Group Details View
You can access the group details view by clicking the

icon for the static group whose details you want to view. The view opens in a dynamic tab, which displays the type of group in brackets on a mouse hover over the tab.
Group Details
At the top of the page, information about the
Restricted attribute,
Status, and
Description is shown. Click

to open the new edit group window. For details, see,
Edit Group Details.
|  indicates that you cannot edit group details. |
The following group details are displayed:
• Group Permissions: A list of allowed and denied permissions for the group on
Workflows & Documents and
Configuration Management are displayed. Click

to edit the permissions. For details, see
Edit Defined Permissions.
|  indicates that you cannot edit group permissions. |
• View Resolved Permissions: Provides an ability to view resolved permissions for a project upon entering the configuration path. You can also view the member permissions by providing the configuration path of the project or subproject and member name.
• Group Members: Displays members in the group where:
: Indicates that a user is a member of the group.
: Indicates that a group is a member of the group.
|  indicates that you cannot edit group members. For details, see the section “Considerations for Editing the Group Members” in Edit Group Members. |
• Associated Dynamic Groups: Displays a list of dynamic groups that the group belong to.
• Project Membership: Displays the type of membership the group has for Workflows & Documents projects. The group can have administrative privileges, member privileges, or both for a project.
The icons for a project the following:
: Indicates that the group is a member of the project.
: Indicates that the group is an administrator for the project.

: Indicates that the group is both an administrator and a member for the project.
For Configuration Management projects, a list of all top-level projects is displayed.
• History: Displays the historic entries the group has for
Workflow & Documents. For details, see the
History section in
My 360-degree View Tab.
You can navigate to the details page of any project in the list by clicking the

icon for the project.
Dynamic Group Details View
You can access the Dynamic group details view by clicking the

icon for the dynamic group whose details you want to view. At the top of the page, information about the
Domain, and
Description is shown. Click

to open the new edit dynamic group window to update the
Description. Click
Save, to commit the changes or
Cancel to discard them.
The following dynamic group details are displayed:
• Project and User Membership: Displays a list of projects for which membership of principals is defined. Associated principals of a selected project in the left pane are displayed in the right pane.
• Principals in the selected Dynamic Group: A list of members in the dynamic group project that is selected in the left pane are displayed.
• History: Displays the historic entries the dynamic group has for
Workflow & Documents. For details, see the
History section in
My 360-degree View Tab.
| Child projects with inherited permissions are not displayed in the list. |
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