Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Windchill Service Information Manager — S1000D Module > Working with the Publication Structure in S1000D > Create a Publication
Create a Publication
While Publication Structure is a Windchill term, the type Publication Module and numbering convention PMC-xxx reflect S1000D terminology.
To create a publication structure:
1. In the Navigator pane, select the product and then click Publication Structures.
2. Click the New Publication Structure (New Publication Structure) toolbar button. The Create New Publication Structure dialog box is displayed.
3. The type of publication structure (publication module) that can be created for the product is set in the Type field.
4. Set the Authoring Language for the product.
5. Complete the publication structure attributes as required.
6. If you are creating an S1000D 4.2 publication structure, you can set a Publication Module Type attribute for the structure.
You can select a value from the list of Publication Module Type look-up objects available in the S1000D Look-up Library library for the product.
For more information, see Publication Module Types.
7. Select a default Publication Identifier for the structure. This is used to define the default directory in the product’s DMS Output Path location that will receive Servigistics InService A&D output from the publication structure.
For more information, see Create New Publication Structure Dialog Box
This field is not available for an S1000D 4.2 publication structure. Publishing of Servigistics InService A&D output is not supported for S1000D 4.2 products.
8. Click Finish.
The new publication structure is displayed in the list of publication structures.
9. Select the new publication structure and select Open in Publication Structure Editor from the Actions pull-down menu.
The publication structure is displayed.
10. Add the required content to the publication structure.
For more information, see About Publication Structures.
S1000D publication types are supported by an Arbortext Styler stylesheet (.style file). To edit the stylesheet for a publication module, follow these steps:
1. Open the full version of Arbortext Styler outside of Windchill.
2. Use the Open in Arbortext Editor option in Windchill to open the PMC in the active session of Arbortext Styler.
3. Use the Styler > Open Stylesheet option to access the stylesheet for the publication.