Supported Data Types
The following data types are supported for attributes:
Data Type
Values Associated with Data Type
Date and Time or Date & Time
Date-only value or date and time value. Displays in a format appropriate for the browser locale and your system configuration settings.
Decimal number. The decimal and grouping separators display appropriately for the browser locale setting.
Hyperlink or URL
Allows linking to some external content, such as a web page. Specified as a URL and an optional label. For more information, see Hyperlink Attributes.
Integer Number
Numerical values without decimal points. The grouping separator is displayed appropriately for the browser locale.
Object Reference or Reference
Associates this Windchill business class (type) with another Windchill business class.
Real Number
Decimal number.
Real Number values always render with the same number of significant digits as entered by the user when the value was originally specified.
The decimal and grouping separators are displayed appropriately for the browser locale.
Real Number with Units
Decimal number with units.
Real Number with Units values always render with the same number of significant digits as entered by the user when the value was originally specified.
The decimal and grouping separators are displayed appropriately for the browser locale.
Use the Real Number with Units data type when you want users to enter values in the units with which they are comfortable, and have the system automatically convert the values to the appropriate unit of measure.
The units (quantity of measure) are determined when the attribute is originally created. When a user enters a value for a Real Number with Units attribute, they can enter a value with units, and the system automatically converts the value to the appropriate quantity of measure specified for the attribute. If the user enters only a number, the system assumes the number is already in the appropriate quantity of measure.
For more information, see Managing Quantities of Measure.
Text string.
For Real Number and Real Number with Units data types, to display the locale-specific grouping separators, set the com.ptc.core.meta.common.NumericToolkit.GROUPING_SEPARATOR_ENABLED property. If this property is enabled, the view of the grouping separator is enabled. For example, different languages use different grouping separators:
English (EN): “,” (comma). For example, 1,234
German (DE): “.” (dot). For example, 1.234
French (FR): (space). For example, 1 234
Enabling this property allows you to enter the separator before saving the value. If this property is disabled, entering a locale-specific separator displays an error.
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