Undo Supersede
The undo supersede action removes the supersede relationship between parts. It does not remove any parts from the Windchill system. An Edit Supersede action is also available. For more information, see Editing Supersede Relationships.
The undo supersede icon is available from the Supersedes table on part information pages. Use the following procedure to undo a supersede relationship.
1. Go to the Supersedes table on a part information page. Parts display in a hierarchy where the parent part supersedes the child part. The part for the information page you are currently viewing is in bold font.
To add the Supersedes table, customize your information page tabs. Select Customize > Related Objects > Supersedes.
2. Select the child part in the supersede relationship that you want to undo.
3. Click the undo supersede icon .
View the Supersede History table to see the supersede relationships that have been added or removed for a part.
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