Edit Group Members
To open the edit group members window:
1. Navigate to the group details view.
2. In the
Group Members section, click

A new edit group members window opens.
You can do the following:
• Search for a principal name: Type more than 2 characters in the
Search Principals box and press ENTER or click

. To search for exact member name, select the
Exact Search checkbox.
| A partial search fetches a maximum of 400 records (200 users and 200 groups). |
• Filter results: In the Available and Selected sections, use the Filter box to search the contents.
• Add members: Select members from the
Available section, click

, and then click
Save for adding the selected members to the group.
To add all the members from the
Available section, click

and then click
Save for adding to the group.
• Remove members: Select members from the
Selected section, click

, and then click
Save to remove the selected members from the group.
To remove all the members, click

, and then click
Save to remove members from the group.
• Discard changes: Click Cancel to discard your edits.
Considerations when Editing the Group Members
This section lists the permissions required for editing the group members. The SUM administrator is the logged-in user and the group is the parent group for which you are editing the members.
• To edit the group members, the logged-in user must have the AdminServer permission on the mks:system:mksdomain ACL.
• The parent group must be a system group. LDAP groups imported into Workflow and Documents (IM) cannot be edited.
• If the parent group is a restricted group, the logged-in user must have the RestrictGroup permission on the mks:system:mksdomain ACL.