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Depending on the object type, user access, and the software you have installed, certain tables might not be available options. For more information, see Understanding Data Accessibility.
Individual user, context, and site-level preference settings might also affect the table options available to you. For more information, see Preference Management.
Action Items
Action items associated with the selected object.
End items that are affected by the change object.
This table can be accessed from the information page of a problem report, change request, or variance.
Affected Objects
Objects that are affected by the change object.
The table can be accessed from the information page of a problem report, change request, or variance.
Depending on the change object type, see the following topics for more information:
Generated reports or documents associated with a meeting that provide an outline of discussion topics.
Allocated Parts
Any parts that have been allocated to an operation.
This table is available by selecting Parts, and can be accessed from the information page of an operation.
Allocated Resources
Resources that have been allocated to an operation.
Resources are the entities, such as personnel or equipment, that perform production activities. Resources may be physical (work centers, tooling, process materials) or human (skill).
This table is available by selecting Resources, and can be accessed from the information page of an operation.
Alternate For
Parts for which the selected part is an alternate.
An alternate for a part can replace another part in every assembly, as opposed to a substitute, which can replace a part in a specific assembly only.
The Two-Way column on the Alternate For table indicates that the parts can act as alternates for each other. If a user changes the alternate relationship from two-way to one-way in the Alternates table, the change is reflected in the Two-Way column.
For more information, see Managing Replacement Parts.
Alternates for the selected part.
An alternate for a part can replace another part in every assembly, as opposed to a substitute, which can replace a part in a specific assembly only.
You can use this table to manage and select alternates. For more information, see Replacement Tables on Information Page Tabs.
Any annotations associated with the given object.
Annotations suggest changes in a product structure (such as adding or removing parts) without making those changes permanent. An icon appears for each annotation. If it is a visual annotation, a thumbnail graphic appears. Otherwise, the structural annotation icon ![]() |
Associated Activities
Any activity that has been associated with the deliverable.
Deliverables can be linked to multiple objects. Linking a deliverable with an activity is typically managed as part of a project plan. For more information, see Deliverables.
Associated Deliverables
Any deliverables associated with the activity. You can use this table to create new deliverables or delete existing ones.
For more information, see Deliverables.
All objects currently in the baseline.
A baseline lists the specific versions of the object at a given point in time.
You can also use this table to manage the baseline objects.
Baselines to which the selected object belongs.
A baseline lists the specific versions of the object at a given point in time. You can select two baselines in the table and then click the compare information icon ![]() |
CAD/Dynamic Documents
Dynamic documents and CAD models that represent or are associated with the object.
For more information, see About Association.
Completed Deliverables
Completed deliverables associated with a variant specification.
A variant specification is the collection of inputs and selections specified for a particular configurable part structure, and is used to create a variant.
This table is available by selecting Deliverables, and can be accessed from the information page of a variant specification.
For more information, see Windchill Options and Variants Capabilities.
Configurable Module
Configurable modules are included in a product structure as a way to build in variability in the product. For more information, see Configurable Modules.
Additional contexts that include related information for the object.
When you add a context reference to an object, that object is searchable from the Network table of the related context using the Search for Related Objects action.
Control Characteristics
Control characteristics that are associated with the part, process plan, and operation.
Control characteristics are any functional features or geometrical or material properties, that can be qualified, measured, or quantified, and for which variation or deviation control is necessary.
For more information, see Control Characteristics.
Any deliverables associated with the object.
Depending on the object type and context, you can use this table to create a new deliverable.
For more information, see Deliverables.
Described By Documents
Documents that describe the selected object.
You can use this table to create new documents and associate the object with existing documents.
For more information, see Object Relationships and Associating a Part to a Document.
Describes Parts
Any parts that the selected document describes.
You can use this table to associate the document with a part. The document can also be defined as describing a part when added from the Described By Documents table on the part information page.
This table is available by selecting Parts, and is accessed from the information page of a document.
For more information, see Object Relationships and Associating a Part to a Document.
Distribution targets that are associated with an object.
This table is available from the information page of a part, process plan, or resource (such as process materials, skills, or tooling).
Enterprise Data
Enterprise data is a versioned, workable object in Windchill that is used to store data that needs to be published to an ERP system.
There are two kinds of enterprise datathat are managed by the system: common enterprise data (CED) and view-specific enterprise data (VSED). Common enterprise data consists of attributes and related objects that are shared across all revisions and iterations of a particular master. View-specific enterprise data consists of attributes and related objects that are shared across all revisions and iterations of a particular view. For more information, see About Enterprise Data
Defines a collection of CAD parts that shares the same generic properties as the given part, but deviate slightly in one or two aspects (such as size or detail features).
This table is available by selecting Family, and can be accessed from the information page of generic or instance CAD documents.
