Create Style Window
The Create Style window provides for creating a new style in a Markov or RBD Style Library file, depending on the diagram object type. This window opens when you select the Copy Visual Properties to Style command, which is available under the Copy Properties command on either the shortcut menu or Edit menu. For more information, see Copying and Reusing Object Properties.
You cannot leave the field for entering a style name blank. Once you enter a name and click OK, a new style is created in a custom Style Library file having the same visual properties as the selected dominant object. The properties are copied directly to the custom Style Library file for the module and not to the Windows Clipboard. If no custom Style Library file exists in the Project, one is created.
If more than one custom Style Library file exists in the Project, the new style is inserted in the file at the top of the search order list for that file type. If a style with the same name already exists in the Style Library file, the new style is assigned a suffix of (X), where the X is a number to indicate the number of occurrences of styles with this same name. For example, if you entered Block Style as the style name and a style with this name already exists in the Style Library file, this new style is assigned a file name of Block Style (1).
Comprehensive information about Markov and RBD Style Library files appear in the following topics: