Install the Servigistics InService A&D Host Certificate File
1. Go to the Operating System (OS) of the Servigistics InService A&D server.
◦ Using a folder explorer, navigate to this install folder:
◦ Find the Servigistics InService A&D certificate file. The file has the host name of the machine, for example
◦ Make a local copy of the Servigistics InService A&D host certificate file.
2. Go to the OS of the Windchill server.
◦ Using a folder explorer, navigate to the Java install for Windchill.
This is the Java installation that is specified when you install Windchill using the PTC Solution Installer.
◦ Navigate to the \bin directory at this location:
◦ Copy the Servigistics InService A&D host certificate file to this location.
◦ Open a command prompt in the same location.
◦ Run the following command on the Key Tool to install the certificate:
keytool -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -importcert –alias <> -file <>
◦ At the Enter keystore password prompt, enter the default value changeit.
◦ At the Trust this certificate? [no]: prompt, enter yes.
◦ Repeat these steps to install the host certificate on all clustered Windchill servers.