Sealed. The default is Hermetically Sealed. For example, a circuit board that is used in an aircraft is sealed away in the aircraft except for during the maintenance phase, when it is then exposed.
Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last table row inserts a phase. For more information, see Inserting a FIDES Mission Profile Phase. You can delete all phase records for the selected profile.