Add Classification Attributes
If you add an attribute to a parent node, it is automatically added to all child nodes as an inherited attribute.
To add, remove, or modify classification attributes, the node must be in edit mode.
Do not add attributes with the same display name to different classification nodes. By using different names you can avoid confusion for users when they are adding and displaying attribute values.

Adding an Existing Reusable Attribute
1. From the classification information page, select Actions > Edit.
2. Select the Attributes tab.
3. Click the add attribute icon .
4. Click the find icon next to the Reusable Attribute field.
5. The Attribute Definition window displays a list of available reusable attributes. Select the attribute you want to add and click OK.
6. The Internal Name and Display Name fields are automatically populated with information defined for the reusable attribute. You can optionally supply a description in the Description field.
7. Click OK or Apply.

Creating a Reusable Attribute
Users with appropriate permissions can create a new reusable attribute to add. For information on providing permission, see Allow Classification Administrators to Create Reusable Attributes.
Administrators can also create reusable attributes through the Type and Attribute Management utility. For more information, see Creating Reusable Attributes.
1. From the classification information page, select Actions > Edit.
2. Select the Attributes tab.
3. Click the add attribute icon .
4. Click the create icon next to the Reusable Attribute field.
5. Complete the following fields:
Folder Location
This is used to organize reusable attributes. For more information, see Managing Reusable Attributes.
Display Name
Enter a display name for the attribute.
The Internal Name value is created from the display name by automatically removing all spaces and illegal characters. The internal name can include alphanumeric characters, underscores ( _ ), and periods ( . ). The name cannot be more than 200 characters.
For example, if you enter Rotational-Part Component 1 as a display name, the resulting internal name is “RotationalPartComponent1.”
Data Type
Select a data type for the attribute. For more information, see Supported Data Types.
Boolean—The value can be one of two selections. For example, true or false.
Date & Time—Date-only value or date and time value. Displays in a format appropriate for the browser locale and your system configuration settings.
Integer Number—Number without decimal points.
Real Number—Decimal number.
Real Number with Units—Decimal number with measurement units.
Reference—Reference a Windchill object type.
String—A text string. The string can be a user-supplied value, or you can use the attribute constraints to specify a list from which users can select a value.
URL—Link to external content, such as a web page. For more information, see Hyperlink Attributes.
Quantity of Measure
This field is enabled when you select Real Number with Units as the data type.
Select a measurement type to apply to the attribute value. For more information, see Windchill Units.
6. Optionally supply a description in the Description field.
7. Click OK or Apply.

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