Impacted Objects
Baselines that are impacted by a change task.
Impacted By Objects
Change tasks that impact a baseline.
Change tasks that are required to implement a change. From this table, you can also modify those tasks.
Included in Delivery
Deliveries associated to any package of which the object is a member.
All deliveries are displayed, including those that have already been sent.
This table is available by selecting Packages.
Included in Package Contents
Packages of which the object is a member.
The object may be an initially selected member or a member brought in using a collection rule.
This table is available by selecting Packages. For more information, see About Package Content.
Included in Package Initially Selected
Packages of which the object is an initially selected member.
This table is available by selecting Packages.
Made From
Raw-material or semi-finished parts associated with the selected part. For more information, see Raw Material, Semi-finished Parts, and Finished Parts.
Managed Collections
Managed collections of which the object is a member.
Matching Variant Specifications
Other variant specifications or variant parts that are associated with this variant specification.
This table can only be accessed from the information page of a variant specification.
For more information, see Creating and Managing Variants .
Windchill meetings that have referenced the object.
Generated reports or documents that outline the minutes recorded for the meeting.
Module Variant
Variant parts that are associated with the configurable module.
Groups, users, or organizations invited to attend a Windchill meeting.
Plant Specific Functional Data
Functional data objects related to the plants associated with the selected part.
For more information, see Plant-specific Functional Data.
A predecessor is a task that must start or finish before another task or activity can start or finish. Each predecessor task is represented by its task ID number, which may be followed by a dependency type and the lead or lag time.
This table can be accessed from the information page of a milestone or activity. If viewing the information page of a package, it is available by selecting Successors.
Process Plans
Process plans that have been associated with a part.
Process plans are the detailed description of what needs to be done on the shop floor to produce, inspect, repair, or maintain a given part or assembly.
For more information, see Linking a Process Plan to a Part.
Process Plan Use
Process plans in which the selected manufacturing capability, process material, work center, skill, or tooling is used.
For more information, see Manufacturing Resources.
Promotion Objects
Objects that are undergoing a promotion, as well as objects that are relevant for the review of a promotion request.
The promotion process is used to transition an object from one state in its life cycle to the next.
This table can be accessed from the information page of a promotion request or work item.
For more information on promoting objects, see Promotion Process.
Referenced By
Documents or parts that reference the object.
For more information, see Object Relationships.
Documents or parts that the selected object references.
For more information, see Object Relationships.
Related BoMs
Any bill of materials (BOM) associated with the note you are viewing.
A bill of materials is a product structure report that identifies the items required to assemble a product.
This table is available by selecting BoMs.
Related Interferences
Any detected interferences related to the selected part or assembly.
Displays any interference detection reports associated with the interference detection job or definition.
Displays parts, documents, manufacturing and vendor parts, documents for the manufacturing and vendor parts, and CAD documents related to the parts being released on a change.
This table is available on information pages of applicable change notices and change tasks. For more information, see
Related Parts
Parts that are associated with the object you are viewing.
This table is available by selecting Parts.
Depending on the software you have installed, this table can display the parts associated with a process plan, note, or CAD document.
Resources assigned to the activity or assignment.
Resources are necessary to complete a project or program, such as personnel or equipment.
Requested Deliverables
Deliverables that have been requested (but are not yet completed) during the configuration process of a variant.
This table is available by selecting Deliverables, and can only be accessed from the information page of a variant specification.
For more information on variants, see Variant Specification Information Page.
Review Objects
Objects that are affected by the change review.
The table can be accessed from the information page of a change review.
Source and Image
The sources or images for the CAD or dynamic document whose information page you are viewing.
Symbols in a status column indicate if the source and image are in sync or out of date.
This table is available by selecting CAD/Dynamic Documents.
For more information, see Source and Image CAD or Dynamic Documents.
The object associated with an action item.
Substitute For
Parts for which the given part is a substitute.
A substitute part can replace another part in a specific assembly, as opposed to an alternate part that can replace another part in all assemblies.
For more information, see Replacement Tables on Information Page Tabs.
Substitutes for the given part.
A substitute part can replace another part in a specific assembly, as opposed to an alternate part that can replace another part in all assemblies.
For more information, see Replacement Tables on Information Page Tabs.
Lists relationships between a package and subsequent revisions of that package.
For more information, see Adding Successors.
Displays information when a part has been superseded or if a part has been used to supersede a part. Parts displays in a hierarchy where the child part is being superseded by the parent part. As parts are superseded by additional parts, the hierarchy expands. The part for the information page you are currently viewing is highlighted in the table. From this table, the undo supersede icon ![]() |
Tasks for Change Process
The tasks related to the object, as well as any related changes.
Variant Specifications
Variant specifications related to the configurable or variant part. Click the compare variant solution icon ![]() |