FIDES Lead Free Question Set
The Prediction FIDES Lead Free Factor file displays a table with many questions to answer. The following table describes the options for this question set. For each question, you supply data only for Answer. Based on your answers for all questions, the Pi lead free factor is calculated.
The unique number assigned to the question to distinguish it from all other questions.
The category to which the question applies. This standard uses the following four categories:
Procurement, logistics, storage
Assembly process
The quality to evaluate.
The specific weight assigned to the criteria. The range is between 3 and 20. A low number indicates that the criteria has a weak effect on the Pi lead free value, and a high number indicates that the criteria has a strong effect on the value.The weights used are those specified for the recommendation in the FIDES 2009 standard, FIDES Guide 2009, Reliability Methodology for Electronic Systems
The response to the criterion that is being evaluated. Valid choices are Yes and No. Leaving this field blank is also valid. A blank indicates that the question does not apply and so is not included in the calculation of the lead free grade.
Weighted Points
The value obtained when Yes is selected. For example, if 8 is the Weight value, the Weighted Points value is 8 when Yes is selected.