Affected End Items Table
There is a preference (Affected End Items Display) that controls the visibility of the Affected End Items table. The default is Yes indicating that the table is displayed. If the preference is set to No, the step Select Affected End Items does not display when creating or editing problem reports, variances, and change requests. In addition, the Affected End Items table does not display on the information pages of those objects.
The only objects you can add to the Affected End Items table are end item parts. Any changes to the relationship to the change object occurs either when you click Finish or when you bypass the submittal step.
Places a copy of the selected object temporarily on the clipboard where it is available to be saved in a new location using the paste icon.
Saves a copied object from the clipboard to the selected location.
Paste selection
Opens a window from which you can select objects from the clipboard that you want added to the table.
Takes the selection out of the Affected End Items table.
Opens a window from which you can search for objects to add to the table.
The Affected End Items table makes use of autosuggest for adding objects to the table. For more information, see Quick Entry Using Autosuggest.
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